Moderators: Mendi-chan, Kether
Raleigh wrote:Eh, well the offer stands all the same.
*Restores the employee's head to its body.* There, feel better now?
Whatevr89532 wrote:Whatevr nods to Raleigh and, seeing Callista's further antics, decides to try and get more entertainment from those. "Hmn..." He pulls out a clipboard with a full-sized piece of notebook paper and then a pencil, and starts rapidly jotting something down on it, eventually crumpling the whole thing up into a ball and tossing it behind himself. The result is the instant sprouting, tree-like, of a very flashy storefront labeled "MEGA DISCOUNT STORE". On the windows are various gaudy things plastered with words like "SALES ON SALE!" "50% OFF 50% OFF!", "BUY THREE 'BUY ONE GET ONE FREE'S, GET A FOURTH FREE!", "30% OFF 20% OFF 10% OFF 1% OFF 1% OFF .01% OFF .001% OFF..." (the rest is unreadable due to being in increasingly small text), "TAX INCLUDED IS TAX FREE!", etc. The actual contents of the store are tags which, when attached to an existing item in any store, attempt to enchant the relevant item to suddenly be on the advertised sale. A cloaked being with one visible glowy yellow eye stands at the front counter.
Raleigh wrote:Good thing there aren't many of those around.
Whatevr89532 wrote:The glowy-eyed owner continues to stare straight forward dispassionately, seemingly not bothered by Callista's antics. There also don't seem to be any other staff in the store to be particularly bothered by all the noise.
Whatevr89532 wrote:The being at the counter makes a motion with its head that resembles nodding, and turns its eye toward the pile of tags. The eye glows slightly brighter, and a yellow version of one of those square-with-a-cross-in-the-middle scanner gun laser things shines over the whole pile for a few seconds, followed by an audible 'bee-beep' from somewhere near his chest area. Turning the eye back to Callista, it says "Curren-cy of choice please" in a vaguely robotic, stilted tone. "We ac-cept gold, sil-ver, other forms of prec-ious metal, or sub-stitute bills of such. And souls or par-tial souls."
Raleigh wrote:Beings that could force you to roll a one, Risk.
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