Anthem City: Fall of the Possum


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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Blaze » Mon Apr 22, 2013 12:30 am

Alicia gives a nod and a small smile.

"I'll be in the kitchen doing homework. I won't bother you if you don't bother me."

She leaves the room as Eliza collects Georgia's stained shirt with a smile. Said shirt is pink with a red heart on it, the words 'Baby Girl' written under it in white.
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Apr 22, 2013 12:43 am

Georgia pushed her arms through the t-shirt, and tugged it down to her waist. As she was pulling her auburn twin tails from the neck, she peered again at he words on the front of the shirt, her fingers brushing along the heart.

"Thanks for the shirt, Eliza... ", she said with a blush, hugging the dark-skinned girl before lowering herself down onto one of the bean bags. Her brown eyes glanced towards the kitchen door for a moment, and then she looked up at Dana.

"So what usually happens next?".
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Blaze » Mon Apr 22, 2013 4:17 am

Eliza smiles and hugs back. Alicia calls from the kitchen, having heard Georgia's question.

"At our initiation parties, we usually haze the new recruits... make them do something humiliating, to deepen our camaraderie through embarrassing memories or whatever."
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Apr 22, 2013 4:31 am

At the sound of Alicia's voice, Georgia glanced towards the kitchen. Her eyebrows arched as the older girl explained how things usually happened, and she squimed on her bean bag, sipping from the soda can.

"Well, I definitely want to bond...", she murmured, looking back and forth between Dana and Eliza. "Not sure Alicia's suggestion would work for us though... seems a bit childish...".
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Blaze » Mon Apr 22, 2013 8:09 am

Dana seems to muse over the idea, looking to the others.

"Well, we're still young, we should have fun doing childish things while we can... of course, it's up to you, you would be the one doing it." she says.
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Apr 22, 2013 8:18 am

Georgia chewed her bottom lip, looking around at the cheerleaders. She was surprised by how much she wanted to fit in, and figured it would be near impossible for any embarrassment they could dream up to match what had already happened to her in the last few days.

"Well, if this is what it takes to bond... sure, I can handle it".
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Blaze » Mon Apr 22, 2013 8:53 am

Dana gives a small giggle and pats Georgia on the shoulder.

"Brave of you. But what could we do?..."

The other cheerleaders consider that question... Eliza stares intently at the shirt she gave Georgia, a grin lighting up her face.
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Apr 22, 2013 9:49 am

Georgia tried to maintain a relaxed expression as she finished off her soda while the large number of girls were focusing on her. She spotted Eliza staring at her chest, and then tilted her head slightly, looking confused when the large-chested girl grinned.

"I don't get it...", she said, looking to Dana and the others hesitantly.
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Blaze » Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:26 pm

"Baby girl. We have some diapers for my grandmother..."

THe other cheerleaders get the same grin as they connect the dots. Even Dana giggles at the thought!
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Apr 23, 2013 12:44 am

Georgia's fingers brushed over the words on her t-shirt, and her face flushed bright red as Eliza revealed her idea, and she heard the other girls giggling. She met Dana's gaze, finding her laughter such a sweet sound, and then peered towards the kitchen door, hoping Alicia hadn't heard.

"Y-You girls won't tell anyone else, right?", she murmured, knowing that backing out now wouldn't go down well, and would not be the best way to bond with her new squad. She could feel her heart racing, and squirmed again on the bean bag, setting down the empty soda can.
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Blaze » Tue Apr 23, 2013 2:15 am

"Of course not!" Dana says, to the agreement of everyone else.

"Cheerleader's honor." Eliza says with a nod, making a cross over her heart.
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Apr 23, 2013 2:22 am

Georgia looked back and forth between them, blushing, the fingers of both hands toying with the material of the borrowed t-shirt. She drew a deep breath and nodded her head.

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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Blaze » Tue Apr 23, 2013 2:45 am

The others all giggle and clap! Dana gives Georgia a hug and a smile as Eliza rushes upstairs.

"Brave of you "Baby Girl."" Dana says with a grin, tickling Georgia's sides.
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Harri-chan » Tue Apr 23, 2013 2:54 am

Georgia leaned into Dana's hug, burying her face in her friend's shoulder as she heard the other girls clapping. When Dana's fingers tickled her sides she gasped and burst into a giggling fit herself, squirming and wriggling, rolling right off the bean bag and into the carpet.

"H-Hey!", she squeaked.
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Re: Anthem City: Fall of the Possum

Postby Blaze » Tue Apr 23, 2013 3:03 am

Dana smiles and helps Georgia back to er feet as Eliza comes back downstairs, holding a larger-than-usual diaper.

"Here we go! Should we let Georgia put it on herself or put it on her like a real baby~?"
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