Moderator: Mistress Guendolen
Kumi-chan wrote:Hitomi feels the healing light, peering back at the girl behind her. Those cold purple eyes seem to show little emotion but as she finds the light recovering her wounds she actually puts more of a strain on her muscles, moving herself under the rubble more, to lift it in a position that allow her to actually shield the crushed man. She wincing in pain as she tears her own muscles and crushes herself in order to remove the weight from him, but yet she doesn't stop, with Solaris healing her. Only speaking two words to her. "Move.... him..."
Solaris can see the man's injuries being healed, bones cracking back into place, being repaired. His breathing steadying as his ribs and muscles are restored. She noticing however that Hitomi seems to be putting more strain on her own body in order to keep him safe. She must be crazy to put herself in this much danger. But her expression remains the same.
Ookalf wrote:I see... That sounds terrible. *Shiki nods, considering what Terra just told her, as well as her more open attitude. Terra's question interrupts her thoughts before they can take her too far, though.*
Ah, right. You passed out after that battle with the birds, so I brought you here to recover. We passed by it earlier - it seems to be some kind of abandoned shrine. I was looking for anything that might tell me more about it when you woke up.
Kumi-chan wrote:()()()Terra()()()
Terra might feel a deep sadness with knowing what has happened to her world. But this place, on this other world is a sign of hope to her. She could maybe save this world. But was that why she was suddenly sent to this world. What purpose could she have been sent here for? Other than to prevent this world's destruction.
Whatever intended the destruction could be worst than simply not caring about the connection. It could just be something that wants nothing more than complete and total destruction of this world, not belonging of it at all. It just using the creatures of this planet for its own means.
Gee-chan wrote:OOC: Bleh, I'd like to say I was busy....but I wasn't...I'm just lazy.
"What makes you think there is anything here? It seems somewhat...abandoned and this world seems to favour science over magic or faith..."
It was true; there was little evidence of this world every harnessing the power of faith in any meaningful way. Yet something seemed to be drawing them here. Whether it was the planet or something else was yet to be seen.
"What was your world like?" asked Terra. "And where did your amulet come from? I think I mentioned it before but it is a mystical artefact of more power than should be possible."
Her own world, she knew, had been broken and harsh; well suiting to raising a being who was a living weapon. But then why were these others, who knew barely anything about the power they used or how extraordinary it was, called along with her? Perhaps if she could discover their origins she could get some answers.
Kumi-chan wrote:<>Shiki<>
Shiki does notice that there were some scrolls along one of the walls, on some shelves. They are very fragile looking, she unsure of how long they have been here. They could hold the answer that she seeks. Most seem to be missing however, probably stolen over time.
Ookalf wrote:*Shiki shrugs as she walks over to the shelves.* Honestly, I'm not sure what I was hoping to find myself. I just thought a place like this might have a story to it...
*Studying the scrolls, Shiki carefully lifts one off the shelf and blows the dust off as she considers Terra's other questions.* My world... Well, I guess one word for it might be "peaceful"... At least, compared to what you've said about your world, and what I've seen of this one. There's still war and crime and the like, but nothing as wide-scale as what I saw outside...
*Unfurling the scroll, she continues.* My amulet, the Disgui Charm, was created centuries ago by a group of Japanese mystics, in order to combat a clan of demons known as the Demoku. My ancestor was the first to wield it, and it's been in my mother's family ever since... Is it really that amazing?
Hira Kanaki wrote:*I would love to transform but I don't want to risk this guy seeing me, I guess I can keep a lookout and see what that thing will do.* Keiko thought while keeping a sharp eye for any sudden movements.
Sasha wrote:Natsuki shivers and pushes into it looking around a bit. " what the heck is this
Kumi-chan wrote:Hitomi is in awe for just a second, but it isn't like Solaris would notice, with her focus on the man. Hitomi, however, feels the energies healing her body more intensely, realizing that that princess get up that the small girl was in now also was giving that girl more energy.
Hitomi grunts as she pushes her body well beyond her normal limits, knowing that the energies are healing her. Not that it doesn't hurt like all. But her expression doesn't show it really. She has gotten used to damaging her body a good deal before, in her training. Many of her sensei's pushed her far beyond what her limits were before as a male, but that took months to heal from fully. And at the end he mastered their fighting styles. She normally doesn't allow magic healing for her injuries even though her powers do make her heal faster now. But right now it is to help another.
Once the man is freed she moves herself out from the wall, dropping the weight in front of her and collasping down to the ground. In silent pain, laying on her back. She watching the small princess flying away, she should follow but right now her body is screaming from the pain of it being broken. She lying there on the ground, not showing any signs of pain, even as her body is healing, she still feels it. Having broken nearly every bone in her back, arms, and legs, and tore nearly every muscle as well.
Solaris can feel her energies healing the other girl and man. She probably realizing the girl is letting her body be broken and healed over and over. Feeling the breaking of the girl's bones and tearing of her muscles and tendons. However, she also can feel how well her powers are healing the man, she can feel his body being repaired. All that seems that is wrong now is the amount of blood that he lost.
As she flies off she quickly realizes how much power she has spent. Her wings feeling heavy to her. She will have to land soon or she will crash to the ground. Even as she activates her full healing ability she is just draining herself even more quickly.
Sasha wrote:Natsuki blinks. " what the heck. hey get back here." she chases after her
Hira Kanaki wrote:*Just patiently wait, if and when that thing tries to attack you just make an attempt to dodge it.* Keiko thinks as she still watches the monster carefully.
Gee-chan wrote:OOC: Bleh, can't think of much to write right now and my internet at home is down. Oh well, I'll just have to make up for the sucky post later on.
"I'm sorry." Terra said, somewhat hesistently as she regained her composure. "In my world, such devices were literally the stuff of legend; many brilliant craftsmen wasted their lives attempting to even come close. I apologise for my outbust." A pause. "Before I used my spell, there was another (OOC: Are we retconning Ash's old character or treating her as killed off?) champion present, yes? Do you know what happened to her?"
"So, this world once had it's own champion." Terra deduced from what she could see of the scroll, "Or at least, there were those who believed such. I do not recognise this script, does it say anything about the nature of our foe?"
Kumi-chan wrote:<>Shiki<>
Another scroll just has an image of what looks like a swirling darkness, looking kind of like it is a puddle or pool of the darkness. Whatever the artist was trying to capture just seems beyond words to them as there isn't any text on the image at all. She isn't sure why something like this would be in a shrine, especially since they could both feel the pure energies beneath this area.
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