A Splitting Decision

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Re: A Splitting Decision

Postby xGoggles » Sat Aug 19, 2017 5:37 pm

Her fork digs into her plate thought not able to damage it or anything; one ear twitches and she once again glares towards Lyra, "Pathetic?! First get your facts straight. Not just a trace of my aura on a few objects, my aura got to everything! It basically weaved itself into the laws of existence. Do you think I'd let any kitsune escape if they just temporarily turned themselves into something else?! No! They thought they could taunt me, showing off their tails without a care in the world? I showed them! I put them all to better use."
She drops her fork in frustration, crossing her arms again. "And then those humans... They should have just minded their own business, there was no need for them to get involved. They were always such a pain.", she says specifically glaring the most at Lyra for this.


Very focused, Saiya pays close attention to the explanation of the different methods to fix a soul. Taking this very serious, being a risk to corruption was nothing to take lightly; becoming an enemy to those you swore to protect was and still is one of her biggest nightmares, as she experienced it far too close already.
"This isn't an easy decision... I require more time to think this thoroughly.", Saiya says in a calm tone.

Still thinking things over, "Mistress Lyra, may I ask where these fragmented souls are from? Were they in dire need to be restored again?", she asks showing great sympathy for the souls of heroes.

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Re: A Splitting Decision

Postby Whatevr89532 » Sat Aug 19, 2017 9:21 pm

"I guess you've never heard of 'friendship', huh?" Lyra leans forward, getting a somewhat intense expression, and in a voiced whisper says: "When something is destroying one's friend from the inside out it becomes one's own business."
Leaning back in her chair again, she carries on without a pause: "Anyway--it really doesn't matter how persistent your aura was; it only worked on them. No more of them and you're sealed up forever. And it's not just pathetic, it's hopelessly vulnerable. Someone with nowhere near as much power and brains as me could've easily taken something from your universe, turned it into a 'victim' of your curse to bait you out--which was so easy when I was being 'like an honest saint', I think you said, imagine if they actually practiced the tiniest bit of deception--and then sucked your entire existence out for their personal use." Lyra makes a sound like slurping up a noodle as if to illustrate this point. The Red in the small fox-girl might give a mild urge to giggle at it, even though it represents something horrible happening to her in this hypothetical situation. (It might also occur to Oyoki at this point that Lyra hasn't been eating, maybe just too busy talking.)


"Of course, take all the time you need," says Lyra, going and sitting down again. "This place and Wolf's old house should be safe from attempts to possess you, maybe some select other places we can figure out later if you get tired of the two and still haven't decided. I can go ahead and clarify the Red out too, if you want to feel more like yourself."

She gets a thinking look, like someone trying to call up an old memory, when Saiya asks about the souls. "Hmm...none of them really need to need to come back, I guess. Some of the soul fragments I have are from things like a bad guy killing the good guy and using their soul as a battery for whatever evil plan they had, some from doing some crazy sacrifice play that tore out part of their soul and/or used a bunch of it for fuel, some are not necessarily heroes at all, but innocents who got caught in the crossfire of some big thing. Generally what I'd like to do is fix them up and offer them a choice between living in a new body and going to whatever afterlife they would have if they were whole, but it takes forever to fix that kind of damage, even with the equipment I've got."
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Re: A Splitting Decision

Postby xGoggles » Sun Aug 20, 2017 3:55 pm

Oyoki's eyes widen for a moment, as in a sudden thought came up, a light grin, followed by a small look of concern very briefly, then she returns again with a smug look on her face, "Friendships are way too fragile, can easily be faked and abused; just a tool to control the naive... One should truly only care about oneself. That's why I prefer favors, bonds or contracts.~ Have a leash on who you are working with, works on people and demons alike; unlike happy thoughts and fake promises..."

She giggles both for the reference of the noodle and other reasons. "Aww, if they really want me that much, I'm not against sharing my presence. You seem to give off the impression you are talking to the original. I'm flattered but no, I'm but a memory of her after all. Just a living portrait, a mere copy I might say.", she says this with a rather neutral tone to it, neither happy or sad, but made with a weird sense of pride. "Sure, I might develop my own goals alongside, but I'd barely ever be a vulnerability to the original."
Starting to get a bit more at ease with the situation, when she manages to get her emotions under control, most of the care fades from her, going back to the assumption if there was a trap, she couldn't do anything to counter it anyway; might as well enjoy the moment.


