Assasination Harem!


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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Knight Errant » Sat Jul 16, 2016 2:29 pm

Lily grins... watching Diana tug the tight one piece up and into place. She slowly circles her... nodding. "Mmm... yes. That looks good on you." She says approvingly. "Don't tug at it so much!" She admonishes. "You need to look cool and confident. Here... like this..." She goes up behind Diana... taking her arms in hers... as she goes to guide her into a pose... A hand on her hip... the other up by her chest... which she pushes out from behind. "There... hold your wrist a bit limp... push your hip more out to the side... and..." She snickers, leaning in. "Don't forget to smile." As Diana can see the grinning face of Lily over her shoulder.
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Mendi-chan » Mon Jul 18, 2016 10:14 pm

Teresa tries to hide exactly how flustered she'd become as she gets up, shaking her head to try and force her body to behave. Sure Lance seemed nice, and cute, and interested in learning... B-but that's not what was important right now! There was the whole "assassination" mission she and the group were supposedly on. And then there was the question of how to deal with the others. Maybe they would reconsider the mission if she could get proof that this whole thing was unnecessary. In any case, she wasn't going to find out how right or wrong that mission was by swooning. Even if Lance did make her feel oh so light headed... Oh wait! She needed to get off the bus! "R-right! Yeah, I'm hungry too!" She says hurriedly, jumping from her seat and quickly following Lance off of the bus.
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Whatevr89532 » Tue Jul 19, 2016 11:33 pm

Before long, Estelle has a good broth going, its scent wafting well outside of the kitchen and probably at least as far as the front door. Lucas just tries to step back and let her think about making friends and cooking delicious food, and stay off the fact that nobody should be able to taste this particular dish and live. It's almost a shame, really; Lucas could always cook for himself but could never make something that smelled this delicious. Or was that just dog-senses and/or instincts making it seem even better than usual? It's hard to discern what differences there are between Estelle's "species" and the human one beyond the visually obvious...
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby muffinstud » Wed Jul 20, 2016 1:52 pm


Sonia is... strangely comfortable in the nude. The other two girls seem to have a little more modesty or embarrassment about their bodies. But for her, it's just refreshing to be with friendly people, people like her. She may also be distracted with her plans for those curtains, and the flower vases she found in the closet too. They weren't filled, but she could find some lovely flowers somewhere to help spruce up the place. And while one part of her may want to ogle the two girls posing... the other part can't help but laugh at how silly they look. Spending time with the other girls is... fun. Maybe, when they have some off time, they could spend some more girl time together?

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After nudging Diana into the pose, the girl does look better... but Lily knows full well that she has more curve than the girl. Hmm, and that red bikini would show off those curves so nicely. As she teases the high schooler, she notices the cat girl rummaging around in her birthday suit. Oddly, she doesn't feel any kind of reaction to her as she happily starts putting up curtains on the window. Part of her knows she should feel or think something at seeing an attractive woman like that... but all she can think of is just how well that pink number would suit her.

Wait, curtains? When did she have curtains in her room? First the ill-fitting clothes, now the room decor... there was no way she had those things in her bags. Although, if she were to glance to where her bag is... there is a slight glow coming out of the crack of her suitcase.


Changing in gym class also helped Diana cope with the vision of Sonia traipsing around in the buff... and although she may be conflicted about how she feels about herself, she only sees more competition in the catgirl's form. She's not as curvy as Lily, but she just has this casual, girl next door look to her... Diana could easily draw more attention than her, if she tried. Thoughts of her mission get pushed further and further back as she keeps doing her mental gymnastics. Just how pretty would the other two look? What would she have to do to make sure she stands out... looks just as pretty or more? Hmm... this would be a challenge, but one worth the effort.


