Strange Shifts


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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Whatevr89532 » Tue Sep 22, 2015 6:44 pm

Jim gasped as soon as things had changed around, not quite sure what he was experiencing but definitely not comfortable with it. He..? quickly squirmed around to a sitting position in an effort to get a better look at whatever had just happened, all but forgetting about the fox for the moment.
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Ookalf » Tue Sep 22, 2015 7:16 pm

"Yoko!" Diana automatically reached out a hand to grab her friend as she fell into the water... And then things changed again. 'Not again!', she thought, as she took stock of the changes. Everything was... smaller? No, she was bigger! Older, even! This time, she'd turned into an adult! ...In a way-too-small swimsuit...

Before she could get too embarrassed about that, Yoko's predicament snapped her back to reality. Diana knelt down beside the pool and reached out an arm toward Yoko. "Grab my hand!"
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Mystic Mina » Thu Oct 01, 2015 12:18 am

Lisa hardly expected her little girl to be so mature and understanding! The woman was so overwhelmed with relief that she didn't even notice as Jessica smirked and strutted her way out of the store... but not before leaving the two with these words.
"Good. Since Ellie seems to enjoy my dress so much, I'm sure she won't mind wearing it for the rest of the day... I'll be very disappointed if she doesn't. Disappointed enough to fire someone."


The fox, as well, was curious about Jim's strange transformation; while the farmer was distracted, it crept closer and closer to his spot in the tall grass, until finally it sat within arm's reach of him, watching his small form closely with its golden eyes.

A puddle of water lied conveniently close by, but the reflection shone was anything but comforting. A boy in his youthful teens with rusty red hair and pale skin stared back at him from its shimmering surface. He was thin, effeminate, even cute, but there was something distinctly inhuman about his appearance. His wide eyes were a fierce yellow, and if he ran a tongue along his teeth, he'd feel the sharp fangs of a beast...


"S-Sempai!" Yoko screamed, her flailing arms and legs just barely able to keep her above the pool's chilly waters. She wasn't much of a swimmer, unfortunately. But with a hard gasp and a hard lunge, she managed to take hold of Diana's outstretched hand and pull herself back to safe ground. She was wet, spluttering, shivering, but she was alive. And very, very happy.

"Oh, thank you, sempai! You saved me!" With all the glee of a grateful schoolgirl, she wrapped herself tight around her older friend and nuzzled her head against her adult-sized chest. Of course, everyone, even the coach, was staring at them...
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Whatevr89532 » Thu Oct 01, 2015 9:32 am

Jim takes a long moment to take in his appearance: running a hand down his side to confirm his size, staring at his eyes, pulling back his lips to see his teeth when he notices something unusual there. He tugs on his hair a bit, quite sure it's not supposed to be that color. After that he tilts his head sideways slightly and mutters, "I ain't dreamin' here, am I?" He pinches his cheek lightly to confirm it hurts. "Someone..must've drugged my breakfast somehow." He turns his head to one side and notices the fox. "Right? No way a wild animal'd ever come this close," he says, as if to said animal.
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Harri-chan » Thu Oct 01, 2015 10:21 am

Elliot watched the red-haired woman walk off triumphantly, blue eyes narrowed slightly, and while Lisa might have missed that smirk, he definitely did not. There was no question he was going to have to stay in the fancy outfit for the rest of the day, but he wasn't going to let Lisa miss out on work just to avoid a little embarrassment for himself.

"It's okay, Mommy... ", he tried to reassure her. "It's just like being on a full day shoot, right? And tomorrow I can wear a way cooler outfit that you pick out", he says, and his hands brush at her hair as she held him so easily in her arms. It was a little ironic that he was the little kid, but he was starting to see Lisa as a lot more vulnerable herself. As crazy as it seemed, her child seemed to mean the world to her, which in turn, meant her own happiness was linked to Elliot appearing happy. Just to make things even more awkward, he could still appreciate how beautiful she was as a woman, but for now, he had to play along with what she believed.

"I... love you so much", he says shyly, and leans in to press a kiss against her cheek, her breasts rubbing at his tummy through the clothes, her sweet perfume filling his nose.
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Ookalf » Thu Oct 01, 2015 12:46 pm

"Um, yeah, no problem..." Diana awkwardly pats Yoko on the head as she hugs her... Then Yoko starts nuzzling her, and Diana starts to look much more uncomfortable. "But, uh... Could you let go of me? People are staring..."
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Mystic Mina » Sat Oct 24, 2015 7:47 pm

The fox, of course, had nothing to say in return; instead, it simply continued to stare. There even seemed to be something like a smug smirk on its black lips! But suddenly, the varmint's pointy ears perked up. It could hear something in the distance... and soon, Jim could too. An older woman's voice, high and hoarse, rang through the grassy field, and it didn't sound one bit happy.