Saiya sits by quietly, more distracted by her thoughts. The first option didn't seem like a good solution, more like a reckless one, the type she rather tried to avoid. What weighed her mind the most were the latter two options, one more appealing to her sense of duty the other to the new sense of self-improvement over time. "Ah, excuse me, my mind is wandering. Also my previous more mature form.. doesn't 'feel' like myself much either. Being from flesh and blood is still something I have little experience with. So in what shape I'm now at the moment has little of my concern."

"Would it be easier to help them if.."
, she pauses for a moment, "If they would be within me? You said with the second method it could heal both our souls, so is allowing them to stay in a body more effective than your equipment?"

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Re: A Splitting Decision

Postby Whatevr89532 » Wed Aug 23, 2017 7:47 pm

"I can see how you'd be led think that," says Lyra, nodding, with no further explanation. "You'd be surprised just how much more powerful happy thoughts are than trying to coerce people to cooperate with you. I mean, you might have no choice with only a few particular kinds, and even those can usually be brought around after a while. I have lots of historical examples I can show you when we're through here if you'd like." The witch then leans forward again...and, places her arms and hands directly on top of the plate of food in front of her? And it should be making a mess on her sleeves and wrists, but it's...not. It looks like the liquid parts of the meal are diminishing in volume while the solid parts are kind of shrinking in place.


Lyra nods. "Just being in a living body, and especially being attached to a functional soul help the regeneration a lot. But it's complicated--like I said, it doesn't always end with their soul being repaired in the normal way. It's about equally likely you'd sort of merge into one person after a while, and there's no easy way I know of to predict the result, so agreeing to this is taking on the risk that you might become a truly different person together. And I have to stress why this solution is inconvenient: Even if you and whatever soul you pick seem to agree on a lot of things, just little personality and preference conflicts can be a lot of trouble when you literally can't be alone and away from the other person."
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Re: A Splitting Decision

Postby xGoggles » Thu Aug 24, 2017 3:53 pm

Oyoki takes another bite from her meal, it was true.. it really has been a long time since she had anything decent to eat. So long, one might have forgotten how to chew if it wasn't a natural born instinct. "Hmm.. believing in the power of goodwill. You remind me of when I was so young, so naive... ", ignoring the difference in age appearance now. Though even in her original form, she also did look quite young, but blame that on genetics and the knowledge on age-magic.

Noticing the effect Lyra has on the food, but paying it little mind, "So, if you don't mind me asking?~", she asks with a devilish smile, "What did you do with the fruit you took out of my hand? No dimensional shattering of Bonsii breaking through from the nearby void, so I take you didn't try to erase it from existence or anything..." Her tail swaying from side to side, she pushes the plate forward to lean on the table herself, "So.. what did you do with my 'friend', hm?"


"Mistress Lyra, I understand now what I must do.", Saiya stood up, determent about her decision, "I have been given a living body for a reason that might be beyond my understanding, but I do know my purpose before and now; to help and protect those I serve, in the name of honor. I'm not willing to succumb to corruption, but aiding with my body to help those in need, is a calling I can live by. If these souls were truly those of heroes or the innocent, then I'm sure these values won't change to deter me from walking this path." Standing up right, her back all straight, her 'weapon' next to her, positioning herself as in part of a military formation, which in her current form looked rather cute. "Please allow my body to host as many souls as possible to accelerate their healing. If they'd merge with mine, I'm sure we'll become stronger together, if they separate, then I'll welcome them as my ally. I have no doubt now that this is the right choice to do!"