Hmm, following him off the bus, Lance seems so... perfect. And then, a part of her that had been drowned out by the flushing in her cheeks stirs a thought within her. What if he's too perfect? It doesn't make sense for someone smart, and interested in learning to take remedial classes. And he has world organizations after his hide. What if... this is all a cover? What if he's so smart, he has everyone fooled, and is just biding his time until he strikes? That would be terrible! And yet... the idea of a suave, cunning Lance pulling her close as the world around them burns keeps the heat in her cheeks. Great... she doesn't just like them smart... she likes a bad boy too.


Estelle's acute sense of smell lets her discern a lot of the nuances of the broth that Lucas never had before. But the smell of deliciousness is universal... and Lucas definitely never made anything that smelled this good. She seems so adept at this, working almost on autopilot as the stew comes together into its cornucopia of tastiness. It's almost a shame that this won't be a normal meal. It would be so satisfying to have everyone sit down and enjoy it... see the content smiles on their faces as they slurp down her healthy, home cooked goodness. But, a mission is a mission. Maybe Lucas could take some mental notes from his more effeminate side... and after this is all over, make some more tasty food for himself... and others.


Lance bursts through the front doors, pausing to take a whiff of the cooking. "Mmm, that smells great! Seems like you ladies have been busy!" He grins, heading off towards his room to deposit his things. He makes no effort to conceal his announcement or his footsteps.
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Abillioncats » Wed Jul 20, 2016 2:34 pm

As Sonia finishes putting up the curtains she takes a step back to admire her handwork. She nods with satisfaction, the room looks more lively already! She then takes a hold of one of the vases, placing it by a window as she wonders why all these things are in Diana's closet. Magic?

Sonia's ears turn as she hears Lance announce his presence and enter the house, this almost makes her heart stop. The super villain who she had yet to meet was here! She turns towards the other girls, forgetting about the decor for now. "Well it seems Lance is home...we should probably hurry this up...can't miss dinner..." Plus, she really wanted to see the swimsuit Diana picked for her.
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Mendi-chan » Sun Jul 24, 2016 4:21 pm

Teresa quietly follows behind Lance, biting her lip as she tries to get the imaginary vision of a hunky, bad boy version of the man out of her head... at least for now. She needed to focus, so the day dreaming could wait until she had a moment of true free time. Sniffing the air she blinks. "Wow!" She can't help but exclaim, "Something smells wonderful." She moves to head back to her room to set aside her books and notes from the day. Maybe she could just relax for the moment... Eat some good food and enjoy Lance's company, along with everyone else's... That'd be nice.
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Zoey » Mon Jul 25, 2016 11:03 pm

Diana blushes as she's possed by the older woman feeling quite weird in the process. "I... huh?" she says her gaze changing from herself in the mirror to the expression on Lily. "Y-You are enjoying this way too much" she says as she looks back at her reflection and pouts instead of smiling. The thought of beating these two at there own game fills her mind as she adjusts her posture. She then cracks a smile and flaunts her hair in the mirror. She could do this... she really could. If she wanted anyways. Which she does.
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Knight Errant » Mon Jul 25, 2016 11:17 pm

Lily grins as she sees Diana smile and flaunt her hair... nodding at a job well done. She looks back to Sonia... putting a hand on her hip and looking her up and down... She nods at her words. "Right... sorry for keeping you, Sonia. I'll get you settled right now."

With that she heads into the closet... rummaging around... her rear swaying slightly for the other girls to see. Where was it? She knows she saw it in here before... "Aaaah... there we go." She smiles. Taking out a set of soft pink fabric. "Here we go! I'll get you looking lovely." She says with a smile... nudging her over to another mirror... Lily sure did have a few of those in her room... and goes to dress her. Settling the soft fabric of a pink bikini top over her chest... she fastens it from behind, nodding. "Perfect." She goes to do the same with a set of bottoms... lastly adjusting a cute collar around Sonia's neck... leaving her as so.

Finally, she could get to her own. Weaving once more through the racks of clothing... she picks out that lovely red number that had caught her eye... Shimmying out of her clothes with nary a second thought. Though Diana might find her eyes drawn to the girl's more impressive chest and hips... that spark of hot jealousy still burning.

