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Re: Nothin'

Postby Whatevr89532 » Mon Jun 05, 2017 10:58 pm

Fox takes a moment to partially unsheathe one of his swords with a thumb and then put it back, which seems to just be an idle motion. " my past life I had a collection of swords which gained souls and personalities. So I have some experience with former-objects who gained consciousness. The consensus seems to be 'you get used to it' or 'you sleep most of the time'."

Ayako doesn't seem particularly bothered by the chest-snuggles, keeping her arms around Dan. In response to the freezing up she just giggles. "Heehee~."
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Re: Nothin'

Postby xGoggles » Mon Jun 05, 2017 11:35 pm

She looks at the sword un- and re-sheathing, looking over to the other pair, "Well she always did take good care of me, so I guess I'm relatively safe with her... Certainly more experienced in this staying alive than I am" she shrugs.
"So what about you, Fox... what is your story?" she stares at him with genuine interest.

A soft but definitive grumble announces itself, "Nya~?", Dan-chan looks down at her belly, realizing she hasn't eaten in quite some time... though this body is technically new.. but just like the dragon and the wolf girl, having an appetite upon creation seems common, looking back up at Ayako she says "I'm hungry.. we should make some food, nya~"

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Re: Nothin'

Postby Whatevr89532 » Tue Jun 06, 2017 3:38 pm

Fox thinks for a moment. "It's quite long. I was a mage named Wolf from a certain other universe and visited here from time to time. Before I became a mage, I was born a member of a cursed and predatory race, and seemingly the only one of my kind unwilling to prey on others. I'm not really sure what happened to me, but at some point I must have gotten killed somehow, to wind, being more or less reborn."

"'Make'? With the drawing again?" says Ayako. "It seems rike it only makes peopre..." She gestures to someone near the drawing supplies being yelled at angrily by some kind of pizza-based slime girl.
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Re: Nothin'

Postby xGoggles » Tue Jun 06, 2017 9:45 pm

"A mage.. using swords?", she looks him over, giving him some peculiar looks, "What kind of magic do you wield.. besides giving souls to swords?"

Dan-chan nods her head eagerly and smiles, "Mhm, we can make our own food.. like..umm.. sushi-people... and have fun to hunt them down and eat them, nya~". Her kind smile has no trace of how horrible and evil, that might sounds.

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Re: Nothin'

Postby Whatevr89532 » Tue Jun 06, 2017 10:01 pm

"My rebirth came with a loss of basically all the magic I knew, I think. But when I was Wolf you'd be hard-pressed to name a spell or a category of magic I didn't know quite well, either as a caster or just to know how to counteract it. Any spell I tried to cast at first was tainted by the curse I mentioned, so I had to understand what I was doing intimately to purify my spells of that..."

Ayako nods a 'that makes more sense' kind of nod, not seeming as bothered by the prospect as one might expect. But she says, "That sounds like a lot of work if you'lre arready hungly, though."
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Re: Nothin'

Postby xGoggles » Tue Jun 06, 2017 10:36 pm

"Humph... claiming you are a great mage but nothing to prove... I have seen a lot of men talking big about themselves but when it came to a demonstration, all they had were excuses", she turns around a bit belittling him.
Resting her hands on her hips, "What did that curse of yours do anyway?", her tone isn't like she is making fun of him, but it sounds more like she becomes increasingly more sceptic of people making large claims.

"Nyawww, that's true... hunting on an empty stomach can get exhausting..." Looking towards the pizza-smile-girl... Bleh.. she wasn't really into pizza now anyway for some reason and the slime.. that usually doesn't seem very delicious either...
Back to Ayako, "Maybe we should look for a food place then?? Are you hungry? What do you like to eat? I feel like eating fish, do you like fish, nya~?" her head waggles from side to side with each question.

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Re: Nothin'

Postby Whatevr89532 » Tue Jun 06, 2017 10:55 pm

Fox smiles wryly. "I never claimed to be a great mage now, only that I remember being one in my past life. What I'm capable of at the moment, fresh from..whatever use of these blades I have now." He gets a more sour expression on thinking about the curse again. "We were known as the Crimson Race. Our power was one which enslaved the minds and altered the bodies of those we used it on. Most of my race used it for..." he shakes his head, looking disgusted. "I turned to complete abstinence rather than ever risk being tempted to it. Somehow it seems like that was incorporated into this world's schema of color magic...but reinterpreted into something with just as drastic but at least somewhat less horrifying effects, it seems like." He pauses, appearing surprised at something. "Wait...why do I know that?"
Whatevr, who's been somewhere off to the side observing for a while, suddenly pops up next to him again. "You're the avatar of Crimson! Again-slash-still. But New Crimson instead of Old Crimson. Also In-Between Crimson as well."

