Assasination Harem!


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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Knight Errant » Thu Mar 31, 2016 4:40 pm

Lily tries to push those thoughts out of her mind. She's not sure what made her... grow... but she should try and avoid it. She doesn't have much time to dwell on that, though... as Miss Waters speaks about the photo shoot. She bites her lip and nods. "I'll do my best, Miss Waters." Hopefully that giddy part of herself will know what to do... its what she always wanted to do, after all...
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Whatevr89532 » Tue Apr 05, 2016 3:10 pm

Lucas pushes back slightly against the impression that now isn't the time to talk about plans for tonight. It's certainly a better time now than out in public, where any message clear enough to avoid being misunderstood would sound very suspicious to anyone in earshot.'s not as if the two of them won't be alone enough to talk about it at some point during their trip, like on the way back. And Sonia doesn't exactly seem all that focused right now anyway, maybe a little nervous still. Sure, both her and Estelle are just very good facades, but if they trust each other a little more it may still make it easier to persuade whoever's behind the cat-girl's eyes to cooperate with the plan.

For now, she just makes a mental note that if it hasn't been mentioned by the time they're on the way back to the house she needs to talk about it then. If it's late enough in the afternoon they can't talk about it at the house without Teresa hearing, and the main point is for Sonia to distract her to minimize collateral damage and allow Estelle to focus even more on making sure Lance eats, without directly letting on to either of them that the soup is poisonous.
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Abillioncats » Tue Apr 05, 2016 5:50 pm

Stopping the super villain is important, but there isn't really much Sonia can do about that right now. She briefly wonders if she should tell Estelle about that, but decides against it. She'd probably think she was crazy! Maybe even get sent to a mental ward...she shuddered at that.

Sonia shakes her head as she realised she was spacing out again. Everything was so...distracting! "S-So! Ready to go?" She'd worry about this Lance character later, she'd meet him later after his classes, then she'd be able to learn more about him, she needed more information about her enemy before she made any sort of move! And of course to see if he was as dangerous and evil as they said he was.
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Mendi-chan » Thu Apr 07, 2016 9:03 am

Teresa gives a small wave to the gruff biker as she runs off the bus, thanking him for his kindness. As she runs to take her seat she glances at Lance... and shifts to find a seat next to him. She had to find out more about what makes him tick! Maybe she'd find some way to get closer to him to show the rest of the group that he wasn't evil at all. Smiling softly at him she sets her books down. "E-er... H-hey Lance. I guess we're in the same class..."
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Zoey » Thu Apr 21, 2016 7:53 pm

It is very hard for someone so closed off from everyone else to open up that closed door to others. Really, Diana just played along with them, probably coming off as the serious quiet one. She was still very cautious even if these girls were really what they seemed. She kept this sort of quiet serious demeanor for most of the day in part aswell, because all this was new and having to rely on half a minds worth of unwanted knowledge was annoying and embarrassing. Still she musters on forward making sure to really keep her mind focused on what really needs attention. To kill a certain someone...
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby muffinstud » Fri Jun 10, 2016 3:53 pm

[[ Oh my. It seems life has thrown a bit of a fastball my way. Sorry for such a long delay. But, if everyone is as interested in continuing this as I am, then I believe we can pick right back up! ]]

Knight Errant

"Excellent!" Miss Waters heads into the elevator, motioning Lily to follow her through. What follows is a tiring photo session with a demanding and somewhat flamboyant photographer. Lily's excited side does help with the more tedious parts of the shoot, but with each pose and each new outfit it's becoming quite clear to her. She... is quite the looker. And she does seem to be suited to this kind of work, as whenever she takes one of the alluring poses the photographer guides her into, it feels... kind of nice. Whatever embarrassment most people would have for this thing seems to be negated by the excited eagerness on one side and the detached determination on the other.

Lily exits the elevater back into the lobby, her cheeks sore from smiling and pouting, the arches of her feet sore from all the different heels. She has in hand a packet from Miss Waters for her standard HR paperwork to complete... and some instructions to practice walking around in heels more often.


And so, Estelle takes the new cat girl shopping! She seems helpful enough, when she doesn't seem to be distracted by something. And despite her seemingly short attention span, she also seems smart enough. Such a person could fit very well into what she has planned. And as the day progresses, it dawns on her that the two might be kindred spirits in more than just their situation with Lance. Multiple times, people stop and stare at the two and their ears and tails. Part of Estelle wants to curl up and shelter herself from the looks, but having Sonia with her makes it easier to carry on... knowing someone else has to deal with this gives her strength. One little girl that was gawking at them turned after her mother apologized. "They're so pretty, mommy!"