She winds a red bikini top garnished with silk flowers around said breasts... and hips. Looking at herself in the mirror carefully... as she sets a flower hairclip into her hair. Teasing and prodding her clothes and looks until she just looks... perfect.

That done... she has time to wonder. Where did all of these curtains and vases come from? Where did all these clothes, for that matter? Glancing around... her sharp eye catches the glow. As she walks over... bare feet tilted to keep her weight on her toes... hips still swaying... as she goes to peer into her luggage. To see the source of this glow...
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Abillioncats » Mon Jul 25, 2016 11:55 pm

Sonia gawks at her reflection, feeling her cheeks flush as Lily adjusts the collar around her neck. She'd worn bathing suits before sure but...she'd never worn a bikini before, not as Sonia, and certainly not as Ash. For some reason it was more embarrassing to the catgirl than being naked. The collar didn't help either, while she could admit it looked rather cute on her, it made her feel like Her tail swayed a bit at that thought.

Her cheeks became rosy as she let that thought linger. Did the idea of being a pet? The idea was embarrassing and yet at the same time exciting to her. She'd never admit it openly but she did like it when her hair was stroked or her ears scratched...

She shook her head, trying to push those thoughts away. It was strange, she'd never had those kind of feelings before. The idea of being a pet was silly. She was only part cat, not all cat! Enough of this, focus on the mission Sonia...
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Whatevr89532 » Fri Jul 29, 2016 7:21 pm

"Hey, welcome back!" Estelle waves at Lance and Teresa through the kitchen doorway as they head toward their respective rooms. Whatever she's thinking about inside, she presents as the same peaceful, cheerful girl as always. It's...certainly satisfying, cooking, especially with access all the ingredients she needs to make something good. At least if this plan doesn't work out, there's more of that to look forward to.

..Is that right? Lucas remembers that Estelle is the one who's happy about this sort of thing. Losing that separation of identities is dangerous, not only damaging the real self's mental stability but making it easier for the mask to slip. Estelle can't be Estelle if she starts being Lucas. This is basic stuff. Is something beyond the planted memories and knowledge making this more difficult than usual? There is a touch of worry to that thought.

At least the food is going well. It's almost time to add the "special seasoning"...
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby muffinstud » Sat Jul 30, 2016 5:04 pm


Right, Sonia needs to keep her mind on the mission. She's not someone's pet, she's a person. Even so... whenever she moves around she hears the slight jingle of the bell at her neck. Something about that sound is just... right to her. It looks so cute, and it sounds light and happy. Maybe... she could include a bell around her neck in more of her outfits...

But that's another of those distracting thoughts. She needs to stay on point... be there in the hot spring with the other girls and make sure everything goes right. That way, no one has to get hurt... except for Lance.


Teresa sets down her books. Woof, those things really are heavy! It's a good thing she has such a nice desk for her schoolwork, and a comfy chair next to it. Hmm... she could see herself reading there some long night. But... it's kind of odd. She doesn't remember seeing these things in her room before. That is kind of odd... but she also remembers that she can be a help around the house. Estelle may have dinner covered, but she could at least set the table... and make sure she sits next to Lance...


She does want this, doesn't she? It's not just the satisfaction of showing up that pretentious Lily, or looking cuter than Sonia. It just... kind of feels good. She's fairly pretty in her own right and it feels kind of nice to show some of that. Hrm... her friends at school looked really cute too. Maybe... they have some pointers too. And from the way Lily talks, she has less experience being a girl than her friends at school, so they could possibly know better tips. Hmm... It's worth checking out... just like herself in her swimsuit. Hmmm... and maybe... Lance could check her out too. That thought brings a bit of blush to her cheeks.