"Fish is good," says Ayako, nodnodding. "Any hot meat is OK with me." She smiles in a way that shows off her teeth, which are mostly the razor-sharp predatory kind.
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Re: Nothin'

Postby xGoggles » Tue Jun 06, 2017 11:48 pm

"Eh?" She turns around hearing a new voice appear from behind her, looking back at the wolf-woman in curiosity, then back at the fox-man, then at both, "Can someone explain to me what 'Crimson' does?"

"Yeah, fish or meat, all yummy, nya~" she says, smiling back showing her less profound than the dragon's but still bigger than those of an average human feline fangs.
Her stomach growls again, "Nyaa... let's go then~", she takes Ayako's hand, looking for a place to get some food.

(( Not sure, should they join the other thread? They are on the same mission to look for food, but might be heading over into a different direction than Ookalf and jade? ))

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Re: Nothin'

Postby Whatevr89532 » Wed Jun 07, 2017 9:40 am

"Ah, a request for exposition!" says Whatevr dramatically. "Crimson is one among many unique forms of energy native to this world known collectively as 'Color'. Or 'color energy', or 'color magic', depending on who you ask. Each type of that energy is named after and looks like a particular color, and it has the effect of transforming people's minds and bodies in a specific way depending on what color it is." Somewhere in the middle of her talking a flip chart with a picture of a color-wheel on the top page has appeared next to her, along with a pointing stick in her hand. She flips it over to a page which shows a few solid blocks of color with an arrow going from each to an image of a person: Red to a small girl, green to a voluptuous woman, violet to an exclamation point and question mark. "Like: Red is a color that makes adorable cute girls, usually quite young; green is a color that makes very, physically mature girls you might say, but also incurs a significant loss of intellect and an extreme attraction to men; violet makes happy hyperactive ditzes whose intelligence goes so far in the negative it gains the ability to warp reality a little bit." The next page she flips to has a bunch of weird fruits on it (and a mushroom hiding out in the corner), most of which appear to be combinations of pairs of fruits. Pointing out the pine-mango one she says, "Most colors also have an associated fruit, the juice and pulp of which are brimming with that color. For example, you were made using a pinemango, which is associated with the color yellow, which makes undead girls. Crimson is a color with a long, weird history, but suffice to say its present form makes animal girls...or boys, really that's equally as possible."

((I had no idea what flip charts were called. They're like those business presentation board things you flip up and around to get to the next page))

Ayako holds on to the catgirl's hand and follows her lead, sniffing the air occasionally.

((I don't wanna crowd Ookalf or anthing, and proliferating a bunch of threads is perfectly fine around here. Anyway it's an opportunity to think up another title))
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Re: Nothin'

Postby AmbushCat » Wed Jun 07, 2017 1:36 pm

*A series of glowing lights akin to a scrolling marquee appears close by.*

"Also of note is that mixing Yellow and Violet isn't recommended. AT ALL. If you're familiar with the concept of 'anti-matter', you can guess why."
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Re: Nothin'

Postby xGoggles » Wed Jun 07, 2017 9:04 pm

Goggles listens quietly and nods a few times in understanding, waiting for the presentation to end before asking questions, "So.. does most magic here happen by these colors, making it the main source of magic? And does that mean your local supermarket houses your mightiest mages?" Was that a joke? It felt kinda good, having a body does feel rather nice when having positive feelings with them~

Turning around wondering what the light-show was, meanwhile responding to it, "So because I'm made out of 'yellow' I need to avoid ditzy girls?"

(( Ahh, so that means we should just make a new thread then, to continue their adventure? ))

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Re: Nothin'

Postby Whatevr89532 » Wed Jun 07, 2017 10:14 pm

"This is a very chaotic world," says Fox. "The color magic is everywhere, but there's all kinds of other magic around too. And any grocery store that wants to stay in business for long refuses to stock color fruits due to the potential for chaos."
"But people like me just mix them in with the regular fruits anyway~," says Whatevr. "To answer your other question, the colors are only volatile that way as energies or in fruit form. You're fine around violet girls--well about as fine as anyone else--but a tomapple or violet energy blasts you should try to avoid."
"...Do violet girls not try to force-feed people tomapples anymore?"
"I dunno, there's been a surprising dearth of ditz rampages over the last long while."

((Yeah. Feel free to make it :)))
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Re: Nothin'

Postby AmbushCat » Wed Jun 07, 2017 10:18 pm

"On a side note, wasn't Orange energy outlawed some years ago?"
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Re: Nothin'

Postby Whatevr89532 » Wed Jun 07, 2017 10:22 pm

"I dunno," says Whatevr. "Chaotic things don't tend to care about the law anyway, though."
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Re: Nothin'

Postby AmbushCat » Wed Jun 07, 2017 10:38 pm

"Pretty sure it was, at least back when the Muffin Council was still a thing. Don't think it's much of an issue now, though."
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