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Re: A Splitting Decision

Postby Whatevr89532 » Sat Aug 26, 2017 12:02 pm

Lyra shrugs. "It's in storage, duh. Just like all your other 'stuff'. Lexica has already analyzed it thoroughly and if I wanted to truly remove it from existence I could do so quite safely. If you have some trick you think will bring it back to you or activate it to do something, it won't work--the counters were in place before you left the sealed room. Ahh." Lyra also finishes 'eating', her food having apparently shrunk to nothingness, so she leans back again, crossing her legs with her feet up on the table. "Lemme level with ya, girl. You've lived a few millenia maybe on one world, and then been sealed up in an aura for few more. I am a free traveler of the multiverse with experience in things you've never imagined." Even with her de-powered state, Oyoki will suddenly feel a deep pressure from Lyra's general direction, like the magical equivalent of seeing the shadow of a giant's foot all around and realizing one is the size of an ant compared to it. "If one of us is naive here, it's you."


The other Lyra listens to Saiya attentively. "Hmm. That's very noble, I'll do my best to accommodate your wish. But there are two things to be careful of: First, amalgamating a large quantity of souls at once is inherently dangerous. If proper care isn't taken you'll have a gigantic meltdown and everyone, yourself included, will be in a far worse state than before. Second, there needs to be as much mutual agreement as possible. Any two souls you take on need to be okay with sharing a body with each other as much as you do with either of them. Anyway, if that's your decision then we can go on ahead to where they're stored. But..yeah, I should Clarify you first." The witch makes an upward-pulling motion with her hands, and the glow of red energy rises up out of Saiya into a cloud above her head, which has to keep moving upward for a moment as her appearance grows back to the stature she had when first becoming a person. Her clothes only grow to accommodate her size, retaining their altered style, but her weapon returns to its original appearance and her usual strength, skills, and powers return. Lyra nods, and the cloud flies off through a wall to somewhere else. "There, how's that?"

((As for finding souls to inhabit Saiya, probably I'm going to play them until they enter her, and then give you some general notes on who they are and their personalities and you could play them however you like.))
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Re: A Splitting Decision

Postby xGoggles » Sat Aug 26, 2017 10:07 pm

She smiles again, "Oh, just in storage~? But that won't do, no, no, little Bonsii gets so lonely, so quickly. If you really don't want to give it back to me now... you could always eat the fruit, be sure to eat swallow the seed as well though, never want to keep that one exposed to the open for long. You don't have to worry about the dark chi in the fruit, that's fully harmless~" Oh look the little girl is suddenly so helpful... Obviously, she had something up her sleeve and couldn't be trusted with that... Yet what she said did hold some truth to it. If the fruit was just put somewhere under normal circumstances, Lexica would surely pick up the fruit would expire rather rapidly. And exposing it in the open likely will bring back the same effects like in the room before. Now sure, coming from a world not as technologically advanced, Oyoki's idea of storage was still like pots, baskets or wet/dry-pits; things like a fridge or something were beyond her imagination.

Oyoki sure did feel the difference in power, even without her better sensory features she once had. Yet... she doesn't look very intimidated by it.. rather yet, almost happy about it? "Ah, you sure are very impressive. Hmm, though not the most impressive one I have seen so far since my reawakening"( likely referring to the ones she seen in the dreamscape earlier), she shrugs, "Jade mouse and the dragon", she murmurs softly. Now one can simply ignore that comment or the computer program can very simply pick up it's a title of a fairy tale from Oyoki&Saiya's homeworld.


"I'll trust you won't put any amount in me that you wouldn't think I'd be able to contain. I understand cooperation in one body is different than as a team of separates. But I have seen even the most unlikely of friends, work together for the common good. I'm ready", as she returns to her normal size, Saiya tries out if she was back to her full capacity, swinging her naginata around, without it being any harm to Lyra, and then finally balancing the whole weapon vertically on one finger with ease. Not long after the shadow returns back to its solid animated state, apparently doing some stretching even though there was nothing to stretch.
Looking back over her body, not saying anything about the clothes, just happy her weapon was back to its full size. She nods, "Thank you Mistress Lyra. Shall we proceed?"

