Starlight Casino


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Re: Starlight Casino

Postby Knight Errant » Fri Jan 08, 2016 4:05 pm

Kether wrote:She tries putting in two requests: One to see new recruits to the casino in general and perhaps access to some form of technological upgrades after all transforming people in magic boxes would both be a recruitment statement along with being an impressive stage trick. She pauses and takes a gulp putting in a final suggestion/request That perhaps making her bunny parts real might be an improvement for the theme of the club and as an attraction, it wasn't the best of ideas but.. as long as she gave something back as long as she seemed to be working hopefully that should make any unusual request seem reasonable.

She puts the requests into the terminal... there is a pause, then... "Request for upgrades granted! Please head to supply corridor AX-423 to receive them. Your requisitions will be delivered while you are upgraded." A holographic map winks on, directing her to a service tunnel entrance disguised nearby.

Abillioncats wrote:Given the information Connor has available to him, he decides the wisest course of action is to head straight towards the administration section of the station. If he was going to locate whatever it was that had been taking out his fellow squad mates it was the mostly likely place to find out where this thing was lurking. He just needed to find where the station's security room was and get access to the cameras, maybe find his fellow teammates while he was at it.

He stayed radio silent as he made his way as stealthy as he could, his rifle charged and ready to fire at anything that moved too quickly towards him. He wasn't taking any chances, with anyone. Not till he figured out what the heck was going on. He wasn't going to end up like the rest of the squad...whatever it was that had happened to them couldn't have been good.

With the access tunnel sealed, he would have to make his way through customs. Keeping low, he would see a woman waiting at the booth. Does he approach her? Sneak by? As he leaves the docking area, he hears a distant *BLAP BLAP BLAP BLAP!* as the ship's turrets fire once more.

muffinstud wrote:Vasily frowns at that last one. "Accent? What do you mean by accent?" She looks over the spa area. She... will have to learn these things if she wants to get this woman off her back. It couldn't be that hard, could it?

She shakes her head. "Nevermind, they'll probably think it endearing. Come on, we'll go over pool safety and regulations first." She heads onwards... hrm. It cant be that hard. Plus, this place was so... nice? At least compared to the weird things shed seen earlier.

Ookalf wrote:"..." Alex eyes the pad as he replies. "Very well then. So, do I just need to sign that, or what?"

"Well yeah, use your thumb. Normally I'd then lure you to a processing station to be given your new job. I'll skip that part. Hopefully this will let the system see you as an employee instead of an intruder."
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Re: Starlight Casino

Postby Abillioncats » Fri Jan 08, 2016 5:23 pm

Connor thinks over his options, he decides that approaching the woman would be a grievous error. The currently missing members of the squad had either approached or been approached by someone and look where that got them...missing or possibly dead. Connor decided the the best course of action would be to get knock the woman unconscious and continue on his way. But first he'd have to get close enough without her noticing.

What he needed was a distraction, he currently had cover behind a wall, but if he left that cover he'd most likely be spotted. Thankfully he did have something suitable for just that. He pulled out a flare stick, a pretty standard piece of equipment, and tossed it over, the flare lit up as it landed a good distance away, in the woman's range of vision. With any luck she'd come to investigate, and that's when Connor would strike.
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Re: Starlight Casino

Postby Harri-chan » Sat Jan 09, 2016 3:51 am

Charlie froze as he heard the more mature voice, and felt his stomach churn as he looked up at the woman. His mind went blank, has oulling on his dress. His blue eyes darted to the door and then back to her.

"I... thought the dress up costumes were through there...", he says and points feebly to the exit.

"Near our rooms there are storerooms for all the departments... perhaps if you could get into the maintenance room you'd find tools, but... I strongly advise against it", says Alice as they walk, and signs appear on the walls, directing them to the staff living quarters.
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Re: Starlight Casino

Postby Knight Errant » Sat Jan 09, 2016 2:50 pm

Abillioncats wrote:Connor thinks over his options, he decides that approaching the woman would be a grievous error. The currently missing members of the squad had either approached or been approached by someone and look where that got them...missing or possibly dead. Connor decided the the best course of action would be to get knock the woman unconscious and continue on his way. But first he'd have to get close enough without her noticing.

