Assasination Harem!


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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby muffinstud » Mon Feb 22, 2016 12:57 am


Ash holds the stone in both hands. It feels somewhat silly for a long moment. As he feels about ready to let go, the world around him fades to black. The inky darkness is so complete, yet somehow he can still perceive himself perfectly. He also has this strange sense of moving, as if something is carrying him. And yet everything is still in the darkness. Underneath him is a swirling light. The circle reaches up, forming a column of brightness around him. In the column of light, he can hear the theme song he'd dreamed of having for himself... upbeat and with plenty of nice guitar licks.

Swirls of color float through the column of light, all shades of blues in varying degrees of vibrancy. In each of these swirls is one of his memories. Some are good, some bad... but the swirls seem to move into the background as more swirls start to rise up beneath him... swirls of purples in every shade. In these swirls are new memories... memories that seem so real, so vibrant. As they come closer, they feel that much more personal as well. They get so close, in fact... some of the purple swirls brush against his face... through his hair... and into his mind.

Each swirl that enters his mind brings with it a new memory. In these memories, he is not Ash Landes, vigilante. Rather, she is Sonia Rodrigues, and each succeeding memory reminds her not just of her past... but of her present. She remembers growing up in the orphanage, a loving place with kind caretakers and plenty of friends to play with. She feels her body shift into something more slender and delicate. She remembers crying after another family decided against adopting her, unsure of her feline features. Her ears shift upwards, getting velvety fur and more pointed... a long and slender tail forming at the base of her spine. She also recalls happy times working at the orphanage, helping the younger children. Her delicate features gain the subtle curve and swell of her years. Finally, she remembers becoming too old to be in the orphanage... and just before she would have to leave, she was given an offer to stay at a nice boarding house run by a friend of the caretakers. She would have a place to stay... new friends to make. And she would have time to find her place in the world... find a family to call her own.

Turbulent and emotional as the memories are, she still remembers everything from her life as Ash... even if it seems kind of awkward to imagine herself as a man now. She knows very well how to take care of herself... despite not being a big fan of water. The spotlight starts to fade... but not before she hears her theme song still playing... now with a more orchestral, playful air. The light fades, the light returns to the world...

And Sonia stands in front of the boarding house, a small drawstring bag at her feet. From the looks of things, it's about mid morning.


Those with more pressing morning engagements come and go. Estelle has enough leftovers to cover anyone else who might want something to eat. She may as well get ready for her own day. It will be nice to get something a little more casual on and go for a walk to the store. Hopefully, not too many people will stare... her past memories remind her that ears such as hers are quite the rarity, and would most likely draw attention to herself. In the case of nicer people... like Lance... said attention can feel quite nice. Perhaps the neighbors here are nice as well... and she can continue to receive positive attention.

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As Lily curses her condition, her fate, her luck, she starts to see things again. The stone... it's going to show her that useless scene again, isn't it? Well... yes and no. She does see the ancient couple sitting on the thrones to their desert kingdom. She does see that the heartbreakingly beautiful woman has the same stone in the brooch around her neck. Although... as the woman wears it, it seems to have a luster and a clarity to it that Lily's stone lacks. It almost radiates light as it nestles just above her impressive cleavage. The woman leans over to the man... who looks to her with hungry eyes. The words are muffled, but she makes a request. Lily can tell that the man thinks this something preposterous, maybe even impossible. But the woman leans farther... draws her lithe finger along his arm. The man gulps... and he accepts. The woman coos and sits back on her throne, satisfied. She... controlled him. She used her body to lower his defenses and...

Lower his defenses. Lance is somehow immune to whatever hostile attack anyone has mustered. But she has a weapon she never had before. With this... her body... she could lower his defenses... and finish her job.
Last edited by muffinstud on Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Abillioncats » Mon Feb 22, 2016 5:57 am

Ash held the stone for a minute or two before eventually letting out a huff. It was just a stone right? Were these guys just pulling his leg or what? He was just about to drop the thing when the world around him turned to darkness. "What...what's going on!?" He felt like he was moving, but he couldn't see where he was going or how. Then a swirling light appeared beneath him, causing him to gasp. He hears his theme song! The one that only existed in his mind! "Am I dead? What's happening?" The swirls of light seemed to move away from him as new, purple swirls began to approach him, entering his mind. Ash can do nothing but take in each new memory as they pour into him, the sensation is overwhelming to say the least.

