PFL Nights

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Re: PFL Nights

Postby Whatevr89532 » Tue Oct 13, 2015 12:15 am

Pájaro flaps a few times and rises high into the air. Just when her greenish glow seems ready to completely blind the audience, it seems to re-concentrate itself on her form. She flashes down in a rapid dive, seemingly tearing straight through Katro and raking a shallow, straight hole into the ground as she lands. Despite having what looks like a pretty nasty wound from this attack, Katro whirls around to face her, raising his left leg. When he puts it down the entire arena shakes, and large sections of the ground around her rise straight up out of the ground, forming a bunch of spikes all over the stage. many of the rocks aren't stable coming out of the ground and fall down again, some of which land directly on her.

Moving a bit more slowly in light of all the rocks around, Pájaro gets closer to Katro. He puts up his arms, ready for another direct attack, but instead she begins an odd dance of her own. She darts and dashes around him seemingly at random, and then suddenly begins to spray him with feathers! It's hard to tell whether they're real or fake, costume or plucked, but wherever they came from, Katro seems completely unprepared for the barrage of feathers. Unsurprisingly, they don't hurt him, because they're feathers, but he seems somehow weaker when the barrage finally concludes.

Katro slams his foot into the ground once again, and another small quake ensues. This one seemingly causes pieces of the ceiling to start raining down on the arena, none of which come near Katro (and none of which come anywhere near the audience stands, thanks to some special-order enchantments demanded by the legal team). The lucha lady has a lucky break with this attack, however, managing to dodge rock after rock until the quake is entirely gone. Again her movements look almost like blurry teleportation to the unaided eye, but afterward she seems somewhat winded from all the effort of dancing and dodging.

((Sky Attack, Rock Tomb, Feather Dance, Rock Slide

I imagine particularly dumb AI or bad players with this pairing using Feather Dance, Swords Dance, Feather Dance, Swords Dance, Feather Dance...))
Last edited by Whatevr89532 on Tue Oct 13, 2015 9:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: PFL Nights

Postby Ookalf » Tue Oct 13, 2015 9:12 pm

Hmm... They're both looking pretty worn down. This might just be a battle of endurance, as much as anything.
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Re: PFL Nights

Postby AmbushCat » Tue Oct 13, 2015 10:05 pm

Called it! Totally called it! I knew that had to have been Sky Attack! *yells* Flying-types rule!

*Mini-Lina rolls her eyes and gives Yoko a questioning look. The way she's looking at her, it's more of a request than an attempt at expressing confusion at Yoko's statements.*

((OOC: Or the incredibly stubborn. :mrgreen: ))
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Re: PFL Nights

Postby Ookalf » Tue Oct 13, 2015 10:38 pm

*Yoko catches Lina's look, and keeps going.* Well, I'm just thinking, Pájaro probably can't keep dodging like that forever. She's already looking pretty tired. But at the same time, Katro's taking some pretty heavy hits - he'll have to give out at some point, too. So, I'm thinking one of too things will happen. Either Katro finally gives in and collapses from the punishment Pájaro's giving him, or Pájaro loses the energy to keep dodging, allowing Katro to pummel her with everything he's got. Hence, a battle of endurance. ...At least, that's what I think.
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Re: PFL Nights

Postby AmbushCat » Wed Oct 14, 2015 12:31 pm

Mini-Lina: I should've made that clearer... Yes, yes, that's nice and all, but--- *goes demon-headed at this point* I WAS WANTING THE D@^$ HEADPHONES!

*clearly holding back laughter* Walked right into that one, both of you.
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Re: PFL Nights

Postby Ookalf » Wed Oct 14, 2015 4:06 pm

...Oh. Well, that could have been clearer... But yeah, sure. *As promised, Yoko goes ahead and hands over her headphones.*
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Re: PFL Nights

Postby AmbushCat » Wed Oct 14, 2015 5:57 pm

Mini-Lina: *much calmer* Thank you. *turns away, donning the headphones*

*stifling chortles* I'm sorry, Yoko, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be laughing at that.
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Re: PFL Nights

Postby Ookalf » Wed Oct 14, 2015 7:01 pm

*Yoko groans.* Can... Can we just forget about me embarrassing myself like that? Please?
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Re: PFL Nights

Postby AmbushCat » Wed Oct 14, 2015 7:29 pm

*Aldonza sweatdrops and smiles, pats one of Yoko's hands as a condolence, then returns her attention to the fight.*
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Re: PFL Nights

Postby Whatevr89532 » Wed Oct 14, 2015 10:02 pm

The Sword of Justice advances, his hand going up to his massive horns. He draws, as if from a sheath, a massive sword of stone that nonetheless seems to glow with a righteous light. And he charges at her, grasping the handle in both hands, and slashes straight through. Pájaro is behind him as the sword dissipates..but she is uninjured, her eyes taking on a dull greenish glow. She whirls around, her hand prepared to one side, and makes a straight chop to his side. Unprepared for an attack so soon, Katro takes a hard hit, and is thrown several feet to the side by the force of it despite his considerable size and mass.