"Jim? Jim!... Now where did that fool boy run off to this time?"


Lisa finally calmed herself down after a long, snuggly session with her daughter, and as they left the store together, it seemed as if Ellie finally found a happy equilibrium in his strange new life. Of course, just when the girlish little boy was finally comfortable, reality shifted.

Again, the world was a little larger, Lisa a little taller. The shifts in height and size were far less radical this time around, but there was one major difference that could very well shake Ellie's thoughts. Underneath his feather skirt, something poofy and crumbly was holding his chubby legs apart...

The four year old was now wearing pull-ups!


"Alright, alright, that's enough!" The coach finally pulled himself together to do two things: Gently push Yoko off to the side, and toss Diana right back into the water!

"Yoko, go to the nurse. You," he pointed a finger at the wet woman. "Do your job and teach these kids how to swim!"

"Yeah, show us how to do a breast stroke," one of the boys shouted!
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Whatevr89532 » Sat Oct 24, 2015 11:44 pm

Even without having been a young man for a long time, Jim knows the phrasing and tone of voice all too well. While he's still very uncertain what's just happened, he does know the best way to minimize pain from the owner of a voice like that down the road. He looks around for the direction it's coming from and waves that way, trying to negotiate standing up in the oversized clothes while he does so. "Hey!"
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Ookalf » Sat Oct 24, 2015 11:52 pm

"Whoa!" Diana yelled out in surprise as the coach shoved her into the pool! After she got back to the surface and spat some water out of her mouth, she opened her mouth to protest the unnecessary roughness... And then she actually heard what he was saying. "Wait, what?" He wanted her to teach? She doesn't know how to teach! She's barely even getting by as a student!

Still, she can't actually say any of that. Judging from the last few times, they'll probably just think she's crazy... So, she decides to run with it for. "Ah, OK everyone! Follow my lead!" Though she suspects that boy was just making a joke when he suggested a breaststroke, Diana figures it's as good an idea as any and starts swimming that way toward the other end of the pool.
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Harri-chan » Mon Oct 26, 2015 2:00 am

Ellie felt Lisa's hand raising slightly while holding onto his own, and at first he thought she was trying to get his attention. Turning his head and looking up at her, he was suddenly rocked by a feeling of vertigo as Lisa stretched up and away from him. Even with everything that had happened, it was still a shock to the system, and the weak feeling it sent to his knees, combined with a little something pushing on his thighs caused him to stumble. The skirt flicked about as he fell forward, his free hand reaching out to break the fall as he landed on his knees, although since Lisa had been holding onto him, it had been quite a slow fall, and hadn't really hurt.

He gulped a deep breath as he tried to take things in. His thighs were definitely being kept apart, and he could feel the thick padding around his bottom and his crotch, and heard the crinkle with every tiny little movement. His mouth slowly fell open, and his blue eyes looked up at the giant Lisa in surprise...
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Mystic Mina » Sat Oct 31, 2015 7:50 pm

Jim's sudden movements did his loose clothes no favors. Most of them quickly slipped off his body as he rose from the grass, and only the beaten plaid shirt he threw on managed to keep his privates private. Things would only get worse as reality shifted.

He was even smaller now, and his huge shirt easily draped over his slimmer body like a dress. The passing breeze felt most strange as it passed beneath his makeshift skirt and between his plumper, more girlish thighs; in fact, he felt nothing at all! And if that wasn't enough of a clue, a tightening, almost pleasing sensation shot through his chest as two perky mounds of flesh rose to the feeling of the morning chill...

"Jeanne? Stop playing hide and seek and come to your mother!"


The students followed Diana's lead, but they seemed to follow a bit too closely. Their hands brushed hard against her bare skin as they passed by her, and a few were brave enough to even take a grope at her wet behind! The majority of the troublemakers were, of course, boys; the girls were too busy shooting burning glares of jealousy.

But a spat of actual trouble put an end to the tomfoolery. Yet another student, a sporting young man with the body of an athlete, was flailing his arms about on the other end of the pool!

"H-help! I'm drowning!" he cried right before he sank below the surface!



It was a light spill, sure, but it was still enough to send Lisa into all-out mommy mode! She swiftly swept her fallen child up into the comfort of her arms, making his light skirt fly up even more and exposing those shameful pull-ups yet again!