He finds himself as someone else entirely, he...she is Sonia Rodrigues. Her body changes more with each new memory as she feels a torrent of emotions overwhelming her. She is Sonia...but she is also Ash. She finds it difficult to wrap her mind around this as the darkness fades away, but not before hearing her theme song again. "It's so beautiful..."

As Sonia finds herself standing in front of the boarding house she takes a moment to look herself over for the first time...or not the first time? She reaches to touch her new cat ears, which feel both strange and yet familiar at the same time. "This is so confusing..." She felt like she was having a serious identity crisis! Who was she? A young vigilante trying to be a hero or a catgirl orphan who wants a family!? Both sets of memories felt real, the catgirl one definitely feeling more dominant. I suppose I can be a hero and a catgirl orphan at the same time. She reckoned.

After what seemed like an eternity of just standing there, Sonia finally picked up the drawstring bag and walked up to the front door of the boarding house. "Guess I'll give it a knock..." So she did, tapping on the door. She couldn't wait to meet everyone else! And of course to find this totally evil super villain that she had to slay! She hadn't forgotten about that.
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Whatevr89532 » Mon Feb 22, 2016 12:56 pm

Morning chores done, Estelle is just about to head to her room to change for going off to the grocery store when her ears perk up at another knock on the door. If having these ears grants any advantage at all to her work, it's being able to hear that sort of thing from fairly far off and usually be the first one to answer. Without a second thought, she heads on over the door and opens it.

So, Sonia's first greeter is a small girl in a maid's uniform with her own set of pointy ears and a tail, though they're a bit more canine in nature. She gives a friendly smile, noticing the bag first. "Hello! Are you another boarder here?"
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Abillioncats » Mon Feb 22, 2016 1:27 pm

Sonia looks at the small girl, more than a little surprised that the girl also has animal features like herself. Her memories as Sonia had given her the knowledge that they were a rather rare type overall. Her time in the orphanage had proven that, she'd been pretty much the only one like her.

This of course was a good thing, if there were others like her it would be all the easier to make friends! She gave Estelle a nervous smile and nodded. "Yes, I'm Sonia Rodrigues..." She found it almost odd that she had thought of that name instead of Ash Landes...but then again it didn't. "I...I used to live at the orphanage but I'm too old to stay there now I am."
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Knight Errant » Mon Feb 22, 2016 4:19 pm

Lily tenses for a moment... wondering if she should toss the stone away before it messes up things even further... But her curiosity overcomes her wariness... and so she is whisked off to a new scene...

The woman's stone... it looked similar, yet not the same... was it some sort of magic...? What she does to him, though... the enchantment she puts on him has nothing to do with magic... and everything to do with her looks. Looks... that Lily had... though in less amount than that woman, for sure.

She sits down... slowly thinking. Did these people know what they were doing after all? He had met a few female assassins... ones that got close to their targets, waited for the right time to strike. He always thought it was a dirty trick, but... This Lance... he wouldn't have the discipline to fend off such an attack... She slowly crosses her legs, resting her chin on her hand... the other one turning the stone over... Was she going about this all wrong?

"Hrmm..." She turns over the stone in her fingers... flipping it over and under her knuckles like a coin, before tossing it up and grasping it in her fist. "Fine. I'll try it your way." She murmurs. And goes to get ready.

Heading first to the bathroom, she gets a quick shower. Drawing on the memories she had done well to ignore so far, she carefully scrubbed, washed, conditioned, and moisturized her body. Making use of some expensive soaps she seems to have brought with her. Or... her persona, at least. Heading back to her room, wrapped in towels... she sets to drying and combing her hair. Wincing as it snags a few times... and frustrated at the vanity of it all. Sitting at said vanity, finally she gets her hair dried... tugging it into two long ponytails on either side of her head. 'Twintails' supplies a quiet voice in the back of her head. Frowning a little, she sets the butterfly shaped white ties edged with blue into place. Holding down the... twintails.