Finally, groceries and new clothing in hand, the pair make their way back to the boarding house. Estelle must have gotten carried away with the shopping that no mention of plans has been made so far. And yet... today had been fun.


Sonia follows Estelle as they begin their shopping trip! It's actually pretty fun, but a part of her already knew that she would enjoy the experience. During their trip, there are a few people that gawk and stare. One man even chuckles, mentioning "mass hysteria" to himself as he passes. And while the attention might remind her of less pleasant times, this certainly isn't one. Estelle seems so put together, so confident. It's easy to draw from that strength and keep a smile on her face.

It isn't until they're almost back to the boarding house that Sonia remembers why they're out shopping to begin with. They're both in this house to eliminate a very great threat. That could get kind of sticky... but at least she knows someone who could watch her back as she gets to her work. A kindred spirit of sorts.


"I guess we are." Lance smiles, but before he can really continue the conversation, the professor starts up the lecture. The lecture seems kind of boring, but Lance seems to be taking notes dutifully. Once done, he stretches and gets up from his seat. "Man, that was a bore. Sorry you had to sit through that too." He looks at his schedule, and apologizes for having to rush to his next class. Thankfully, it seems their schedules end at about the same time, allowing for them to ride the bus home together. He seems fairly receptive to the idea and runs off to his next class.

Still, for a guy that chose to go to a somewhat lower profile community college, he's pretty serious about his schoolwork. Maybe he would... let her get closer if she were to show him she is serious too? After all, she needs to do some fact finding, and unless they have some common ground, he's not likely to open up. And as strangely interesting as her other classes seem to be, Teresa finds herself anxiously waiting at the bus stop to ride home with Lance. And, finally, she is rewarded for her patience as he walks up, a generous smile on his face. He... does have a nice smile.


Diana's determination on the kill makes it difficult to fill any stereotype but the quiet, serious type. But, the two girls have a few classes in common with her, potentially making a very dull day of school a little more interesting. Of particular note was the internal conflict she went through during PE. Part of her had balked at going into the girls' locker room, finding the idea of looking at teenagers reprehensible. The other part of her thought it only natural. Where else would she change, in the air ducts? When she finally started stripping down, it became clear to her that she wouldn't have to worry about looking around at the girls... rather, they were looking at her. Apparently, she is a little more mature for her age, and some of the girls give her jealous glances. That must mean she... is pretty? It's a strange, yet oddly exhilarating concept.

Finally, the final bell rings and Diana is free to ride the bus back to the boarding house and take care of what is truly important. Even so, today hadn't really been all that bad. While the teachers covered material she already knows, she could easily make some very interesting friends if she put forth a little effort. Even if it's temporary, and just part of her cover, it would be nice to just be... normal for a change.

[[ And here is our time skip. It is now mid-afternoon, leaving our players as much time to make it back to the house as they like, with time for preparation and plotting before dinner! ]]
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Abillioncats » Tue Jun 14, 2016 7:12 pm

[[I still want to continue this if everyone else does ^^]]

Sonia focused her mind, today had been a lot of fun, but she needed to concentrate on the mission now. Estelle was quickly becoming a friend of hers, she knew the wolf girl would have her back if she needed help. But was Estelle like her? Someone who was two people at once, tasked with eliminating a dangerous threat to the world? She reasoned there was only one way to really find out...

"So Estelle...what do you think of Lance?" Perhaps it was too vague, but Sonia didn't want to risk admitting to someone she was there to kill a guy if they weren't on the same page.
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Whatevr89532 » Tue Jun 14, 2016 8:34 pm

Estelle hadn't lost the ability to keep track of mental notes and things that needed to be done--if anything, that was the sort of thing that maid training had made just as strong in the new persona as in the old one. But...she was struggling to come up with a way to bring it up. She was very glad to have an opening, and paused her walk when Sonia asked her about Lance, her expression turning...not exactly cold, but considerably more reserved than "Estelle" usually is. After a quick look around just in case someone was listening, she said quietly, "You have a briefcase of probably weaponry under your bed, just like everyone else...I have to assume you're really here for the same reason I really am. Right?"
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Abillioncats » Tue Jun 14, 2016 9:08 pm

Sonia's heart thumped loudly in her chest, so she really wasn't the only one! There were other heroes here to stop the villain as well! She had the sudden urge to act very giddy and hug Estelle, but that hardly would have been appropriate for the situation.