What he needed was a distraction, he currently had cover behind a wall, but if he left that cover he'd most likely be spotted. Thankfully he did have something suitable for just that. He pulled out a flare stick, a pretty standard piece of equipment, and tossed it over, the flare lit up as it landed a good distance away, in the woman's range of vision. With any luck she'd come to investigate, and that's when Connor would strike.

And sure enough... after awhile he hears the click... click... click of high heels. The woman looking around curiously. "Like, hellooo?" She blinks with big, innocent looking eyes, brushing some blonde hair from her face as one of her hands goes to her round hips...

Harri-chan wrote:Charlie froze as he heard the more mature voice, and felt his stomach churn as he looked up at the woman. His mind went blank, has oulling on his dress. His blue eyes darted to the door and then back to her.

"I... thought the dress up costumes were through there...", he says and points feebly to the exit.

"Near our rooms there are storerooms for all the departments... perhaps if you could get into the maintenance room you'd find tools, but... I strongly advise against it", says Alice as they walk, and signs appear on the walls, directing them to the staff living quarters.

She smiles. "Awww... arent you just precious. Did you want to play dress up?" She asks... putting her magazine away and standing up.


Clarke frowns. "I have to at least try. I can't just... sit around and do nothing." He mutters... walking along with Alice in that accursed footwear.
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Re: Starlight Casino

Postby Abillioncats » Sat Jan 09, 2016 3:07 pm

Connor grinned, this was all too easy. As the oblvious woman looked around, the sniper crept up behind her, raised the butt of his rifle aaaaand....

Thwack! He smacked her in the back of the head, he felt a bad for hitting the clueless woman, but then again, that was probably the sort of thinking that got the squad in the mess it was currently in. He wasn't taking any chances.
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Re: Starlight Casino

Postby Ookalf » Sat Jan 09, 2016 6:50 pm

Knight Errant wrote:"Well yeah, use your thumb. Normally I'd then lure you to a processing station to be given your new job. I'll skip that part. Hopefully this will let the system see you as an employee instead of an intruder."

"Just making sure..." Alex removes his glove and presses his thumb down on the pad. As he puts his glove back on, he says, "And now I'm in, right?"
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Re: Starlight Casino

Postby muffinstud » Tue Jan 12, 2016 1:37 pm

Well, it IS a high quality resort, and this is the part people go to for rest and relaxation during their holiday. It makes sense that it would be so nice. Still, it shouldn't be too hard, and once she's shown she is competent then this girl should stop watching over her like a hawk. "Of course. Be leading the way, please."
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Re: Starlight Casino

Postby Knight Errant » Tue Jan 12, 2016 1:53 pm

Abillioncats wrote:Connor grinned, this was all too easy. As the oblvious woman looked around, the sniper crept up behind her, raised the butt of his rifle aaaaand....

Thwack! He smacked her in the back of the head, he felt a bad for hitting the clueless woman, but then again, that was probably the sort of thinking that got the squad in the mess it was currently in. He wasn't taking any chances.

And the woman goes ker-thwack! @___@ She falls forward, slumped against her desk just as she was applying some lipstick...

Ookalf wrote:"Just making sure..." Alex removes his glove and presses his thumb down on the pad. As he puts his glove back on, he says, "And now I'm in, right?"

She nods. "You should be... Just... be careful." She frowns. "I don't know what you expect to accomplish, but good luck."

muffinstud wrote:Well, it IS a high quality resort, and this is the part people go to for rest and relaxation during their holiday. It makes sense that it would be so nice. Still, it shouldn't be too hard, and once she's shown she is competent then this girl should stop watching over her like a hawk. "Of course. Be leading the way, please."