Next is makeup... looking over the layout is rather... intimidating... but once again, her memories as Lily seemed to know exactly what to do... With a practiced hand she applies foundation, blush, lipgloss, mascara, eyeshadow, eyeliner... soon looking rather... well... made up. She has to admit it does enhance her features a bit... maybe Lance would... would notice her more now... Her blushed cheeks gain a little more blush, as she shakes her head. Dispelling the thoughts as she moves on.

Underwear next... she had worn the bras and panties yesterday, yes... but... never put them on before. Of course Lily had... plenty of times... and soon enough she winds a white, frilled bra and panty set around her soft curves... Glancing at them... looking at them front and sideways. Had she gotten... bigger...? Its not like she paid much attention to her form when she had first gotten it... she had tried to ignore it, really... But... hrm.

Shaking her head, she moves onwards. Sliding on a pair of white hose... followed by the white and blue dress... gloves... and... shoes. Frowning at the feminine footwear... she sighs and goes to slip on a pair of blue heels. Trying a few practice steps... Its while doing so she notices the letter on the floor. Picking it up carefully... and reading it. "Mmm... well. Thats interesting..." She carefully tears it up, flushing it down the toilet. So the puppy was going to make a go of it...? Maybe she'll get lucky, but... knowing Lance...

She sighs... and tries to remember what 'she' is supposed to be doing today. Work... at a... modelling agency? "Of course..." She murmurs... but... still. This might give her practice in using her new... assets. Deciding on the course of action, she carefully walks from her room in the new footwear. Pausing at the entrance as she encounters cats and dogs.

Raising an eyebrow. "We have another stray, Estelle...?"
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Zoey » Wed Feb 24, 2016 11:27 am

Diana sits down for breakfast and starts digging in. There's no real benefit to her waiting for the other's even if it is a bit rude, but she doesn't want to be late though. For now she only minds her own business. She see's the other girls walking around and doing their things, nothing really to bother much about. It is pretty nice though that breakfast tastes so good. Estelle's cooking is pretty amazing, speaking of that, it seemed some commotion is occurring at the door. Diana leans back a bit with the spoon still on her mouth as she tries to get a view. "Mew hurl?" she says with a full mouth as she chewed. Or rather, a new assassin? Probably.

She sighs and goes back to breakfast. The more the better and faster they can get this whole job done already. Can't wait to go back to normal and not see Lance's face again... speaking of which... She frowns and looks around... Where IS Lance anyways?... Not that she cared or anything.
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Mendi-chan » Wed Feb 24, 2016 11:22 pm

Teresa takes her seat at the breakfast table and nods to Diana while addressing her. "Good morning. I hope you slept well." After a half a beat she turns over to the door, barely understanding the mumbling of Diana before heading to the entry way. If there was someone new they'd surely be confused and need some help... But shouldn't Lance be there to greet a new tenant? Turning from Lily an Estelle to the hybrid girls at the door she gives a soft smile. "Er... Good morning. Are you all new?"
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby muffinstud » Thu Feb 25, 2016 11:38 pm


The maid with the nice puppy dog ears seems friendly enough... but something deep within Sonia urges her to be cautious around this girl. Her tail gets all brushy, and she might find herself feeling a little antsy. Her memories tell her that yes, she is a boarder here, but only in name. More specifically, she is living here under the generosity of the owner, until she can get her feet under her.
No one had told her that there would be a d-d-dog...


The cat girl before her is so adorable when she's nervous. Estelle finds her smile easily becoming wider... more toothy. The other girls in the house so far all seem to have their issues, most likely making more work for her. But something deep within her urges her that this girl could be fun... that she could truly enjoy playing with her. It's a good thing she is about to head out for some shopping. Not only could she use the extra set of hands, she could have fun with the other girl sporting the fuzzy ears.

Knight Errant

Lily walks in her pretty blue heels with practiced steps... despite never actually having worn them before. She remembers how to move in them, how to keep her balance, but that's all part of her new self. She heads out, in a state that her expertise would declare is sufficient for being out in public. At the door, she sees the dog and the cat... both girls staring at each other. They don't seem to respond to her... Whatever interaction they're about to get into, it's either going to mess up her outfit, or make her late. Perhaps it would be best to be on her way... quietly.