"There, there. It's ok," she cooed. One hand brushed gently at her baby's hair, while the other pushed lightly against his poofy bottom to keep him steady. "We're almost there. Mommy just wants to eat dinner with her friend at the mall! We'll get some ice cream for your boo boo when we're done, alright? That's a good girl!"
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Harri-chan » Sun Nov 01, 2015 4:36 am

Ellie winced as Lisa's raised voice caused a few people to turn and look, just as he was so easily scooped up into her arms. He swallowed a deep breath as he felt the skirt bunch, leaving some of the thick, crinkly white padding on show to everyone. He blushed at the strange feeling of his thighs being kept apart as his slightly chubby legs dangled down, but as one of Lisa's gentle hands spread against his bottom, he murmured. That felt rather nice, and he couldn't help but push his bottom back slightly more, when her fingers brushed at his blonde hair, and made his whole scalp tingle. Her words about meeting a friend barely registered, and even the shock of the new change didn't feel as great as he knew it should. Lisa's hands seemed to know just where to rub to make his mind go all hazy, and he felt his face sink against the silk of her blouse as he murmured, his mouth vibrating into her breast.

He still remembered all the feelings he'd had for her, still knew she was attractive, but strange thoughts were forcing their way into his mind. This was becoming more than just playing along to protect Lisa's feelings... he was starting to enjoy certain aspects for real.
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Ookalf » Sun Nov 01, 2015 5:12 pm

"Ah, hey! Hands to yourself, please!" Diana protested, as some of the boys got a bit too close. Along with the glares from the girls, that really wasn't making her any more comfortable with this whole situation... And then, as if to make things even worse, someone started drowning. Again. He didn't even look like he'd have trouble swimming! Still, you never can tell...

"H-Hold on! I'm coming!" Forgetting all the eyes on her, Diana swam over to the boy and dived down to help him out.
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Whatevr89532 » Mon Nov 02, 2015 12:28 am

Jim would generally be modest enough to at least keep a hand holding up his underwear, and did so, but that effort is wasted shortly afterward. Getting smaller while lying against the ground is one thing, and quite disorienting enough; getting smaller while standing up is, if possible, worse. In doing all he can to remain standing against this kind of movement he had to hold out both of his hands for balance, and lost that grip. And then..

Well, the owner of the voice still isn't in view yet, there's time to figure out what just happened. Jim takes a moment to get past a dumbfounded denial, pulling his legs together to confirm what seems to be so and then gasping slightly at the feeling of breasts coming in. Even though in all his years it's not something he was ever taught or needed to figure out for himself, there just isn't any mistaking the signs of being suddenly female.

Jim is vaguely aware of a heat in her cheeks as she quickly but carefully bends down a bit to pick back up the underwear and pull it up under the shirt, not really caring how poorly it fits. In response to the latest demand for location with an updated name she tries to yell something starting with "I--", pauses as her voice cracks due to going for too low of a pitch, adjusts, and then actually shouts as loudly as possible: "I'm over here! An' I ain't playing hide and seek, I think I'm gettin' one of them psychotic episodes!"
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Re: Strange Shifts

Postby Mystic Mina » Sun Nov 22, 2015 5:00 pm

While Ellie unconsciously played his part, Lisa played hers. She softly hummed a simple nursery rhyme into her baby's ears while they approached ever closer to a sidewalk cafe. It was a small place, one towered over by glistening buildings from all sides, but it served as a homely, comforting respite from the rush of afternoon city life.

A blonde around Lisa's age was sitting close by, her bottom-heavy body clad in black leggings and a bright pink sweater. With her was a boy, a little one, and he looked to be just as old as Ellie was. His face darkened with a scowl as the two came nearer, but he quickly hid it beneath the shadows of his red baseball cap.

"Lisa! It's good to see you!" The other woman rose up on her heeled feet to give Lisa a soft hug... and Ellie a pinch on her chubby cheeks! "And Ellie! You look so adorable! Is that a new dress?"


The "drowning" boy snickered to himself as Diane stroked her way towards him... at least, he tried. The best he could do was snort some pool water into his nose. Blegh.

But it was all going according to plan. It'd be just like the movies: His hot teacher would come to save him, she'd give him some CPR, and he'd get a free kiss out of the deal. It was foolproof!

... Unless Diane had anything to say about it.


"Psycho what now? You tryin' ta' confuse me with fancy words, Jeanne?"

There was a hard sigh, then a soft crunching of grass against leather. Eventually, Jim could see the source of the womanly voice: A rugged redhead on the very twilight of her 30s. Like her "daughter," her lips were colored black, and her eyes shined feral, golden. Of course, she was much older; her full figure stained against her jeans and plaid shirt, but it was tempered by all the muscle of a farmer. She was a mother, yes, but she was a working mother.

"Jeanne- Oh, for God's sake!" Her walk rushed into a full-blown run, and soon she was next to the half-dressed girl, giving her chastising raps to the ears. "What's gotten into you? What are you doin' out here with Vandal in your pa's clothes!? "
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