Beware of Violets

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Beware of Violets

Postby Whatevr89532 » Tue May 29, 2018 7:58 pm

On a certain street corner, two rather strange werewolf girls are heckling everyone passing by. The shorter one in a frilly dress is holding up a piece of cardboard (sometimes sideways or upside-down) with the words "WILL CUTE 4 $$$" written on it along with a lot of hearts and grinning cartoon wolf faces. The other one, tall and wearing a t-shirt long enough to hide the shorts she's...probably wearing, runs around excitedly wagging her tail at people.

Next to the shorter one is a big jar with a surprising amount of bills stuffed inside of it. The reason for this becomes evident as one NPC passerby approaches. "Hiiii~!" says the shorter one while her friend runs up in front of him, looking up with puppy-dog eyes. "How would you like a hug to brighten up your day? Orrr.." her eye gains a bit of a glint to it. "My sister here can punch you into next week! Heehee~!"

"Uhh.." After looking quickly between the two of them, the NPC flees, leaving behind a 10-dollar bill.
"Aww, he didn't want a hug either," says the tall one, catching the money and tossing it to her sister, who drops it into the jar.
"It's okay~! He was nice to us."

((I don't have a "plan" for this but wanted these two to get more "screen time". So whatever happens, happens.))
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Re: Beware of Violets

Postby xGoggles » Tue Jun 05, 2018 4:59 pm

A somewhat shady figure arrives at the corner of the street and watches the two girls in action for a while. Then when they were remotely left alone, after scaring another victim, he started to approach them. Getting a closer look, this man didn't seem all that much different from an average hobo if not a bit more well-kept, wearing a hat and a few too many coats.. also wearing a little plastic clown's flower on his jacket.
"Hey there, Lil' Miss's~", he starts with a raspy voice.

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Re: Beware of Violets

Postby Whatevr89532 » Fri Jun 08, 2018 2:11 pm

The taller one bounces cheerful up to him, her tail wagging in a friendly manner. "Hii~! Do you want a hug?" she says, looking sparkly-eyed at the very idea.
"Only ten cents a second!" her sister adds.
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Re: Beware of Violets

Postby xGoggles » Sun Jun 10, 2018 1:24 am

The man chuckles in his raspy voice, whereas the laugh finished with a few coughs. "I'm nat really one of thm hugging types, but I do know whereis you can get sum money with thm beat-em-up attitude, if you know what'm saying."

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Re: Beware of Violets

Postby Whatevr89532 » Fri Jun 15, 2018 1:54 pm

"Ooh, really~?" the taller girl puts her hands together with an delighted expression, but only seems to have paid attention up until the word 'money'.
"My sister's suuper strong," the other one, clearly the brains here, says. "We might be interested."
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Re: Beware of Violets

Postby xGoggles » Sat Jun 16, 2018 1:59 am

He smiles and says, "Very good. But how 'bout a demonstration? See that car over there?" He points over his shoulder to a car that looked even in a worse state than he was. "Not working the way I like'm. Care to give it a beat and show yar skill in them breaking?"

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Re: Beware of Violets

Postby Whatevr89532 » Wed Jun 20, 2018 2:36 pm

"Hmm..hey Gigi. That car's a meanie," says the smaller one, pointing at the car.
"Rilly?" She doesn't initially look convinced.
"Yaah! It's on of those um, transformy-robots! It's just pretending to be car so the good guys won't catch it!"
"Ooh~." Gigi cheerfully nod-nods, and then bounces over to the car. She then delivers a single uppercut with enough force behind it to turn the car from a ---- shape into more of a /\ and have the momentum further flip the two pieces over on their backs to either side of the car's original position. At least, if it really is a normal, beat-up car. "That'll teach you to be mean!"
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Re: Beware of Violets

Postby xGoggles » Thu Jun 21, 2018 1:59 am

The man claps a few times with a slow pace. "Now thas how I like'm", he says, not really making clear if he was talking about the car or Gigi's fighting power.

"Say.. ya got some potential, Lil' Miss. How ya feeling, on trying that against some that'll try to do the same to ya?~", he suggests, going on with his offer from earlier.

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Re: Beware of Violets

Postby Whatevr89532 » Wed Jul 11, 2018 8:36 pm

"Are they meanies too~?" Gigi asks, turning to face the man again.
"I'm sure they're all suuper mean. Or something like that," Ebb suggests, clearly on board with the idea.

((Egh, this always happens in the summer to me. Get some awful writer's block and then I start to feel inclined to use what ability to write I have on the captions and stories before coming here. Sorry to disappear for weeks at a time.))
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Re: Beware of Violets

Postby Maiden Miki » Thu Jul 12, 2018 1:57 am

"Should I interfere?" said a man with large glasses. He took a deep breath and shifted a bit on the bench that he was sitting on. The man had spent the last few minutes watching what was happening before him with the two wolf girls. "Something tells me I should be wary of this situation."
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Re: Beware of Violets

Postby xGoggles » Thu Jul 12, 2018 2:41 am

"Heh, mean?", he chuckles a bit. " Haha, yah. They are the ugly kind of 'mean' alright. Stumping-down anyonez pretty faces, no matter how cutesy ther face iz", he says grinning to Ebb.
"If ya'r interested, let Mr.Snooze show ya tha way. I might just know a place to earn some of the green while punching away some of the red, if you know what'm saying~", the man says and turn around making a hand gesture to follow him.

The man with the glasses still unnoticed while he was watching from a distance. The situation did sound pretty shady.. dangerous even, but was it his job to ensure the wolf-girls safety?
His thoughts might be interrupted by some croaking sound from behind the bench.. Whatever could that be?

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Re: Beware of Violets

Postby Whatevr89532 » Thu Jul 12, 2018 10:14 pm

Gigi nod-nods and starts following; Ebb takes a moment to grab the jar, quickly transferring its monetary contents into various pockets hidden in her outfit, emptying it out pretty quickly and then wearing it like a glove on her left hand. They both end up behind "Mr. Snooze" with a characteristically violet bouncy step.
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Re: Beware of Violets

Postby Maiden Miki » Thu Jul 12, 2018 10:45 pm

The man watched for a bit longer. He had some thoughts to follow the group and see where they go. Though it seems as if his attention may be somewhere else for a moment.

"What?" said the man as he adjusted his glasses and turn around to see the source of the croaking noise.
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Re: Beware of Violets

Postby xGoggles » Fri Jul 13, 2018 1:59 am

And so the girls followed Mr.Snooze, leading them towards the more darker parts of the city. The parts where any illegal activity and gang violence wasn't far off. Want some illegal substance like clockwork-orange? Or perhaps sell off some bimbos you caught wandering around aimlessly? Or maybe open a fight club? Well, these streets were the place to be, the neighborhood popular with criminals, nicknamed 'The Fish Shed'. Why? Because there was always something fishy going around here. Definitely not a safe place to be without some protection, the right contacts.

When turning around he'll find.. a multicolored frog?.. Hmm, aren't those flashy colored ones very poisonous on touch? He better be careful!

But, oh wait, the wolf girls are getting out of sight, if he still wants to follow them he should start now or he might lose them!

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Re: Beware of Violets

Postby Maiden Miki » Sun Jul 15, 2018 1:29 am

"Yeah...I have traveled enough to know that brightly colored frogs are something you don't touch...," said the man as he slowly got up and began to follow after the girls and man.
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