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Re: A Splitting Decision

Postby Whatevr89532 » Sun Aug 27, 2017 10:51 am

Lexica, of course, is monitoring things in general, and pulls up the fable in its system. In some way or other Lyra is made aware of the information as well, but doesn't show it. The pressure drops off almost as suddenly as it appeared, and the witch shrugs. "Anyone who would challenge an Inidrasil unprepared is a fool; Raleigh really would have destroyed you just for annoying him, I think." It's possible she just called Oyoki a fool, unless of course she really thinks she was prepared. "Anyway, thinking one is the most powerful of all is the surest way to be quickly proven wrong. Like Socrates, the wisest person is one who knows they know nothing." She stands up. "You know, I think the first thing I should really do is introduce you to some modern technology. Or...well, I'm not really sure what counts as modern for me anymore, but let's just say technology in general." Assuming that the small fox-girl is finished eating, she starts off toward one of the doors leaving the room.

If it's relevant, the fruit is in a standard storage container for potential hazards, another tiny pocket dimension contained in the larger one they're both in with a timescale so slow by comparison that it may as well have stopped entirely. It's not really something magical or technological in nature, it's simply a difference in the relative states of reality that would require thousands of years to pass from Lyra's perspective (for example) before the fruit would have experienced a single instant. The dimension is also currently entirely disconnected from any other dimension, so even if something disastrous happened inside of it, it would have a rather difficult time actually causing trouble.


"Yep, good," Lyra nods again, happy to see the clarify spell worked properly. Then she heads to a door of the living room area and opens it up into a room with metal-tiled floor, and a number of about human-width, tall cylindrical containers lining the walls. Each one has a clear section up top in which is stored something visibly glowing, each one in a different color or mixture of colors; below that is a small flatscreen and a keyboard under that. Heading inside, the witch says, "No offense, but I've come to think Wolf's system of security and house running is a little old-fashioned. I have a real-time connection to my home that lets me just put whatever room I want to get to behind the next door I open, and keeps me informed of what's going on all the time. No need for a central control room that way, which gets rid of a critical point of failure. Anyway, this is where they're kept. Let's see if I can recommend someone to start with..."
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Re: A Splitting Decision

Postby xGoggles » Mon Aug 28, 2017 12:37 am

It appears to be an old tale about mankind's grip on the world, but that was never a match for the might of the dragon king. As they were never able to defeat the dragon to claim its hoard. A jade mouse, truly insignificant and weak, was able to fill its belly all day and night, without ever having to confront the dragon. Devouring little pieces of treasure, while mankind was never even able to come near it. In short, the tale was mainly used as an ego-check; showing where one could face something unbeatable, yet still get what their heart desires if they were smart about it.
Now sure, like many stories there were lot of different versions on it, were with this story, some described it as that the lonely dragon allowed the mouse to eat their gold, in trade for their companionship; where other versions described the dragon to be too arrogant to even notice the mouse nibbling on its treasure. Oyoki obviously more fan of the latter.
If she'd ever come to face someone or something, far beyond her power, she wouldn't fear it necessarily, rather see it as an opportunity to see what she can get out of it. And given the magic she used to contain, to her, she was almost always prepared. Sure powerful beings wouldn't always just show off their features to anyone; so given her fox-folk nature, provoking and alluring it out, were one of her biggest delights.
Oyoki never being the most powerful, rarely ever stopped her from getting what she wants. Or well, that is how she likes to think about it.

She raises her hands in a shrug, shaking her head in contempt, "Humans and their technology~ So easy to forget the ancient ways and never truly learn a lesson.", she giggles again, "Not like their cannons and such were ever a match for magic to start with."

The entity within the fruit could in some ways be seen as a living portable dimension on its own, where as the creature you'd 'see', would just be a layer around an opening that would otherwise just suck in anything into its endless void. Yet how strange is it may be, this 'thing' Oyoki likes to call "Bonsii" is sentient, and given its own internal-dimensional-clock, unrelated to their exterior, it does start to feel lonely.. and cold... Not like containment it was in would ever allow it to take any instance about it.
So yes, it is safely stored away to Lyra's intent, just feeling very lonely.
Not that Oyoki knows how well it is stored away, she'll likely think it'll break out sometimes soon, destroying what ever base they are in and make Lyra beg to her to contain it. She slightly grins at the idea but was unaware of how that wasn't going to happen.


