Magic School

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Re: Magic School

Postby Whatevr89532 » Tue Jun 27, 2017 9:36 pm

Ayako just watches from the side, smiling and quietly humming a seemingly random series of notes to herself.
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Re: Magic School

Postby Raleigh » Wed Jun 28, 2017 9:44 am

Rhea: No, just stand still and we'll scan you. *Keys in the commands and the machine sets to work. While that is going on Rhea's eyes also scan over Dan for themselves to verify the results.* Hm.. typical reiki, ki, chakra energies for a mortal cat person. Flat line on demonic energies. Usual latent psi stores. Enough mana sensitivity to have access to the usual collective subconscious and the dream realm. Not enough for spell casting through. Physical energy somewhat higher as expected of an animal hybrid. *Continues to scan.*
Raleigh1: Hah. Looks like you've got this pretty down. *The next target is made of tungsten.* I know you could easily melt this with your heat powers. How about we see if you can melt this down through electric manipulation?
Raleigh2: Alright. Then here we go. Diamond, carbon.
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Re: Magic School

Postby AmbushCat » Wed Jun 28, 2017 1:03 pm

*Ezekiel smiles and attempts to do so. Her tries are rather lacking in that department, however: her charges are neither powerful enough nor prolonged enough, and they seem to lack a general... cohesiveness, for the lack of a better word. Seems she hasn't gotten around to learning that electricity can be used to melt metal in science class yet.*


*Ellen takes a deep breath before setting to work, moving up to diamond before putting her efforts in reverse towards carbon.*
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Re: Magic School

Postby xGoggles » Wed Jun 28, 2017 6:03 pm

The cat-girl starts to get worried, hearing what Rhea mentioned so far; those readings didn't sound very good for her capability to perform any type of abilities at all.

Even thought the goggles on her head weren't the intended target, they also gave off a separate reading; being made up of a little amount of yellow energy, a long distance soul-link, and enhanced with a true-sight that is able to view an array of varying material layers at once.

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Re: Magic School

Postby Raleigh » Thu Jun 29, 2017 10:41 am

Rhea: No particular celestial energy manipulation native to this form. No planar manipulations native. No mutations. No blood lines. No supernatural enhancements save for the base of a felinoid. Alright, I think that covers most that is relevant. Okay then, you are hardly the worst case I've had. Most of these energies that you do have can be easily enhanced through training and then with some more training utilized to what you want. So, feel like working on your spirit, physical, or mental powers? Or all three? That will tell me a lot about what we can do. If you don't want to do that then I can teach you how to do basic enchanting with magic in the environment around you that will enable you to do what you want through items. Also, any of these powers or energy you want to have access to?

Ayako, do you want to work on your color manipulations or fire first?
Raleigh1: Okay, how about we come back to this one. Do you think you've got the basics enough to not need the guides the gauntlets give you?
Raleigh2: Lead, paper, platinum.
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Re: Magic School

Postby Whatevr89532 » Thu Jun 29, 2017 1:18 pm

"Ooh, firle!" says Ayako excitedly.
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Re: Magic School

Postby xGoggles » Fri Jun 30, 2017 12:13 am

Dan-chan gave off a disappointing sigh," Nya...", good not being the worst but still feeling pretty worthless if she scored low on so many statistics. "I guess it was to be expected... But if you believe I can actually grow strong enough to become proficient with them, I'm willing to try my best and train hard, nya~!" If she is starting pretty much from zero, she might as well get a good basic training, until she understands it well enough to make a more educated decision, "I'd like to work on all three, I want to know more about each before I know which one I can excel in."
Pondering about the last question for a while, "Some of those energies you mentioned I have never even heard of before.. it's very hard to pick one... Umm, I think I might prefer one that doesn't require external sources, one that would feel fluent and doesn't require much thought to use, nya?"

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Re: Magic School

Postby Raleigh » Fri Jun 30, 2017 10:51 am

Rhea: Well that rules out psychic and psionic powers then. Those require a lot of thought. Mathmagic is also out I suppose. First Language word magic is also out too. Alright, I can get you something set up. Ebony will help you train up your physical abilities. I hope you heal fast. Fire it is, Ayako. So, do you two want to have the same classroom or separate? I'll put together lesson plans for you two over the weekend. Feel free to get settled in.