She leads her over to a little backroom office. Ferns and paintings line the walls... she leads her over to what looks like a salon chair. It has a large helmet with wires protruding into the wall. It looks a little... off. "This is our new employee training chair. Hop in and it will do the rest."
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Re: Starlight Casino

Postby muffinstud » Tue Jan 12, 2016 3:28 pm

Vasily looks at the chair hesitantly. "That... does not look very safe. Are you sure it is being best way to do this?" She keeps her distance.
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Re: Starlight Casino

Postby Abillioncats » Tue Jan 12, 2016 3:48 pm

Connor sighs as he confirms the the woman is indeed unconscious, not envying the headache she'll wake up to. He doesn't wait around for when she does however, and continues on his way through customs towards administration.
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Re: Starlight Casino

Postby Knight Errant » Tue Jan 12, 2016 4:14 pm

muffinstud wrote:Vasily looks at the chair hesitantly. "That... does not look very safe. Are you sure it is being best way to do this?" She keeps her distance.

She shrugs. "Its the new employee training method. If you want I could teach you everything one on one... but that would take too long. We are starting up in a few weeks, and your already behind schedule."

Abillioncats wrote:Connor sighs as he confirms the the woman is indeed unconscious, not envying the headache she'll wake up to. He doesn't wait around for when she does however, and continues on his way through customs towards administration.

He heads through the gateway... though as he does, he hears echoing... clicks... in the distance. A box falls over somewhere behind him... a faint rustle of a potted tree's leaves... Up ahead are the large, glamorous lights of the casino proper. And beyond, the administration tower.
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Re: Starlight Casino

Postby Abillioncats » Tue Jan 12, 2016 5:18 pm

Connor spun around as the box fell. He didn't see anyone behind him, but he was getting a bad feeling about this...

He continued onward towards the tower, keeping his eyes peeled for anyone or anything. He kept his rifle charged and pointed in front of him, ready to fire the moment trouble came. He had no intention of ending up like his comrades...whatever it was that happened to him. Once he found the security footage he'd hopefully get some answers about that.
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Re: Starlight Casino

Postby Ookalf » Tue Jan 12, 2016 11:11 pm

Knight Errant wrote:She nods. "You should be... Just... be careful." She frowns. "I don't know what you expect to accomplish, but good luck."

"Well, I guess we'll find out what I can do... Oh, and thanks for the help." Alex nods to the secretary and heads into the tower.
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Re: Starlight Casino

Postby muffinstud » Wed Jan 13, 2016 12:40 am

Vasily shakes her head... slowly stepping back. "Schedule, no schedule. This looks like trap." She turns and runs for an exit. There is no way such an ominous looking chair could be good for her... not after what that she-monster did to her.
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Re: Starlight Casino

Postby Knight Errant » Wed Jan 13, 2016 12:49 am

Abillioncats wrote:Connor spun around as the box fell. He didn't see anyone behind him, but he was getting a bad feeling about this...

He continued onward towards the tower, keeping his eyes peeled for anyone or anything. He kept his rifle charged and pointed in front of him, ready to fire the moment trouble came. He had no intention of ending up like his comrades...whatever it was that happened to him. Once he found the security footage he'd hopefully get some answers about that.

Connor sees flashing lights... gambling machines, and... he sees... a woman in a tight bunny outfit... carrying a tray... she spots him and smiles. "Oh hiya." She smiles broadly... seemingly not noticing the weapon.

Ookalf wrote:"Well, I guess we'll find out what I can do... Oh, and thanks for the help." Alex nods to the secretary and heads into the tower.

She sighs and nods. "Right..." She waves him in, as he goes past the doors into the elevator! He could take it down to the basement, then switch to a utility elevator to go even deeper...

muffinstud wrote:Vasily shakes her head... slowly stepping back. "Schedule, no schedule. This looks like trap." She turns and runs for an exit. There is no way such an ominous looking chair could be good for her... not after what that she-monster did to her.

The woman blinks. "What are you talking about? Don't be rediculou- Hey, come back!" She looks more annoyed than anything... as Vasily turns and darts off... Despite the tightness of her swimsuit, she still felt a substantial amount of... bounce... as she loses herself in the palm tree forest. Where was the exit, exactly? She runs past a bubbling simulated hot springs... Thats right, she had never really learned... and this place was so huge.
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