Surprise Quartet

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Surprise Quartet

Postby Whatevr89532 » Wed Jun 21, 2017 9:57 am

A day or so after leaving the P.F.L Office, Callista receives a call inviting her to her first official match: A "surprise tag team" where the opponents and partners are all unknown to each other until the day of. Obviously the public doesn't know who's going to show up either.

A week or so later, mid-afternoon, a crowd has gathered in one of the smaller P.F.L venues, with a mid-sized square ring surrounded by standing room only space and beyond that some makeshift platforms with folding chairs on them for those who can't stand for a whole match's worth of time. Callista has directions to a back entrance leading to the building's small employees-only hallway, and to take the first door on the right once inside to reach a staging room with her impromptu partner for this match.
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Re: Surprise Quartet

Postby AmbushCat » Wed Jun 21, 2017 10:26 am

*Callista, in full hybrid form and munching on a bologna-and-cheese sandwich, follows the instructions she was given and enters the staging room. There's a bit of nervousness in her demeanor.*
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Re: Surprise Quartet

Postby Whatevr89532 » Wed Jun 21, 2017 10:30 am

Already waiting in the room is a fuzzy Furfrou-hybrid man in a fancy sort of getup, busy with his head-fur in the mirror at first before he picks up her entry and quickly turns around. "Ah! 'Allo, you are my partner for ze match?" he says, revealing a thick French accent and a touch of nervousness on his own part.
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Re: Surprise Quartet

Postby AmbushCat » Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:27 am

Callista: Yeah. *sets aside the Doritos bag and offers her hand for a shake* Name's Callista.
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Re: Surprise Quartet

Postby Whatevr89532 » Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:56 am

"Lavarro," he nods, shaking the offered hand. "...I don't want to jump to conclusions, but the voice is the same--are you zat Callista? I didn't look ze same, but used my head as a stepladder once in an office supply ztore?"
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Re: Surprise Quartet

Postby AmbushCat » Wed Jun 21, 2017 1:04 pm

Callista: *sweatdrops* Eh-heh... yeah, that was me.
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Re: Surprise Quartet

Postby Whatevr89532 » Wed Jun 21, 2017 1:34 pm

"Ehh, well, it's not ze worst thing that happened to me zat day. I got into an argument wiz my boss later, my temper got out of hand, I was fired. Zen I am desperate enough to turn to a fighting organization to pay ze rent, and zis looks like the least likely to get me killed. The man who signs me up, he says, zis 'Ark fight' is ze closest thing and I should start with that, I don't know what it means until I already agreed to it! Embarrass myself in front of a large audience, a fine way to get a start." He pauses, shaking his head. "Sorry. I should be more professional zan to rant in front of someone I just met."
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Re: Surprise Quartet

Postby AmbushCat » Wed Jun 21, 2017 3:02 pm

Callista: Don't worry, I'm not exactly professional myself. *apologetically* For what little it's worth, sorry about stepping on you. When it comes to shopping, I have a rather severe case of tunnel vision.
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Re: Surprise Quartet

Postby Whatevr89532 » Wed Jun 21, 2017 3:30 pm

"Consider it forgiven. I heard some things like that since then," he nods.
The door opens again and a PFL official worker (surprisingly, a normal-human-looking one) enters enough to hand Lavarro a piece of paper and quickly say, "Your opponents both showed up, on the paper. Both teams have five minutes to strategize and then please head out there to start the fight."

The Furfrou-man takes a brief look at the paper and almost immediately starts cussing quietly but vehemently in French, offering it to Callista to look at. It says their opponents are one Aurora, an Aegislash woman, and Destin, who is a Haunter with a humanoid image--both ghosts.
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Re: Surprise Quartet

Postby AmbushCat » Wed Jun 21, 2017 4:01 pm

Callista: *frowns, thinking things over* Hmm... from the looks of things... Destin I'm not too concerned about. It's this Aurora that worries me. Give me a quick rundown; what sort of moves do you specialize in?
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Re: Surprise Quartet

Postby Whatevr89532 » Wed Jun 21, 2017 4:14 pm

"I can do a lot of physical hitting. Ahh, mostly normal, some dark, and I know odor sleuth so I can hit with ze normal attacks--zat's not much help against steel, though. One of ze people I tried out against said I have a lot of, ah...physical resistance. Half damage, he zaid, and that I held up well against more attacks than expected even wiz that."
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Re: Surprise Quartet

Postby AmbushCat » Wed Jun 21, 2017 4:36 pm

Callista: *nods, mentally filing that information* My own heavy-hitting moves are normal-type as well, with a few other types thrown in, but I have Foresight to get around that and a few moves to deal with status changes. I can think outside the box if I need to, but my attack style basically amounts to "hit 'em hard and fast", so... yeah, an emphasis on speed and power. Little in the way of decent defense outside of Protect, sadly.
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Re: Surprise Quartet

Postby Whatevr89532 » Wed Jun 21, 2017 7:39 pm

"Can you do anything about falling asleep? I have a strong suspicion ze Haunter will try a Hypnosis and Dream Eater."
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Re: Surprise Quartet

Postby AmbushCat » Wed Jun 21, 2017 8:30 pm

Callista: I have access to Safeguard, if that helps.
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Re: Surprise Quartet

Postby Whatevr89532 » Wed Jun 21, 2017 8:44 pm

"Zat would help, I think," Lavarro nods. After a moment of thought he says, "perhaps we should try to match you against Destin, and me against Aurora--not when switching is a bad idea, but as much as possible. I think most of her attacks will be physical, so I should stand up to them longer."
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