Saiya follows her mistress. Even though she technically was a person now and not 'owned' but anyone anymore, she still had a strong sense of servitude from her former-armor self. It would feel strange to her to not think of Lyra and the others to not be her owners...
Being already quite used to Wolf's house, technological advance equipment wasn't all too impressive anymore. Sure she might not know the workings of them, but was sure those who did own such thing, would know how to use it properly; so there was little to worry about.
She gives a few blinks, unsure how to respond to the criticisms of Wolf's system.

"Yes. And I think it might be best to select those that are willing to work hard. Most of my previous masters had a heart full of fire, and became powerful and enduring warriors with me as their gear.", she pauses for a second trying to not sound too downgrading, "Those with less passion.. weren't even able to carry my weight... But I'm sure they are capable of other things..."

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Re: A Splitting Decision

Postby Whatevr89532 » Tue Aug 29, 2017 9:22 pm

"Cannons? Heheh, I'd better start you pretty small," says Lyra, before opening the door to the next room and making a vague gesture inviting the fox-girl to join her. Oyoki might have to climb over the couch cushions to do so with how close it is to the table, but either way the door she opens leads into a fairly similar room to the one Saiya and the other Lyra just left--a living room kind of setup with some chairs and another couch all aimed at a huge widescreen TV. "Oh yeah, you messed with a Dream Guardian too, didn't you," she mutters half to herself. "Boy, that wasn't smart, you must not have those where you're from. I dunno if you're lucky or unlucky it was a less experienced one. Bad dreams for the next--what, month? Year? Depending on how bad the higher-ups say the violation was. Maybe I should go negotiate with them later..."


"Ah, thanks for the tips," says Lyra, nodding. She goes up to a container with a vaguely purplish soul fragment and taps space on the keyboard, bringing up some text on the screen.

Darren "Veloru" Williams -- Universe 96998 (originally 284)
One of a group summoned from a mundane Earth to a high fantasy world by their gods to defeat a Class CLII threat. When another member of the group betrayed them, a battle ensued. One of that member's first and strongest attacks, a "Soul Rend", was drawn in by Veloru to protect the rest of the party.
Race: Felis; Class: Dragoon

After that are a bunch of bars and charts and things which seem to be various measurements of technical properties of the soul.

"This kinda says 'determination' to me. But his memories are a little busted...last I checked he could only recall being back on his original Earth, with just some vague flashes of the events in the universe he actually died in. Let's wake him up.." Lyra pushes enter and then a few commands at the terminal, which clears the screen and seems to make something resembling a chat-box appear. The soul's faint glow brightens slowly, and then some new text appears.
Hi Lyra...it still hurts...
Hello! I have someone to meet you.
"Uh.." The witch looks back at Saiya for a second. "Do you know how to type? I could just relay it for you if you want."
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Re: A Splitting Decision

Postby xGoggles » Sat Sep 02, 2017 10:33 pm

Oyoki gives a slight "Hmph~", standing up the couch and flicks her toes on the surface to repel her up and forward to simply jump over the couch cushions.. or at least that is what she expected.. though, without any magical agility enchantments, she simply outbalances herself and crashes face-first into the cushions...
Muttering something so colorful even an ancient-language translator wouldn't know what to shade those ugly sounding words in. Reluctantly and very agitated, she ungracefully climbs down the couch cushions, it felt rather degrading being in such a useless body.
"Did you really have to take away every magical enchant I had? Even the little ones that would literately make no difference to you...", walking in the room crossing her arms like an angry child. "Dream-guardians? Don't make me laugh; where I'm from either you'd be so weak and pathetic no being would bother invading your dreams, or you'd be powerful or wealthy enough to get yourself, 'and your loved ones'.. bleh.. some protection charms..."
She frowns even more now, glaring at Lyra, "Or you could just give me back the ability again to not require sleep anymore? Seriously, what was the point of taking that away as well?"


The fox-girl gives Lyra a puzzled look, " 'Type'? Hmm, do you mean writing by touch, like you did before? No, that is something I'm not trained in, please forgive me. I know how to read however." Giving the chat-box display a look again, reading the text, "The soul appears to be in pain, we should reassure them we'll try our best to help them, and that this technique might be able to heal them soon if they accept"
Failing again the basic principle of introduction, Saiya the former-armor, didn't really give that any thought.