Well, Diana may not care... but she should still keep tabs on him, right? Just... to make sure she can get a good shot on him for next time. Wait... hadn't Lance left for his class at the community college? Doesn't she have school too? And isn't the bus... supposed to leave right now? Oh no! By taking her time with breakfast, she might be late to her first day at school! She won't make a good impression if she's late, she had better go!


The two hybrid girls seem to be lost in a staring contest... a very energetic one. Perhaps it would be best to be on her way. Her first class may not be for a while, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to get there early. Hmmm, and maybe... she could find out what classes Lance is taking. If she could find out more about him, she could potentially convince the others not to... kill him. And... it would be kind of nice to see him again. He may not be very aware of his surroundings, but he is very kind... and pretty cute.
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Whatevr89532 » Sat Feb 27, 2016 5:49 pm

Estelle shakes her head slightly to snap herself out of whatever trance that was, and then notices the other people around. They just asked her some questions, right? But the answer should be fairly obvious if..

"Well, uh, would you like me to take your bags, show you to your room?"

What in the world got into her for a second there? Lucas never zones out like that. Estelle apparently does, but that shouldn't..
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Abillioncats » Sat Feb 27, 2016 6:06 pm

Sonia feels nervous around this girl, not shyness so much as just on edge. She knows from her memories as Sonia that she's always been nervous around dogs, apparently that included dog girls as well.

Calm down Sonia...this girl is perfectly friendly... She realised about then that Estelle had asked her a question. "Uh y-yes that would be wonderful, thank you." She holds out her drawstring bag, she didn't bring anything else with her since that was all she really owned.
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Mendi-chan » Sun Feb 28, 2016 2:49 pm

Teresa blinks, her thoughts lingering on Lance for a second. He hadn't committed any crimes or done any wrongs, so it would make sense for her to try to talk to the new girls about the mission... But what was that thought... That trace of a thought of how cute he looked? Blood rushes to her cheeks as she shakes her head, trying to keep focus. This was serious! Plus, she'd never have thought like that before she was Teresa. No, no. It was time to try to welcome the new tenants and try to figure out what their intentions were.

Walking up to the hybrid girls she gives a small wave. "Hey there. Welcome. I didn't know that we were expecting any more." Extending her hand she smiles softly. "Er... My name is Teresa. Pleasure to meet you both."
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Whatevr89532 » Mon Feb 29, 2016 4:31 pm

Estelle nods, taking the bag in her arms, and then gives a slight tilted-head look to Teresa. "Uh..we met last night, remember? Well, nice to meet you again anyway." Looking more toward the cat-eared girl again, she says, "I'm Estelle Bouvier, I'm working as the maid here."
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Zoey » Mon Feb 29, 2016 5:27 pm

Diana takes her time and then blinks as she realizes that important fact of tardiness... "AW Bob!" she exclaims quickly taking her bag and rushing out. "Excuse me, pardon me! IM GOING TO BE LATE!" she exclaims as she bulldozes her way through the crowd of girls before spotting the new girl. "Hi Im Late, please to meet you, but Im Diana to School. BYE!" she says in a rush as she jets it out of the building before munching down on a piece of toast she brought with her as she takes long strides and dashes her way to school.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Abillioncats » Mon Feb 29, 2016 8:05 pm

"Nice to meet you Estelle, and you as well Teresa." Sonia found her feelings of nervousness disappearing a bit as she watched girls of all sorts either greeting her or running out the door. Sonia never had any real issues with shyness and neither had Ash.

Diana gives her a quick greeting but she is clearing in a rush so Sonia steps out of the way as the other girl exits the building. "Did...did she just say her name was Late?" Clearly she had meant Diana, but it was kind of funny, Sonia giggled.
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Knight Errant » Tue Mar 01, 2016 2:52 pm

It was so odd... walking in the footwear... though at least it was easy. She watches Diana bulldoze her way through and sighs... shaking her head as she slips past the others in her wake... gliding through the chaos fairly elegantly. The stone she slipped into her purse... along with a butterfly knife. She had plans for the first, the second was just for insurance.

Finally on the street floor... she lets her memories guide her towards her destination...
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