Breaking and Re-entering

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Re: Breaking and Re-entering

Postby Whatevr89532 » Sun Jul 09, 2017 1:47 pm

Fox nods to Goggles and smiles wryly to Raleigh. "I'm not sure it would've helped. I killed as few of them on my world as I could, but that involved draining or locking their native powers in almost all cases so it looks much the same as all of them disappearing at the end. Feral..killed all the others on his world."

The sword comes out easily enough. It's a slightly heavy and well-kept but otherwise very plain looking longsword, aside from the gemstone on the pommel. After a second or two of holding it, Goggles registers a mental communication from it vaguely resembling a yawn. I was sure someone would break in much sooner. You seem nice enough, miss. Pleased to meet you.
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Re: Breaking and Re-entering

Postby xGoggles » Sun Jul 09, 2017 8:07 pm

Goggles smiles, "Nice to meet you too...Hmm, I should have known you could talk as well, Fox sure has a thing for.. making objects conscious for some reason." Lifting the sword up to inspect it from different angles, "I hope you haven't been too bored being stuck here all this time...Any idea how long ago Wolf 'left'?"

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Re: Breaking and Re-entering

Postby Raleigh » Mon Jul 10, 2017 6:24 am

Kind of why I tend to just go straight to the killing. Depriving beings with powers of them tends to be crueler from my point of view. There is sealing them too but having been sealed away numerous times myself I can tell you that is no more pleasant most of the time. On the other hand, sealed creatures can make decent power sources so I can't say I won't do it either.

Either of you ever been sealed in a gem and then used to feed power to a weapon for about three hundred years or so? Not entirely fun but attempting to drive the ones using you mad can be amusing.
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Re: Breaking and Re-entering

Postby Whatevr89532 » Mon Jul 10, 2017 10:50 pm

The sword chuckles mentally. Oh, in my case it's the other way around. I'm the gem on the sword you see, and have always been able to think; Wolf was kind enough to give me a mobile 'body' of sorts. I'm capable of taking human form but I don't like to. This was the inspiration of the souled swords. Hmm..I was asleep, so no boredom but I didn't perceive time, but if you'd be so kind as to phrase it as a wish I can sniff at the energies around here to see how long it's been.

"Never really had an experience like that, I was careful enough that I was able to stay in my own body my whole life. More boring, maybe, but stable. My angle was more rehabilitation: Trying to teach fairly corrupt people how not to be corrupt. I felt that our particular kind of power was more harm than good, even if someone had repented, though."
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Re: Breaking and Re-entering

Postby xGoggles » Tue Jul 11, 2017 12:25 am

"Ah, mobile?", immediately thinking about that flying scimitar that chased her earlier. "Why don't you like your human body, Is it the 'flopping'? I have this body already for a day now, and sure it was very annoying at first, but I guess it gets better the more you get used to it?", she just continues the idle chat that only objects with access to human forms could really relate to.
Looking a bit puzzled, "As a wish? That's a weird thing to ask of me... How about a request maybe? Would you mind to sense up how long ago it has been that Wolf left, dear Gem? Or is there another name to call you by?"

"Raleigh... Being an inanimate object for most of me existence up until just recently, being unable to move and be used didn't feel like a burden, to be honest. At least I could consider myself to be useful; more so than some things locked away in a toolbox.. or an abandoned house..." Goggles says with a brief pause looking around Wolf's dusty house.

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Re: Breaking and Re-entering

Postby Raleigh » Wed Jul 12, 2017 5:59 pm

Hm.. good point. I suppose you've never had to worry about that before, Goggles. Oh well, hopefully you'll never be sealed though I suppose as a lich now you sort of permanently are.

Well I've yet to meet a power that had no purpose. I hope you didn't leave too much of a power vacuum where something worse crops up there, Fox.
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Re: Breaking and Re-entering

Postby Whatevr89532 » Thu Jul 13, 2017 9:12 pm

"Goggles..The wishing stone can't do anything magic or supernatural in nature unless it's part of the granting of a spoken wish by someone holding it. It took a lot of work to expand the definition of 'holding it' just to include the sword." The stone, in Goggles's head, gives a mental nod.
I've just been a wishing stone all my life. Feels weird being anything else. And I like granting wishes, which in human form requires someone to make a wish while holding onto some part of my body, and it's much stranger to ask someone to do that as a human. On top of that, being humanoid makes people start thinking about trickster genies, and...

"..I'm sure I filled the power vacuum myself when I was around; I kept a pretty close eye on my own world. I can't remember a chunk of time up to however I erased myself but I have little doubt I would've made contingency plans to keep it from ruining everything. I may even have an idea of what my plan A would be for keeping things stable."
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Re: Breaking and Re-entering

Postby xGoggles » Thu Jul 13, 2017 11:01 pm

She responds to Raleigh,"Well yes, I guess I'm sort of sealed to my 'original' body; though having an additional animate-body is something I'm grateful for, and rather not get damaged... Even if it won't really hurt or can easily be fixed.. no object ever wants to feel broken or not fit for what it was intended to..."

"Understandable...But as a wishing stone, you surely have some limits to which wishes you can grant and how many? I can't imagine Wolf taking such drastic measures if he was able to just fix up any issue with a simple wish..."
Looking back at Fox as a thought occurred, "Fox, would you prefer if I'd wish for you to return to your original self? I'm not sure how you feel about your new body now, but rationally speaking it seems like a downgrade.. and won't really help you with Miss.Pointy-stick over there", Goggles refers to the still unconscious former-armor.

