Moderators: Mendi-chan, Kether
Blaze wrote:Thankfully, she is not really struck with the combined strength of one thousand arms. But it still hurts a lot, and likely sends the princess flying back to lands on her butt.
Elizabeth is not one to show mercy to a downed opponent, it seems. Skipping up once more, she looms over Charlotte, still awash in Indigo. It's like a physical weight pushing her down, making her feel small and insignificant, like an ant. And then the woman raises her heels and skirts and begins to tread lightly on fast-forward, raining down stomps!
AmbushCat wrote:Viridi: *sips her tea* Don't mistake my decision regarding Joni for love and tolerance. By and large, I despise humans and humanoids for the damage they've caused the planet over the centuries. Rampant abuse and creation of Color energies have permanently effected this part of the world in the past decade and a half. I have four of them keeping my original personality intact, for crying out loud!
*sighs deeply and rubs her forehead with her free hand* Sorry about that. What I'm trying to say is that I want to make sure that you and your students really are using your gifts wisely. If you've got everything under control, then that's fine; I can go home, sleep easy tonight, and not have to worry about waking up as the Avatar of Scarlet or something like that.
Whatevr89532 wrote:Jade nods, closing her eyes. She briefly isn't certain whether it should be images of 'smart' things, or thoughts which are themselves intelligent in nature, and just tries alternating briefly between the former and some bits of higher-level programming, philosophical or mathematical knowledge until one or the other produces a result, and then sticks with that one.[/color]
Whatevr89532 wrote:"Well, original-me is the other end of the spectrum: Speed and technique over power and endurance. Look..." Fox pauses briefly, glowing Crimson again to return to the shape he had walking in. He carefully sets down the two sheathed swords on the ground in front of him, and then moves rapidly enough to blur out of view. He appears very briefly standing on top of the courtyard wall, and then after another brief motion blur returns to where he was again. "So...yeah, this is better if you can't take a hit."
Feng wrote:The ninja oomphs as Kazuko chest bumps her.
"H-hey! What gives?!?" says the elf bimbo, trying to break away. "What are we, Sumo Bunnies?" she added, referencing an obscure underground sport involving girls in bunny suits.... It was apparently really popular with the Chibi.
Feng wrote:"I'm all for leaving my past behind me," said the former Chibi elder.... "That being said, what did you have in mind?"
Knight Errant wrote:For a moment she wants to just shrink away... but... no... She clenches her teeth. That would teach her nothing. She moves to twirl away from the rapidfire stomps... skirts flaring as she tries to get to her feet. She has to focus. She isn't beneath Elizabeth... Elizabeth is beneath HER! And she needs to show it! Her red rage burning... mixed with royal indignation...
Blaze wrote:Ling nods in approval as Charlotte also begins to burn with Indigo, which throws off that mental pressure. The gothic duchess tilts her head as the princess stands as an equal. "Oh... magnificent," she says.
Before rushing in again, reaching to take Charlotte's hand for a demure handshake. Again, with far more power than it should have. Enough to send her crashing to the floor if she doesn't do something!
AmbushCat wrote:*Viridi glances at Whatevr's note and scowls, but refuses to pay it further mind and instead continues speaking with Ling.*
Viridi: *chewing on a biscuit* Yes, I saw some of it on my way in. Which leads me to wonder: what is with that yandere ganguro? Feels like I stepped into an in-production anime.
*Ambush can be heard cackling up on the roof as she says this, to which the goddess just rolls her eyes.*
Feng wrote:The ninja glares at Kazuko.... then flashes a dangerous (if bubbly smirk).
"Go go Chest Bump!" she coos, attempting to smack Kazuko in the chest with her boobs, imitating a move she recalls from the Bunny Fights.
Feng wrote:Waffle smiles. "Pamela.... It has a nice ring to it. I like it."
Whatevr89532 wrote:The wolf-girl nods, re-opening her eyes. Some of the added processing power picks up on various other conversations throughout the dojo, audible thanks to her ears, but she doesn't give an indication of this. "Thoughts-into-color-into-thoughts. The potential for a feedback loop is glaring." She tries pulling just some of the thoughts back toward her mind, gauging the effect carefully and stopping well short of overwhelming herself.
Whatevr89532 wrote:"Right," he nods. "I've had a little bit of a chance to try fighting in this form, while getting my house back. I've noticed that if someone isn't able to match me speed-wise I can feint by just slowing down slightly in the middle of a fake attack to be visible to them, and then coming in from another direction. I haven't been up against someone of equal speed, but it's not hard to imagine what happens then. Lots of back-and-forth until one side makes a mistake or can't keep it up anymore."
Knight Errant wrote:She does her best to maintain that state of mind... and moves to brush off her hand with a regal dismissive gesture. Both soft gestures crashing into each other with uncharacteristic intensity.
Blaze wrote:"Ah, Kazuko," Ling remarks, looking towards the Green training group. "She picked a fight with me soon after I founded this place. Her then-boyfriend was a student at a dojo I defeated, and she came after me to extract vengeance. I bested her and she insisted on becoming as strong as I. She may be... callous, but she has changed greatly from the murderous girl she was at the time of our first meeting."
Blaze wrote:The dismissive gesture catches Elizabeth by the wrist and shoves the grab attempt aside. The duchess immediately backs off, moving as if she were in a waltz. She regards Charlotte warily behind that mask, slowly circling here as she waits. Now that the princess has shown her mettle, she wants to see more before committing to another strike, it seems.
AmbushCat wrote:*Viridi is silent for a few moments, sipping her tea.*
It would explain why she expressed jealousy of Ambush's husband like she did, I guess...
Alright, I wouldn't mind taking a look around. Give me a moment to finish up here... this is some good tea.
Knight Errant wrote:Charlotte gathers up her skirts... the elegant, sweeping motion of her movements sped up as she blurs closer. And then dips low in a curtsey... before rising back up in feigned surprise... as if recoiling from a snake in the grass. Except the trajectory of her gloved arm almost coincidentally brings her scepter on an intercept course with Elizabeth. The sped-up action causing the decorative ornament to whistle through the air.
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