Moderators: Mendi-chan, Kether
Abillioncats wrote:The bunny warrior is in a tight spot, with just one hand free and an army of egg minions on her tail, it doesn’t look good.
Suddenly a might carrot sword appears in her free hand, she had no idea she could do that! The first egg minion that gets too close gets thwacked with it.
Ookalf wrote:Oh boy... *Ookalf notices the trouble her follow bunny warrior is in and, still trying to avoid all the yolk, runs toward the chocolate monster to try to pull her out of it.*
Feng wrote:Bunni blink blinks.
"Liiiiiiiike what are y'all doing? OOooooh~! Eggs! They're soooooo cute~!"
Fortunately the girl unclips herself from Dact and, pulling a giant Easter basket from seemingly nowhere, proceeds to start collecting the colored eggs seemingly ignoring their attempts to fight back.
Knight Errant wrote:Dact is relieved as the bimbo disentangles herself from him... and goes to help fight? Well... kind of? He doesn't have much time to ponder that turn of events, but goes to pull his shield in closer to compensate for his lack of bimbo armor. Going to smash and shield bash his way through the eggy hoard.
xGoggles wrote:Ookalf runs towards her ally, and almost get hit by some yolk of an egg minion got thwacked in her direction.
The bunny warrior gets sucked in further and the monster didn't seem very pleased with help arriving for her so.. it lifted it's arm and smashed its massive fist towards Ookalf!
Ookalf wrote:Hup! *Ookalf hops out of the way of the monster's smash, then attempts to slice its arm off!*
Abillioncats wrote:Well, this didn't seem good for the bunny warrior. It wouldn't be long before her head submerged into the liquid chocolate, she didn't want to think about what would happen then...
Feng wrote:Braincells? What little intellect she retained from being exposed to Green was almost certainly destroyed by the violet. Nonetheless, luck works in Bunni's favor as she does inadvertantly set the basket down to go pick up a quarter, her rear swishing and swaying from side to side.
"Teehee~! So shiny!" she coos, oblivious to the fact the eggs in her basket are about to go BOOM.
Knight Errant wrote:Dact blink blinks and looks around as the eggs start to vibrate and get ready to blow! "Oh... crap." Dact lowers the visor in front of his face and crouches down behind his shield!
Whatevr89532 wrote:Soon after landing on Dact, the pizza guy notices a bunch of..candy-monsters!?...right in front of him. "Yikes!" He teleports backwards without really looking, winding up on the opposite edge still facing the same direction, particularly away from the creatures he's now the closest to. At least he's standing on his own power at the moment. "Oh man, what crazyland did I show up in this time? No tip is worth this!"
xGoggles wrote:The arm of molten chocolate comes clean off and falls to the ground, crushing several egg minions, but only to make the monster grow back another arm in its place! It will be quite difficult to make injuries stick against its liquid-like body.
However, it seems the yolk of the crushed eggs were reacting with the cut off chocolate, dissolving it and created.. bunnies!
Abillioncats wrote:The bunny warrior drops her carrot sword, seeing how the monster's body reacted to the eggs, she instead grabbed one of the said eggs with her free hand and pulled it into the mass of chocolate with her entire arm. It was a bit risky because only her head was free now but she was betting on the egg reacting to the chocolate like the others had before.
Ookalf wrote:Oh, crap... *Ookalf eyes the bunnies carefully, watching to see if they'll attack like everything else.*
Whatevr89532 wrote:Hearing more concerning noises behind him, the man turns around and is immediately jumped by a kamikaze egg. "Gwaaah!" He clutches at it ineffectually, staggering backwards a couple of steps but it seems like this explosion is going to hit its mark.
Feng wrote:Bunni giggles, watching as the eggs explode her basket, showing the area with Easter grass.
"Yay! Yay!" she claps. "It's like the Fourth of July except, like, Easter or something?"
She is distracted by the sudden appearance of another bunny girl.
"Oooooh? Hello! I love your outfit~!" she says, mincing over to the former Dactylos.
Knight Errant wrote:Dact blinks... looking to the busty bunnygirl. Or... OTHER busty bunnygirl. "Err... thanks...?" She looks about... weren't they still in the middle of a fight or something?
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