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Re: Breaking and Re-entering

Postby Whatevr89532 » Sat Jul 15, 2017 9:50 pm

It's less of a direct limitation and more that any wish requires 'fuel'. You want an apple, I can create that with ambient magic easily. You want me to make a new person, I need a pretty big source of mana. Sniffing for how long it's been since I went to sleep doesn't really cost anything, I just pull in some energy to take a look at it.

Fox shakes his head slightly. "I feel more comfortable like this somehow. More importantly, though, I don't know exactly how the spell of erasure I used worked. If I made myself back to being Wolf it might cause Feral to come back, and it'd undo whatever hard work I already did. Fixing some of the holes in my memory would be nice, but that information may not be 'here' at all," he says, indicating his head. "So any attempt at memory-restoring magic would either do nothing, or worse, implant false memories. I'm much better off looking for evidence or asking someone who knows what happened."
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Re: Breaking and Re-entering

Postby xGoggles » Sun Jul 16, 2017 7:26 pm

"I suppose a minor task is the best way to warm-up and check if everything is still working fine?..", still a bit weirded-out by directly wishing for something from it"I wish.. for you would sniff at the energies around here to see how long it has been since wolf left.. If there is anything else unusual you pick up with that, you can mention that too."

Giving Fox an acquiesce look, thinking about what he said.. and then suggests, "Do you think it is possible to bring your apprentice back here then; maybe by wish even? I'd figure they could solve a lot of our current issues at the moment."

"...MmhHhmm em..ehhh.." soft mumbling comes from the fox-girl together with some slight movement.

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Re: Breaking and Re-entering

Postby Raleigh » Tue Jul 18, 2017 9:43 am

*Floats nearby listening in on the conversation but not having anything to really add at the moment.* Hm? Anyone mind if I hop into her dreams? I've only regained my dream walking abilities a handful of years ago and I've not had much call to use them.
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Re: Breaking and Re-entering

Postby Whatevr89532 » Tue Jul 18, 2017 5:00 pm

Fox shrugs. "No objection here, Raleigh. Maybe you can convince her not to attack me as soon as she wakes up."

In response to Goggles's wish, the stone set in the sword glows faintly for a second or two. Looks like...about two-thirds of a century, I'd guess. Seems normal enough. The ambient flow is directed at the Mana Crystal in this room, which some might be surprised to discover, but it's not really any different from water flowing downhill.
"I wouldn't want to interrupt whatever Lyra's doing by just teleporting her straight here, and I think that would be costly anyway, especially if she has wards against being arbitrarily summoned up, as any decently famous mage ought to. It would be very easy to wish that high-usability scrying equipment I mentioned earlier to come here, and if I taught her as much as I think I should have she'd be able to take it from there. Just ask the stone to bring the..." Fox pauses to recall the name. "Looking glass viewfinder."
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Re: Breaking and Re-entering

Postby xGoggles » Tue Jul 18, 2017 7:07 pm

Goggles also shrugs at Raleigh suggestion, "Sure..? Just promise me you won't visit my dreams, if I'm even able to dream that is..."

"So around sixty-seven years? Hmm, somehow I expected longer... What can you tell us about the Mana Crystal; is it mainly used for mana storage?" she asks the wishing stone.
She gives a small sigh, "So long you have a way to contact her afterwards Fox... I can only assume she'll be very happy to know her master returned." Turning her attention back to the stone in the sword, she wishes "I wish for the.. 'Looking glass viewfinder' to appear in this room."

The still sleeping former-armor, rolls to her side and grabs hold of her fox-tail, "Ooohh Fox.. you are so strong and fluffy~", she softly sleep-talks with a very gleeful tone, lovingly cuddling her tail.

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Re: Breaking and Re-entering

Postby Whatevr89532 » Sat Jul 22, 2017 7:51 pm

Fox's ears twitch slightly in the direction of the sleeping girl, and he gets a dark frown for a few seconds. As soon as Goggles makes her wish, something that looks like a small rectangular mirror appears floating slightly in front of and above him in a small shower of sparkles, and he reflexively catches it on its way to the ground. "Thank you. She'll most likely contact me as soon as I start using this. Now, hopefully I remember how to use this properly..." Holding it in his left hand, he starts poking around at it with the fingers of his right. The surface ripples like water and starts faintly glowing a pale blue.

You might also say a well is for water storage. They're naturally occurring in some worlds, but it's very rare to find one this big. Also like a well, size is capacity. Even though it had been in its original place for quite a while, Wolf had to deposit it on a mana-rich planet for a billion years to fill it.
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Re: Breaking and Re-entering

Postby xGoggles » Sun Jul 23, 2017 12:01 am

"Is there anything else you need Fox, or are you fine for now?", she walks up towards Fox to get a closer look at the mirror-like object that just appeared, wanting to have a closer look at it.

Listening to the explanation of the wishing stone, she responds, "That is very interesting, I don't think any of those occurred in my world.. at least none that were discovered so far..."
Suddenly giving a rather skeptic look towards Fox then back to the stone, "So are you saying Wolf was a few billion years old or did some time magic come into play?"

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