Knight Errant

Lily opens up her luggage... and atop of her weapons lies the stone. Where before it had been a nondescript gray oval of smooth rock... now it looks more... crystalline. It almost looks like the grainy exterior of a geode, with little veins of red trying to peek out. Oh, and it's glowing. It did that before, when it showed her that... interesting little vision. Now the glowing is a little softer, casting a pinkish hue around itself. And if she looks away, she might notice another mirror, a smaller one atop a little desk with an assortment of makeup.. a vanity.


Hrmm... After Lucas passes through, it would seem now would be a good time to "spice up" the soup. Even so, the part of her that is Estelle feels it a shame to essentially ruin a perfectly good soup she worked so hard to make. And... Lucas may still have his qualms about hurting the guy. While separate, these reasons make all of her hesitate. Once she does this, there's no going back. But if she doesn't she can't go back. She can feel her ears droop a little, reminding her of her situation... and what she needs to do to free herself from it.
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Mendi-chan » Tue Aug 02, 2016 3:02 pm

Teresa runs her hands over the desk and chair, almost to reassure herself that they were actually there. What was this place? Was she going crazy? Frowning, she shakes her head... Now wasn't the time to get wrapped up in that. Neatly putting the books into their place she takes care to make sure her room is clean and tidy before turning and heading back to the kitchen. The food smelled good, but they'd sure as heck need something to eat it out of. Stepping into the kitchen she gives Estelle a nod. "Hey there! The foods smells great! Let me help you out." Opening one of the cupboards she grabs some plates. "I'll set the table up for you."
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Whatevr89532 » Wed Aug 03, 2016 10:44 am

The dog-girl's ears are forced back up as soon as she hears Teresa coming. Just as cheerful as ever, she says, "Oh, thank you! It should be ready pretty soon." Lucas has a lot of practice with faking faces, postures, tones of voice...but none whatsoever faking the position of movable ears or a tail. It may be hard to keep the mask on if that starts up.

But if anything, Estelle being "worried about ruining the soup" makes the real person underneath want to add the poison even more, if only out of frustration. Estelle doesn't know the soup's being ruined, any more than a knight Lucas played once knew his sword was made out of harmless plastic! As soon as she's sure Teresa is in the other room and not looking, she pulls out the container and dumps a considerable amount into the pot before putting it back where it came from. Maybe more than she'd originally meant to...but adding more of a poison doesn't tend to make it less toxic, generally speaking, so that shouldn't be a problem.

Really, the impact of this only hits Lucas after she's already done it. Estelle takes a deep whiff of the soup's aroma, while Lucas takes a deep breath to calm her thoughts. This is the right thing to do. If she fails, and Lance goes on to learn of his "powers" and do terrible things with them, well, there will be thousands of people wishing they could time travel back to the place she's in right now and take the opportunity to stop him before he began. Besides, even if he does seem like a good person--kind, if a little oblivious--she knows better than anyone how different a person's outward appearance can be from who they really are...
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Knight Errant » Thu Aug 04, 2016 8:25 pm

Lily reaches out and cautiously takes the faintly shining stone in hand. Looking it over... biting her lip. This was another piece of the puzzle, she was sure. This had to be behind this strangeness of today... and days before. Holding it in her palm, she makes her way to the vanity that had caught her attention. Was there something there? Furthermore, perhaps she could find a jewelry box. And maybe... something in it to hold the stone.
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Re: Assasination Harem!

Postby Zoey » Sat Aug 13, 2016 12:00 pm

Diana pauses for a bit contemplating her options. She could indeed ask the girls for help. They did seem really friendly and approachable, but at the same time she doesn't want to show any weakness to them or to anyone for that matter. She would have to be crafty in her ways to ask. She glances over to Lily and glares. Her cheeks flush red as she see's Lily from the backside as she plays with something around her vanity. There's no way Lance would go for that ass... er, woman. Lily is all looks unlike her. Yeah! She'll show Lance whats what when they all go to the baths. Diana nods to herself confidently in front of the mirror while adjusting her hairband.
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