Assasination Harem!


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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Knight Errant » Thu Jul 07, 2016 10:46 pm

Lily hmmms... "Sure, why not?" She thinks a bit... "You could head into the hotsprings with us, and make sure no one else gets in the way. We don't want someone messing with the shot, right Diana?" She glances to the other girl with a smirk.
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby muffinstud » Thu Jul 14, 2016 6:16 pm


It would be easier to get her killshot if she were closer, easier to get a good angle and avoid unnecessary collateral damage. It would also mean getting a chance to be in the hot spring... wear something cute... and maybe vent some of her frustration on Lance's stupid head. Yes, that would be perfect. She could prove to Lily that she isn't just some schoolgirl... but a woman to be respected. As Sonia approaches with her treats, Diana notices that the catgirl isn't exactly homely either. That prickles at her. All of these girls all look so pretty... she has to distinguish herself somehow.

Knight Errant

Well, with herself running the distraction, Sonia watching the angles and Diana taking the shot, they should be able to eliminate any chance of some fluke ruining their chances. Between this and the soup, Lance should be a goner before the morning. But in the meantime, Lily will have to step up her game... play her part to the fullest. And that would mean wearing something nice and... revealing. And she'll have to make sure she stands out among the other girls that will be there... maybe she could assist them in picking out their own swimwear? That... seems oddly appealing to her.


The two girls at least seem to agree with Sonia that no one else should be hurt. Maybe they're not all bad... just a little more cold-hearted than most. Maybe... when this is done they could just relax a bit in the hot spring... just the girls. It would be easier to work together if they could get to know each other. And it would be nice to have more friends. These girls, grim as they may be, don't seem to notice her cat-like features at all. She could just be one of them... one of the girls. Hmm, yes. If these attempts don't go through... she should get all the girls together to soak a bit... and spend some quality girl time together.


Teresa might feel the slight tug of gravity behind her as the bus slows down to a stop. Huh... she hadn't even noticed boarding. All this daydreaming is keeping her from paying attention to her surroundings. Her concern might be difficult to hold on to as Lance gives her a smile. "I think I'd like that. I've never been too good at this school stuff, so I could use all the help I can get." He chuckles, and then the bus shudders, throwing Teresa off balance for a moment. She finds herself bumping into him... and finding that it does indeed feel nice to be so close. After a brief moment, she regains her balance... but not before she feels herself flush at the feel of his fit torso. He... really is kind of cute...
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Whatevr89532 » Fri Jul 15, 2016 9:09 am

Estelle spends a while staring at the few tasteless poisons, wondering if any of them would be affected by the chemicals of the soup, or by being heated. It probably would be a good idea to study up on poisons at some point if this doesn't work out. Eventually she settles on a powder practically at random, but...
There is one poison Lucas knows a lot about. For a game about spies, he studied quite a bit on the effects of cyanide. He'd made a very convincing death scene when it came time for his character to take his cyanide capsule, so much so that he'd had to pop back up and yell "Wait, I'm not really dead!" before one of the other players could call 911. She digs around for that and if she finds it, tucks it away in her apron as well. As a backup in case something goes wrong with this mystery poison.

While putting up the case, she can't help but shudder a bit at a thought: If Estelle were to take a poison, or get shot or stabbed, Lucas probably wouldn't be able to break out of character and be just fine. If Estelle's heart stops, so does Lucas. It's not a comfortable truth to face. But..she shakes her head, standing up. There's no use worrying about it; the maid has supper to cook.

She exits the bedroom and makes her way to the kitchen, looking for a big pot and ingredients to put in the soup, quietly humming to herself...
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Zoey » Fri Jul 15, 2016 1:02 pm

Diana frowns as she looks around, shifting a bit as she looks down and adjusts her school skirt while the thoughts invade her mind. She takes one of Sonia's Popsicle's and clamps down on it, crossing her arms. Getting real close would be better, yeah. Much cleaner, but she'd need a nice swimsuit. Does she even have one? Her fingers start tapping on her arm as she grows more anxious. She double takes a bit when she notices Lily looking at her waiting for a reply. "W-What? Oh... Um, repeat the question again?" she asks not really catching what Lily asked or said, she only knew it had to do with her? Maybe?
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Knight Errant » Fri Jul 15, 2016 1:17 pm

Lily mmms... yes... she wanted this to work. There wasn't any room for shyness or second guessing. Everyone needed to play their parts... She thinks... while slowly sucking on the popsicle in a way thats almost certainly subconsciously suggestive.

She tugs the frozen treat from her mouth with a pop as Diana stutters. "I'm saying you being close would help your shot. But... you can't exactly wear that. Its not appropriate..." She tilts her head... looking from Diana to Sonia. "You girls follow me... I'll find something for you to wear." She could give them a pair of nice swimsuits while... while making sure she has the best one... Yes, that would be good... for the plan, of course. Right.
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Abillioncats » Fri Jul 15, 2016 1:21 pm

Sonia's tail swayed faster as she talked with the two other girls. It felt good to be included in something...even if it was to assassinate someone. She started to fantasize hanging out with them all as friends, soaking in the hot spring did sound nice...