*Two of the snakes fly over.* Follow these two and they'll take you to the dormitory. An automated system is set up to give you rooms where you can either get a shared room or individual ones. Thanks to space magic we aren't short on rooms.
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Re: Magic School

Postby Whatevr89532 » Fri Jun 30, 2017 2:15 pm

"Um...we shourld tark about that firlst, the same crassloom orl not I mean." says Ayako, before starting to follow the snake things.
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Re: Magic School

Postby xGoggles » Fri Jun 30, 2017 7:09 pm

Her tail and ears peck up, all excited for the lessons to come, then startle for a moment, "Heal fast, nya~?"

"Nya~ same rooms, same classrooms~" a bit panicky, knowing well that by having different lessons, they'll likely won't be together all the time; but that doesn't stop the need to be spend as much time as possible with her dear Ayako. Rushing over and clutch herself on the dragon-girl's arm.

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Re: Magic School

Postby Whatevr89532 » Fri Jun 30, 2017 10:48 pm

"Aww, I didn't mean to scarle you." Ayako pats the catgirl on the head a couple of times. "I was worllied about, eh, if you'd be sad to see me speaking drlagon a rot, when you can't underlstand it."
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Re: Magic School

Postby xGoggles » Sat Jul 01, 2017 1:39 am

She rubs her head against Ayako's arm and purrs softly, "It's fine if you want to speak dragon, you seem to enjoy that more than English, nya... I'll try to learn some it myself if I can; but I'm not that good with languages though..."
Turning to Rhea, "Can you also include a language course for dragonic for me please, nya~? I wish to speak the language Ayako-chan is the most comfortable with". Smiling and continues to cuddle up with the dragon-girl.

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Re: Magic School

Postby AmbushCat » Tue Jul 04, 2017 5:03 pm

Raleigh1: Okay, how about we come back to this one. Do you think you've got the basics enough to not need the guides the gauntlets give you?
Raleigh2: Lead, paper, platinum.

Ezekiel: Yep!


*Ellen continues through the process. There's a slight---with emphasis on slight--- improvement by the time she re-attains the platinum stage.*
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Re: Magic School

Postby Raleigh » Thu Jul 06, 2017 11:33 am

Raleigh2: Diamond, plastic.
Raleigh1: Alright, try taking off the gloves and see if you can create a spark again.
Rhea: Do you wish to learn draconic the slow way in a glass or would you rather know it immediately? Also, Dan, eat this. *Tosses Dan an apple.* That'll give you the gift of magic to a level so you can cast spells. I have far more dramatic ritual ways of doing it if you prefer but might as well do simplest method to get the results desired. The magic we teach here to our students is will based. You will it and it is so. No wasting time on hand gestures, fancy words or turns of phrase, or that drivel. Some of that stuff works just fine but it is all too easily interrupted in some way or other. Pure will channeling doesn't have most of those weaknesses. *Just barely avoids going on a rant about the lunatics that think spells have to be cast in Latin as if magic itself gave a crap about that language over any other.*

*The snakes lead the two into the dorms so they can set up their rooms. Inside the dorm some students can be seen standing around talking or doing various things. An angel, a devil, and a small dog are all discussing various theories about wind manipulation in the lobby. Not too far away a viera and a rucier are discussing whether atomic is its own independent element or not in a corner of the lobby near some drink machines.* ((The dorms are probably closer to what you might find in a high end boarding school rather than a normal college. Much more room per room and far nicer furniture. Feel free to create a seperate thread for where that goes. When you two are ready for the classes just let me know in this thread. We'll have that start on the next day.))
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Re: Magic School

Postby xGoggles » Thu Jul 06, 2017 9:33 pm

"Oh?! there is an easy way immediate way to learn draconic; there has to be a catch, nya~?", the cat-girl asks curiously at Rhea, this was too good to be true.
Suddenly having the apple tossed at her, she catches it and looks it over a bit. Liking the idea of will based magic, because who needs all those fancy requirements if usually, the result is what really counts. Ready to bite into the apple she gets interrupted by her goggles that have been passively observing the events going on, "Hold on a second... you might have missed the whole info-session on color energy in fruits, maybe you should ask first about that before you sink your teeth in any random food people toss at you..." Blinking for a bit in surprise, unsure what that was about, she ask Rhea, "Is this going to have any other effects on me beside granting me the ability to cast spells, nya?"

((Sure we can make a new thread for the dorms~ Are there any requirements for the students like wearing uniforms or book purchases or the kind?))

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