Instead she nodded vigorously to confirm the wolf girl's question. "Yes...I am." She said in a more serious voice than you'd expect from the catgirl. "I want to do my part to protect the world...did...did you get transformed by a magical rock too?" She couldn't have been the only one right?
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Knight Errant » Wed Jun 15, 2016 12:14 pm

Lily heads on in... hopefully not for the first day of the rest of her life. But it was time to focus on the job. She lets her steely mind guide her excitement... as she poses... pouts... smiles. Again and again and again... She does her best to learn quickly... she had no time to be embarrassed... She wasn't some highschool kid. She would master this... just like any other skill.

Later that afternoon, she sighs, heading out from the lobby. She makes her way outside... her instructions in mind, she decides to walk back. Ignoring the ache in her feet as she heads outside and down the sidewalk. Focusing on how to move, where she needs to improve.
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Whatevr89532 » Sun Jun 19, 2016 10:28 pm

"Right." Estelle nods. "I believe everyone else at the house was also. Two of them tried to kill him right in front of me, but he doesn't seem aware they did." She takes a deep breath: Even though Lucas/Estelle is committed to the idea, announcing your intent to kill aloud, even quietly to one other person in confidence, is still a bit unsettling. "I'm going to try something less direct than they did, and it might make it easier if you can help. Specifically...I don't want to hurt anyone but our target."
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Zoey » Tue Jun 21, 2016 9:44 pm

Diana sighs looking out the bus window during the ride back home. Today was indeed a rather odd and or fun day, despite her situation. She is really conflicted about apparently being the class's most 'developed' student. This will really bring up unwanted attention. Diana does take a bit solace in knowing that this is only temporary she thinks as she looks down at her skirt which she tugs down. This is all so annoying, it's been two days already and still this feeling about have 2 heads inside of one drives her mad. She has to kill her target as soon as possible, she has better things to do than waste time here.

Still, being in the bus surrounded by children. Laughing. Talking. It can't help but remember what she lost. It makes her remember, but this time she can't help but also remember her most recent new memories with the two girls from before. Her thoughts drift to today with them. They aren't that bad, all things considered. They're just... themselves. Now she doesn't get why those two are so gun-ho about being her friend, but she can't help not like them trying. Maybe she should loosen up a bit. "Maybe I'll ask for their phone numbers tomorrow" she thinks to herself as she pats her bag next to her which contains her phone, since well... skirts don't have pockets.

However, the ride soon comes to an end as she has to get out of the bus. She grabs her things and leaves the boss with her same friendly serious face, only giving a nod to the driver as she passes by. Her look doesn't change as she walks towards the mansion. She steels herself for the next round. Another chance to kill Lance. With skirt flowing in the wind and the mighty taps from her school loafers against the pavement she gets closer to the mansion. As she gets close she spots Lily on the way. She's pretty much easy to recognize because of their clashes last night. She also recognizes her walk is strained for some reason. "Hey" she says waving her down. "Lily!... right?" she says catching up to her since Lily's moving so slow.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Knight Errant » Tue Jun 21, 2016 10:08 pm

Lily winces a bit... moving indeed a bit awkwardly... but at the same time forcing herself to sway her hips and take small steps. She looks up at Diana as she gets near... her expression goes from surprised to more... neutral. "Oh... you again. Yeah, thats me I suppose. Your... Diana, right?" She puts a hand on her hip... her head tilted slightly.
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Zoey » Tue Jun 21, 2016 10:23 pm

Diana frowns, almost to a glare as she gets this very confrontational attitude. "Well, technically. Yeah. Are you ok?" she asks. "You look like you sprained an ankle or something" she says looking down at Lily's foot. She tries to match the older woman's more aggressive posture, but she can't help but also show some concern to someone who's still technically an ally.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
"Of course it is! Just see for yourself how powerless you are!"
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Mendi-chan » Tue Jun 21, 2016 10:29 pm

Teresa brushes a strand of hair from her face, shyly smiling at Lance as he walks up. Her heart was racing... but that was certainly because of the dangerous situation they were both soon to be in. "Hey there..." She holds a stack of schoolbooks in her arms, hoping to get a solid start on tomorrows work when she gets back while simultaneously showing her dedication. Lance was a nice enough guy, but unless they actually had some sort of friendship (or at least a semblance of one) she'd never figure out what he really understood about his predicament. "How was your day? Any lectures better then the one this morning?" She asks, looking up to him. Even just looking at it from here it was hard to imagine that this guy was the monster they wanted to paint him as.
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