Without realizing it she began to purr, but only faintly. She snaps out of it as Diana begins to speak. "R-Right! Lead the way." She puts her own popsicle in her mouth, not wanting it to melt beforehand.
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Zoey » Fri Jul 15, 2016 2:37 pm

Diana frowns and glares. "I know that already you don't have to act like I don't!" she replies shifting her Popsicle to the side of her mouth. She hates it when Lily acts like this, but the idea of getting her clothes problem dealt with is, very appealing... "Alright, whatever" she says huffing as she approaches Lily. "Lead the way, super model"
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Knight Errant » Fri Jul 15, 2016 3:27 pm

Lily chuckles. Turning and leading the pair of girls back to her room. Remembering her walk as she steps in the high heels... foot in front of the other... sway her hips... arms to her side... Supermodel was a fairly apt term... as thats how she is attempting to walk...

Regardless, soon the trio retreats to Lily's room! The slightly spartan, yet feminine decor surrounding them as she heads into her closet. "Go ahead and strip, girls." She orders, back to them as she searches... "Hrm... might as well find one for Derpasaurus Rex first..." She mutters... though perhaps not quiet enough to keep Diana from hearing...

Eventually she turns back around with a one piece bathing suit! Its candy cane colored... bands of white and red. And it looks like it would show off quite a bit of her back... but... at least the front went all the way up to the neck. "Here, try this on." She says, smiling and offering Diana the swimsuit.
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Zoey » Fri Jul 15, 2016 8:28 pm

Diana follows rolling her eyes as she follows Lily that for some reason is still walking like an idiot. Still, she doesn't care it's her funeral if she enjoys those death shoes. As she walks in she looks around Lily's room. Wow, if she ever felt sorry for her. At least her room wasn't this feminine and dumb.

"Knock yourself out" she replies to Lily as she goes into the closet. She looks at Sonia and shrugs and jumps unto Lily's bed to wait. During the wait, she uses her phone to pass the time.

"That's... it?" Diana says as she pulls herself up from the bed to see what Lily brought for her. "Is that even my size?" she says eyeing it with a skeptical look.
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Mendi-chan » Fri Jul 15, 2016 8:58 pm

Teresa squeaks as she bumps into him, trying to collect herself as her heart races. He... he seemed so strong. So calm and cool and collected. And he'd mentioned how they could potentially talk together about class! That'd give her a chance to learn more about his powers... and... and him. He was so nice and so cute... She stops at that thought, her eyes unable to turn away from him. He... he was cute... But she couldn't let that distract her too much. Right?
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby muffinstud » Fri Jul 15, 2016 10:29 pm


Thanks to her earlier shopping, Estelle has plenty of material to work with to make a delicious soup. As she hums and gets to work, her tail starts to wag from side to side, and she might find a smile forming on her lips. Sure, it may be a job, it may be something that only half of her has really done regularly, but it feels... really nice to be cooking up something yummy for someone else. And the girls in this house may all be strange, but they all seem nice enough. Perhaps after tasting some more of her cooking, she could have a few more friends here.

As for the poison, the powder looks fine enough that it should dissolve easily enough into the broth. It would probably be best to add it last, though, so as not to cook out any harmful effects.


Wait, Lily wants her to strip? Well, she would have to do that to put on a swimsuit, and she should make sure it fits before she wears it out to the hot spring. And oddly enough, the one-piece suit offered her looks to be about the right size... although what Lily is doing with a suit that might be a little too small for her... But at least it does cover her front nicely... even if it would leave her back a little exposed. But then... it would be her ticket to get a close shot... to get closer to Lance. With this bit of stretchy cloth, she could accomplish her mission, and she could prove to Lily that she is a woman, not some scared little girl. She did have better curves than most of the girls at school, if she presented herself the right way... she could look much more mature, couldn't she? Yes... and then she could tell her friends at school how she showed up a model at her own game. Now that would be satisfying!

Knight Errant

Lily... has a lot of clothes in her closet. Surprisingly, not all of it looks to be her size. But... there's no way all of this could have fit in her bag. In fact... she never unpacked all the way. But despite that, her closet is full of feminine attire of every sort, all of it made to draw attention to the curve of the wearer. Of special note is a red bikini towards the back, adorned with little fabric flowers. It looks... pretty. And it would show off a good amount of skin... and if she arches her back a little, like she did at work, then it should show a good amount of cleavage. Yes... that would draw his attention... for the mission. It definitely wouldn't just... feel nice... help her feel so... so pretty...


