The man at the desk looks like he's thinking for a moment. "Hmm..yeah." He leans over and pulls out a couple of calendar pages for the current and next month with a bunch of things written on them, putting them facing him on the desk for the moment. "What tier'd it sound like they wanted you in? We have to wait around for official paperwork but usually that only takes a day or so, so I c'n expedite things a little by putting in a request now if we're confident enough it won't get rejected."
Guy finds a man sitting on a folding chair next to the ring; he resembles a humanoid
Mightyena, having the ears and tail of one as well as similar-looking markings on his face. "Oi, hey," he says in a very deep gravelly voice while standing up. "Name's Clyve, miss," he adds, coming over and offering his right hand for a fraction of a second before noticing the tool on her arm and going for the left-handed shake instead.