The main food court was the hub of the Galleria from which the other segments branched out. All manner of cuisines were represented from mall staples such as pizza and questionable Chinese to more exotic fares such as Indian and chibi cuisine. And of course, standing in the center stood the jewel of the mall, the double-decked carousel!
Curiously, the smell of food lingered in the air. Was someone still cooking?
AmbushCat wrote:*Like a good little pursuer, the shadow makes tracks for the food court in question.*
The shadow makes their way to the food court proper. No sign of the elusive quarry yet, although the aroma of Teriyaki chicken and pretzels suggested that someone had set up shop in this vicinity.
Chibi Tunnels
Knight Errant wrote:Dact takes out a flashlight... taping it to his spear as he continues along... working his way down the cramped corridor.
The light illuminates the long stretch of tunnels leading further on. These passageways had been built by the Chibiwanbanshu long ago when the galleria was built. The secret society of diminutive ninja had a habit of building secret passageways into important buildings; there was no telling where else they would pop up. Perhaps even Dact had encountered such places before? Was it possible that the Chibiwanbanshu had somehow compromised the Heroes Association?
On occasion the Knight would see markings along various wall panels. The markings looked Chibish, the old tongue still spoken in the chibi marketplace, only it looked like someone had drawn them with crayons.