Sonia notices more than the other two just how spartan Lily's room is... with just barely enough flourishes to indicate that a girl sleeps here. It's such a shame, really. For a girl that seems to have so many clothes, she should have something... daring and beautiful to match. Hmm, there do seem to be other things in the closet besides clothing. Perhaps while the other two are changing, she could... spruce things up for Lily, help her room match her personality a little better. And who knows. Maybe this time together might help the two stop bickering long enough for them to find something cute for her to wear too!


Right. She can't let the... cute boy in front of her distract her. It's strange though. Part of her might balk at finding Lance attractive... the other half finds it only natural. And yet, even the part of her that isn't surprised by the attraction itself hasn't felt it quite like this before. Sure, that side of her has considered a boy cute here and there, but the butterflies in her stomach are fierce. The heat in her cheeks is so strong, and... being near him is... exciting. Exciting enough that she almost doesn't notice when the bus stops again. Lance gives her another smile, one that makes the butterflies jump. "Looks like our stop. Come on. I don't know about you, but I'm starving." He heads off of the bus, walking towards the house.
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Abillioncats » Fri Jul 15, 2016 11:32 pm

Sonia strips without really thinking much about it, they're all girls after all. She has to admit it's a little nippy though and shivers a little.

She sighs as she sees the other two bickering, before noticing that Lily's room could use some decorating. She decided to go into Lily's closet and look for curtains that were more...flowery.
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Knight Errant » Sat Jul 16, 2016 12:17 am

Lily rolls her eyes. "Which one of us has the better fashion sense here?" It just seems to slip out. But it feels right... Regardless, she persists until Diana strips her clothes and lets her dress in the swimsuit. Before finally turning her to the mirror to see the result.

She smiles. "Not bad, if I do say so myself..." She looks to Sonia. "I think I can find something for you, too..." She says... remembering a pink bikini that would look quite good on her. And that... that red flowery one... that can be her's... She glances back to the closet... looking at the clothes that wouldn't fit her. Why would she have clothes not in her size...?
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Zoey » Sat Jul 16, 2016 10:59 am

Diana squints her eyes, a slight glint in them as she swells with a weird sensation of determination. For now showing up Lily in her own game seems as important as killing Lance. "Alright" she says plainly as she gets up and starts to strip in a hurry. Thankfully in today's gym class she got a crash course in how to undo her school uniform so this time it's faster and less jumping on one leg as she struggles to take off her thigh highs and falling to the side. "There" she says covering herself, a small blush on her cheeks. This was a weird sensation. Diana knew they were all girls in the room, but at the same time couldn't help, but also feel like they were men.

She rolls her eyes and swipes the one-piece candy cane outfit from Lily. "Fashion sense my ass..." she grumbles beneath her breath. Diana looks down at her bare chest, just barely covering the sight of her nether regions which brings with it a weird sensation of both new and old. Still, she continues on, egged by a weird sensation of both showing off Lily and her desire to just get this over with and maybe a bit of curiosity to see how she looks in it. Diana steps into the outfit from the front and lowers her head to get it into the small stretchy head hole of the outfit. Once that's over with, everything seems to fall into place.

"Ugh... Is this right?" says Diana with a frown as she pulls and adjusts the very form fitting outfit. Her cheeks blaze brighter with a shade of red as Lily pulls her to a mirror. "L-Lily! I... This..." she stammers as she looks at herself in the mirror. The outfit did seem to be just a tad small for the early bloomer of a teenager she was. The material that's suppose to cover her breasts can just barely to it's job, leaving out in the open a surprising amount of side boob. If it wasn't bad enough the swimsuit seemed to stretch in a way that she showed all her thighs and even some rear. She tried to tug the material down, but it was already stretched close to its maximum as it just seemed to snap back. The outfit leaving little to the imagination as Diana finds out as she finds herself almost posing in front of the mirror. The teenager in her has a lot of mixed feelings. This outfit even without showing any cleavage is riding up so much on her butt that she might as well be almost wearing a G-String as she keeps pulling with the back part of the swimsuit. This really does make it almost seem like you really want to show off the rear more than the front, though with how tight it seems her breasts are very clearly outlined in the outfit. This whole thing feels so much more scandalous that it should... she has worn bikini's before which show more, but somehow this feels less indecent whole showing less. Still... if anything would catch Lance's eye this might be it.

Diana shuffles a bit in front of the mirror biting her lower lip as all these thoughts come and go. What would Lance think? Would he like it? Would he not? Maybe this isn't enough? How will this compare to the other's outfits?
"Let me confirm, your shelter shield is activated?"
"What are you planning?!"
"Your shelter is secure, is it?"
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Abillioncats » Sat Jul 16, 2016 12:35 pm

Sonia pulled out what appears to be pink curtains, idly realizing that Lily sure had a lot of stuff in her closet. All she really needed now was to stick some flowers on the curtains and they would be perfect! She looses her train of thought when she sees Diana in the one piece. "Wow Diana you look great!" She complimented, the small part of her that was still Ash let her appreciate it more, but she mostly finds herself curious what her swimsuit will look like. She hoped it was cute!
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