Calling all "Heroes"!

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Re: Calling all "Heroes"!

Postby Whatevr89532 » Wed Feb 21, 2018 7:08 pm

Many of the hallway's doors are unlocked, but just lead to ordinary empty rooms one might expect in an unoccupied mansion; some of them are locked. On the end of the hallway opposite the antechamber, a electronic hum starts up, like something big powering on.

If she has any way of telling what the pills are, Applepills might learn that they're actually all sugar pills--harmless placebos. If not, she still might have a bit of a sugar rush coming on. The elevator screeches after a moment, slowing a little harshly but safely to a halt. A typical elevator ding sound plays from a speaker in one of the corners, and the doors open out to some dark underground caves.
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Re: Calling all "Heroes"!

Postby Ookalf » Fri Feb 23, 2018 8:45 pm

Whatevr89532 wrote:Many of the hallway's doors are unlocked, but just lead to ordinary empty rooms one might expect in an unoccupied mansion; some of them are locked. On the end of the hallway opposite the antechamber, a electronic hum starts up, like something big powering on.

Huh? *Ookalf pauses his search for the stairs and looks toward the end of the hall.* What's making that sound?
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Re: Calling all "Heroes"!

Postby AmbushCat » Fri Feb 23, 2018 9:42 pm

*finishes off the last of the pills* Mm... kinda tastes like Vitamin C. Tasty. So... into th' caves, o' up th' shaf'? *looks intently into the darkness, lights built into her irises illuminating what's in front of her* Places an' thin's an' thin's an' choices...
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Re: Calling all "Heroes"!

Postby Abillioncats » Fri Feb 23, 2018 9:54 pm

Dan hears the noise as well, pausing his search. "Whatever is making that noise...I don't like it..." He decides it's probably better to investigate the sound before heading upstairs and starts heading towards where the sound is coming from.
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Re: Calling all "Heroes"!

Postby Whatevr89532 » Fri Feb 23, 2018 10:51 pm

Down below ground, the gravelly voice from the TV before speaks: "You surprised me. I really didn't expect it to be that easy." Turning on her headlights, the pony will see that the source of the voice is another robot. This one is much smaller than the one back at the post office, no taller than an average man. It's sheer black with a bunch of rounded edges, and has regular hands instead of arms that end in weaponry. In one of those hands is something resembling a sword hilt, and in the other some kind of bracer. The hilt sprouts a blue laser sword, about longsword-length, and some glowing hologram-esque hexagons are projected from the bracer, forming the likeness of a mid-sized shield. "I suppose I will have to entertain you personally." The robot moves to a fighting stance.

The room opposite the antechamber is a big ballroom, mostly empty again. There are some grand stairs on either side leading up to a balcony encircling the room that connects to the second story...answering the question of where some stairs might be, if not where anything leading down to where that elevator went is. But sitting at its center is a big machine, consisting of a bunch of copper wire coiled around a big circular structure of some sort. This machine is clearly the source of the loud noise...and it turns out to be an extremely powerful electromagnet! Metal items are drawn toward it with some extraordinary force, which is stronger the closer one is to it. If that weren't enough, a woman is kneeling on top of the big magnet, and nods to herself as it starts to work. "Yep, looks like that was the right lever." She stands up, lowering the goggles over her eyes. "Let's see how many flies this big zapper catches."

((Ehh, the image there has a bit of what looks like metal on display. I'll have to insist that it's some shiny-painted hard plastic I guess.))
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Re: Calling all "Heroes"!

Postby Abillioncats » Fri Feb 23, 2018 11:34 pm

As soon as Dan sees the electromagnet his current weapon vanishes into the void, no use having a weapon out with that thing active. Thankfully he isn't wearing anything metal on his person. He had outfits that did of course, but thankfully he had not chosen to wear them today.

He approached the woman kneeling on the magnet cautiously. "That's a pretty big toy you got there..."
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Re: Calling all "Heroes"!

Postby AmbushCat » Fri Feb 23, 2018 11:57 pm

*chuckles softly* "Entertain me", huh? Then fo'gimme eff'n ah laugh yo' off th' stage. Engagin' Combat Mode.

*Applepills' visage hardens, her eyes and the light cast by them taking on an orange-ish tint. The elephant gun she was using earlier folds out of her back, mounted on a metallic extension. The marks on both her hind legs disappear, and twin jets jut out of them.*
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Re: Calling all "Heroes"!

Postby Whatevr89532 » Sat Feb 24, 2018 12:11 am

The robot remains carefully tensed in position, clearly waiting for its opponent to make the first move. The voice from a speaker inside it even goads her a bit: "How can anyone so easily distracted be an effective bodyguard, I wonder?"

((Erm, I'm under the impression the appearing jets aren't firing her off in a charge at the robot yet as of the previous post. Hopefully that's a correct interpretation.))


"Eh, it's a loaner." The woman with the wolf tail shrugs, then cracks her knuckles, starting to get an unhinged-looking grin. "Lot like you, right? I wonder what breaks first?" Without any further warning, she jumps and dive-kicks right at Dan, aiming for the center of mass. If this misses it's followed up by a swift series of wild, lunging punches toward him.
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Re: Calling all "Heroes"!

Postby Abillioncats » Sat Feb 24, 2018 1:05 am

Dan rolls out of the way from the woman's first attack. Her fury of punches are hard to evade so he resorts to blocking them with his gloved palms. His reflexes are surprisingly sharp and fast for what appears to be an ordinary human. "What's that supposed to mean?" He leaps backwards as yet another vial appears in his hand, though instead of drinking this one he chucks it at the electromagnet. "I wonder how that toy of yours handles acidic corrosion?"
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Re: Calling all "Heroes"!