He gets back up while she catches her breath again, and then holds back his left hand. A small, glowing rock seems to appear in his hand, and he throws it. Pájaro is well ahead of the throw, leaping into the air, but it turns out that spot in midair is where it was aimed, so the glowing rock explodes very nearly on top of her, violently throwing her back to the ground, lying straight on her face.

Katro moves closer, getting ready for another attack. Pájaro puts out her hands slowly and begins to push, a fair portion of the crowd starting to chant and shout for her to get up.

((Sacred Sword, Detect, Karate Chop (crit), Smack Down))
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Re: PFL Nights

Postby AmbushCat » Thu Oct 15, 2015 7:48 pm

*Aldonza gets to her feet, chanting with the rest. Lina, of course, opts for a different approach.*

Mini-Lina: Lu-cha loo-za! Lu-cha loo-za! Lu-cha loo-za!
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Re: PFL Nights

Postby Whatevr89532 » Sat Oct 24, 2015 4:24 pm

Pájaro starts to get up, pushing herself partially onto her knees at least, but then Katro suddenly moves, fast, far faster than he's been throughout the whole fight. He's nearly on top of her in an instant, but she's stood back up in that time; his fist is out and it slowly becomes clear she's sidestepped the attack. She then puts both of her arms on his shoulders and shoves him away, visibly sweating as she shoves him back. While he's still in motion backwards, with a speed much like the start of the fight, she slices him with her talons over and over again at close range, ending with him having a large collection of cuts and looking about as close to going down as she is.

With the crowd's chant reaching a fever pitch, Pájaro runs to one side, flaps up into the air, and flies around. Katro watches her movements carefully, while whoever was responsible for playing Pájaro's theme before plays it again. From nearly the highest point in the building, she goes in for a dive and turns her body so the momentum goes into a hard, fast, full-on body slam. He can't move out of the way fast enough and catches most of it, getting pinned under her. Pájaro Verde does a backflip off of him and sticks the landing, but is clearly beyond exhausted.

She staggers back a couple of steps upon realizing that he's getting back up again, and he takes advantage of the surprise by rushing her with a rapid series of punches and kicks, none of which she has any time to dodge. The crowd gives something of a collective gasp as both of them stand there, partially bent over and panting, and then after a few seconds the Hawlucha lady just leans back and falls over, clearly fainted.

Katro takes a couple of steps back and crosses his arms, taking a deep breath and then exhaling with a 'fffffffffffff' while the Gardevoir referee/medic floats back onstage to confirm the finish. She looks up at the press box and nods, and then gets off again so the ring can heal both of them.

((Quick Attack, Endeavor, Flying Press, Close Combat))
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Re: PFL Nights

Postby Ookalf » Sat Oct 24, 2015 5:19 pm

...Well, that was certainly intense.
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Re: PFL Nights

Postby AmbushCat » Sat Oct 24, 2015 8:07 pm

Mini-Lina: Ha! *smacks Aldonza's shoulder* What's a way of life now, foxgirl? HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

*huffs, disappointed* Okay, okay, he wins, I get it, I get it!
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Re: PFL Nights

Postby Whatevr89532 » Mon Nov 16, 2015 8:43 pm

After the healing, the pika-girl hops back onstage, while Pajaro takes a few solemn-looking steps forward and removes her mask to reveal a fully human-looking face, although her hair is an unusual combination of green and orange strongly reminiscent of a hawlucha. She offers the mask to Katro once they're close enough.

Rather than comment right away, the announcer offers the mike to the pair to pick up any conversation. "Aww, you can keep your mask," says Katro, "though you do look a lot cuter under it."
The hawlucha-girl nods with a relieved look, tucking the mask under her left arm and offering him a handshake, which he he accepts.
"That was a way tougher match than I expected from a flashy bird, and you know I think you would have got me if you hadn't got out of the way of that quick attack."

((Writer's blocked on this for a while for some reason.
Should I do another intermission or move on to the next match?))
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