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Re: A Splitting Decision

Postby Whatevr89532 » Sat Sep 02, 2017 11:14 pm

"A person goes mad without sleep," says Lyra, "physical need for it or not. Aaand, Lexica just went in and grabbed everything, partially because that's standard procedure until I know what everything is, partially because just 'cause I--or you for that matter--don't immediately see a use for something in being trouble doesn't mean it has no such use, and partially so you really feel you have something to regain later. Anyway~

"You may be surprised to learn that 'where you're from' doesn't exist anymore. I mean, the world's still there but almost no description you could give it really fits its current form. They have modern conveniences just like I do now. Okay, let's start with the basics from the industrial revolution. See these nice couches and chairs?" She waves at those objects in the living room area. "Or, well, literally any furniture in here? The rug? In the time you're from someone has to make one of these things by hand, the quality varies, the rich alone can afford the good stuff. Nowadays, they use machines running off of electricity--err, lightning, I guess--or sometimes other sources of energy to make stuff like this in massive quantities. It comes out the same every time, perfect copies, dozens to hundreds a day, and so anyone who's not abysmally poor can afford to get stuff as nice as this or better. The existence of a system like this pulls up society to a point where the number of those so poor drops considerably, and your average society does what it can to help even those people because it recognizes that poverty is a weakness of the whole community, not just of any particular individual or small group." Of course she's sugarcoating it, but this is the basics, after all, so broad strokes are necessary. Sometime after Oyoki understands this much, maybe she can bring up the inherent problems.


Lyra nods at Saiya's guess, and then shrugs and starts typing some more.
This is Saiya with me. Her soul is damaged but not as badly as yours. To cut to the chase, if you merge with her you should probably be able to heal much faster than what I can manage.
Sounds nice...uh....merge?
Right. Soul bonding. You'd share a body for a while.
Wow, that's pretty uh...what's she like?

Lyra glances briefly back at the fox-girl, and then responds: Well, she was an animated suit of armor until recently. A little socially awkward as a result. Good kid though.
You worried about being in a girl's body?
Um, a little. But I mean..better than this. Why's she even..ugh..offering this to me though?

The witch turns back toward Saiya to get a direct answer to his question.
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Re: A Splitting Decision

Postby xGoggles » Sun Sep 03, 2017 12:35 am

"Tush tush, sleep is for the weak and so is your argument; it looks pretty obvious to me you just want me to suffer without breaking some of your kind saint ways. But really what are you after? Want me to just apologize and what not? Can I have my powers back then?", she asks in a very unamused tone.

The little girl yawns, not because she was tired, but to express she was bored by the explanation; though she did listen, not like she'd let that show, however, "Oh great, a way to help the weak, unfortunate and the stupid... But of course like any great society, as soon a disaster happens it all goes back to people behaving like the wild~"
Looking around unimpressed by the modern furniture, it might look more comfortable now, well if this was the same for commoners; but nothing her magic could easily improve to make it look like a palace.


"Why, because it is my duty! I have been granted a living body and with that a new purpose. I have always been designed to protect and aid heroes to their cause, now that I changed form, I can still do that but in a different way.", she says, basically talking out loud at the container, not really taking in mind it likely can't hear her.
Her look, determent and passionate, her shadow too all pumped-up, "I know it's a big decision to make but, look deep down in your warrior's heart and know that the sooner you'll be healed the sooner we'll be able to help the world around us."

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Re: A Splitting Decision

Postby Whatevr89532 » Sun Sep 03, 2017 8:57 am

"Hmmm...nope. Lexica, what percentage of known societies that reach the modern age regress behind it?"
"Computing," the robotic voice responds. And then, a few seconds later, "...Point zero two percent."
"You can't argue with statistics. Choosing to help the weak, unfortunate and--yes even the stupid is precisely what makes a society strong, and exceptionally resilient to the very kind of systems collapse you're thinking of. Besides that, the taming of lightning--the ability to produce and employ electricity--opens the door to all kinds of other cool things." Lyra goes up to the TV and turns it on. "This, for example, is a TV. Along with a device called a camera, it's a means of recording and replaying video and audio--uh, lights and sounds I guess--which is used for all kinds of entertainment, as well as for getting information to large masses of people at once. It can even play a series of drawings rapidly one after the other in something called animation, and present entire fictional worlds to the viewer." Kneeling slightly, she taps a VCR-like device and the TV starts showing an episode from the first season of Friendship is Magic*. "Cartoons." Whether or not Oyoki would normally be impressed by the idea of a TV, some of the little-girl Red persona in her is immediately a bit fascinated by the bright, shiny colors and animation.