Postby AmbushCat » Sat Feb 24, 2018 5:55 pm

The robot remains carefully tensed in position, clearly waiting for its opponent to make the first move. The voice from a speaker inside it even goads her a bit: "How can anyone so easily distracted be an effective bodyguard, I wonder?"

Applepills: A better quesshun'd be, "whuffo' is robots not familiar wif th' concepp of hoof in mouth?"

*The bio-android's jets activate, sending her rocketing at the robot in a full-on charge. A sharp 'crack' indicates that she's broken the sound barrier in so doing.*
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Re: Calling all "Heroes"!

Postby Ookalf » Sat Feb 24, 2018 8:15 pm

Whatevr89532 wrote:The room opposite the antechamber is a big ballroom, mostly empty again. There are some grand stairs on either side leading up to a balcony encircling the room that connects to the second story...answering the question of where some stairs might be, if not where anything leading down to where that elevator went is. But sitting at its center is a big machine, consisting of a bunch of copper wire coiled around a big circular structure of some sort. This machine is clearly the source of the loud noise...and it turns out to be an extremely powerful electromagnet! Metal items are drawn toward it with some extraordinary force, which is stronger the closer one is to it. If that weren't enough, a woman is kneeling on top of the big magnet, and nods to herself as it starts to work. "Yep, looks like that was the right lever." She stands up, lowering the goggles over her eyes. "Let's see how many flies this big zapper catches."

((Ehh, the image there has a bit of what looks like metal on display. I'll have to insist that it's some shiny-painted hard plastic I guess.))

Ack! *Ookalf grabs hold of his sword to try and keep it from being dragged toward the magnet.* Who are you, anyway? Are you the one who set all this up!?
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Re: Calling all "Heroes"!

Postby Whatevr89532 » Sat Feb 24, 2018 8:35 pm

Applepills comes flying, and the robot seems to stand still for longer..longer...longer....! Until suddenly, with just a fraction of a second left it steps aside with calculated precision and bashes at her with its quite-solid holo-shield, aiming to throw her off course. The battleground she's rocketed herself into are some decently wide but intricately winding tunnels carved into the rock belowground; there's no big straightaway to slow down on even if the shield misses or has a less than impressive effect.


"What, like I didn't see you being all 'murr, I guess I'll go help'? You're such an emo, like one a' my animes~!" Some mocking gestures and a pretend-slumped posture accompany all this. Since she's doing that, the vial goes unblocked and shatters against some of the coiled wires. The acid inside hits the copper and starts the expected chemical reaction, expelling a noxious fume, but it seems like it didn't hit too much of the copper, and the machine keeps working. Ookalf might have to consider letting the sword go, at least temporarily; getting closer to the magnet only increases the blade's desire to go flying. "Do I look like a planner to you?" The woman presses the attack at Dan, going for an impressive jumping roundhouse, and landing gracefully back on the ground. "I'm more of a breaker!" After that it's a feint left with a swift right hook to punish the wrong reaction.
Given how tied up Ookalf is with holding his sword, it might seem a little strange she's still attacking the guy who's demonstrated some ability to defend himself...
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Re: Calling all "Heroes"!

Postby Abillioncats » Sun Feb 25, 2018 2:06 am

"You talk too much..." Dan dodged the initial attack, unfortunately the right hook nearly catches him off guard and he barely manages to avoid it. For now it seems that he is on the defensive.

Of course that wasn't all he was planning, the corrosion had failed to take down the machine, so he tried something a bit more destructive, he summoned into his hand, quickly pulling the pin out before simply letting go of the explosive. The electromagnet would easily pull the grenade right to it.
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Re: Calling all "Heroes"!

Postby AmbushCat » Sun Feb 25, 2018 10:58 pm

*Applepills is indeed thrown off-course, but she seems to have more or less predicted this outcome. Whirring and shifting noises, accompanied by a soft orange glow, signify that something is taking place---at which point the bio-android shifts in the span of .2 seconds from pony to human. The skin, hair and eye colors are the same, and a cowgirl-esque set of clothes have materialized over her.

*The jets that are now positioned on her hips pivot and reverse themselves, drastically slowing her down before she can implant herself into a rock wall. Applepills takes the opportunity to snatch the elephant gun off her back and snap off a pair of shots at the robot without looking, testing its mettle with her basic ammo.*
Last edited by AmbushCat on Sun Feb 25, 2018 11:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Calling all "Heroes"!

Postby Ookalf » Sun Feb 25, 2018 10:59 pm

Whatevr89532 wrote:"What, like I didn't see you being all 'murr, I guess I'll go help'? You're such an emo, like one a' my animes~!" Some mocking gestures and a pretend-slumped posture accompany all this. Since she's doing that, the vial goes unblocked and shatters against some of the coiled wires. The acid inside hits the copper and starts the expected chemical reaction, expelling a noxious fume, but it seems like it didn't hit too much of the copper, and the machine keeps working. Ookalf might have to consider letting the sword go, at least temporarily; getting closer to the magnet only increases the blade's desire to go flying. "Do I look like a planner to you?" The woman presses the attack at Dan, going for an impressive jumping roundhouse, and landing gracefully back on the ground. "I'm more of a breaker!" After that it's a feint left with a swift right hook to punish the wrong reaction.
Given how tied up Ookalf is with holding his sword, it might seem a little strange she's still attacking the guy who's demonstrated some ability to defend himself...

I mean, It's not like I know you or anything... *Ookalf decides after a minute that trying to hold his sword back won't get him anywhere and lets go, allowing it to fly off for the moment. He then runs toward the woman and Dan to try and interrupt their fight.*
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