((*-I don't particularly hate or love the show personally, but it seems like exactly the cartoon Lyra would choose to show off in this situation.))


Lyra just transcribes exactly what Saiya says onto the screen.
..Help the world, huh. Well, I used to be a police officer, you know, until being a museum security guard offered better pay. I dunno if I've got a warrior's heart, but--gah!--I'll try and do what I can, you know.
I should mention the arrangement is mutually beneficial,
says Lyra. Your joining with her would help her soul heal as well as yours. You wouldn't likely be in control of her body unless she let you sometimes. Also, she has plans of joining with another one or two of the other souls around here, if possible.
Well--ow, ow. Ow. Beggars can't be choosers I guess. I'd still get my own body eventually, yeah?
I won't lie. There's some risk you'd eventually just become the same person as her, a single person instead of two. But if that doesn't happen your souls would heal apart and then I'd certainly make you a new body with any look you want.
...I guess if that happened it'd be 'our' or 'my' body still though, right? Okay...I guess that's fine.

The witch looks back and forth between the console and Saiya for a second, and then types and says at the same time, "Is there anything else you want to ask before we make this decision final?"

((This might be a good time to take over Darren. Feel free to make up more about him later on; the basics are that he was a normal guy on a mundane Earth, became a policeman and then later quit the force because their pay was lousy, and became a museum security guard. It was a very dull but well-paying job. And then one night on the job something traumatic happened he can't exactly remember, and he has a few flashes of being in a different world, with cat ears and a tail, wielding a spear, but no real specifics.))
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Re: A Splitting Decision

Postby xGoggles » Sun Sep 03, 2017 7:44 pm

"Hmph~ Just because your servant says son doesn't make it true", this made her Oyoki face-palm herself, was she really getting into an argument about truth?... This was so beneath her, these childlike impulses should be something she put more concern on, she was messing up big time.
There was no arguing with humans anyway.... She recalls a human village once adoring and serving a demon that imitated one of their deities. They lived in denial even when others tried to convince them of the dangers... Well, they all got eaten of course.~ Hijo-ni always has a hard time holding his appetite for very long, even if he so enjoyed playing with his food. This makes Oyoki wonder if any of her demon 'friends' have noticed her reemergence; something very unlikely though, as far as she can tell she was in a different dimension. Maybe for the better.. not like she'd be able to strike any deals with them now in this pathetic body...

Ugh, was that woman still talking about taming lightning? Oyoki rolls her eyes as lightning manipulation wasn't all that hard to learn, as to her eyes fall on the TV. "So you use lightning magic to turn a device into a scrying tool? That's the most ridiculous and most inefficient way to-- Ah, those are cute~", interrupted by her own childlike fascination. Sure she had seen animated drawings before, though not seeing them on paper was new, and so nicely colored! Well still a simple illusion magic could do that too but... this seemed less suspicious or threatening. And humans use this to entertain themselves now? Maybe she should.. just watch it a little, maybe finding manipulative lure in it that she can abuse to take control of the humans~!
Oyoki takes a seat on the couch, without her eyes leaving the gaze of the TV screen.


Saiya gives a few questionable looks at some of the words on the screen, "Mistress Lyra, I need to ask, a 'police officer' is a word used in modern times for something like a town's guard, right? The way he changed profession so easily just for money does give me some concern... But you mentioned something about their memories being incomplete. Do you think this will also help to recover those as well?"

(( Umm, I'll try, but this will be kinda the first time 'taking over' a character, so please bear with me if I mess this up somehow Dx ))

"Well, I'd like to know..how long it takes to--Ow! to recover... Or when the pain..gah..goes away?", the soul still keeping itself strong, but even if it wasn't too urgent, it was rather exhausting to be in this state, a quick fix would be nice.

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