Disturbing the Peace

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Re: Disturbing the Peace

Postby xGoggles » Sat Jul 14, 2018 1:59 am

The bee-servant nods and then without warning jumps into the hot tub! "Thezzze bathrooms are soo fancy~", she smiles and relaxes~
Now for those extra perceptive, the temperature of the tub they were in changed every so slightly starting from the bottom and few more bubbles originated.. leaving off a honey-like smell?.. What a relief that she didn't have to look for a 'bathroom' anymore~

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Re: Disturbing the Peace

Postby Whatevr89532 » Sun Jul 15, 2018 11:03 pm

Rover sniffs the air briefly and then jumps out of the tub quickly, landing on all fours on the floor nearby; she visibly resists an urge to shake herself dry. "Grooooss! You must not've been human long, eh?"

"Yeeeeah...naw." Choca starts toward the bedroom door. "If it was as simple as that, I think Chandre would've told me."

"Oh, sure sure!" the fox-girl nod-nods to the bespectacled man. "This is the home of Mistress Flemur, previously Ragelord Flameroar. She used to be this huuuge terrifying rage demon," she pantomimes 'huge' and a pair of giant horns. "I never saw it in person, but there's a painting in mistress's bedroom. I used to be a normal, boring fox! But the Mistress has this suuuper cool machine that--"

At this point, a high, loud squeak of despair is audible throughout the entire castle, carrying throughout the entire building despite not going over the intercom system. It is at its loudest near the kitchen and dining room, naturally. The owner of the house, just stepping out of the shower and into a fresh set of clothes, sighs and wonders what in Muffinville is going on now.

The fox-girl's ears perk up at the squeaking sound. "Oh my, it sounds like something's really spooked Monique! Sorry mister, I gotta go make sure dinner still happens after she inevitably faints." With no further explanation, she dashes off down a particular hallway. He could probably follow her if he wants, or go snooping around...but there's no telling how friendly the next person he could run into will be.
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Re: Disturbing the Peace

Postby Maiden Miki » Mon Jul 16, 2018 12:25 am

The glasses wearing man was listening to what the woman was saying. He politely waited for the right moment but it sounded as if the loud screaming wasn't going to let him speak. He quickly covered his ears in an attempted to defend against the scream. Before he knew it, the fox girl had ran off.

"Well, not like I got anything else to do here. Also curious where this is going. After all, Monique is an interesting sounding name so she must be an interesting person," said the man as he chase after the fox girl.
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Re: Disturbing the Peace

Postby xGoggles » Mon Jul 16, 2018 1:07 am

The bee-girl tilts her head, oblivious that she did something wrong. A few more scented bubbles pop up, "Grozzzz?? That is not my name silly~", she giggles. "Oh, yeah~! I'm human! I have handzz and stuff, bzzz, see~", she says and shows her hands and waves around while remaining seated inside the hot tub.

"But I did win, right?? If you get defeated by anything else than a knight in shining armor, that reflects sooooo bad on your grade! Like you wouldn't believe!", she says getting worried about her grades. "Wait, the princess will be there at the dining hall, right?"

"Oh, burnt dumplings, this isn't good.. I better disguise myself before others arrive", said the voice outside the kitchen. A few flashes behind the wall and then a 'maid' climbs through the window into the kitchen. She looks down at the likely fainted bunny-maid, then tries to wake her up, "Hey there, are you okay?"

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Re: Disturbing the Peace

Postby Abillioncats » Mon Jul 16, 2018 7:37 pm

Cathy was out of the tub rather quick herself as she looked at the bee-girl. "Hey hey hey! Don't do that in the tub!"
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Re: Disturbing the Peace

Postby xGoggles » Tue Jul 17, 2018 1:54 am

"Oh~? Whoopsy, bzzz, sorry~", she giggles and gets out of the tub as well. Looking back at the tub, the bubbles of it start to gain a violet-y hue to them. Maybe best that non-Violet people avoid this hot tub from now on.

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Re: Disturbing the Peace

Postby Whatevr89532 » Sun Aug 12, 2018 9:17 pm

The fox-girl dashes off at speed, but a young man with a longer stride like the bespectacled man should be able to keep up with her easily enough. After passing through some not-too-confusing passages and hallways, she arrives at a kitchen where a bunny-girl maid lies fainted with a dragon-girl-looking "maid" trying to wake her. The bunny-girl isn't exactly unconscious, but she's certainly not functional either, her eyes big swirls and her throat making a high-pitched noise reminiscent of a slowly deflating balloon. "Hey there! You wouldn't know what spooked Monique would ya?" She notices who she's talking to at this point, and suddenly dashes closer, taking a closer look at the "dragon-maid" by zipping around to look at her from five or six different angles in quick succession. Without even the time for a word in edgewise, she continues: "Heeeey, are you on loan from somewhere else or something? I'm sure I'd have heard by now if we got a dragon--" and then she interrupts herself again by suddenly turning her head upward slightly and sniffing the air, and dashes over to the stove, standing over the bee-girl's "creative cooking". "And just what was Monique making here? I thought it was veggie-meat soup today!"

With the other dragon-girl, the catgirl maid continues to lead the way toward the dining room. "Mmn...oughta be. Unless some other disaster hits. If not, at least Chandre prolly knows what happened."

At the hot-tub, Rover stands back up on her feet, her ears drooping a bit as she sees what's going on with the tub. "Ough, someone's gonna hafta clean that." Turning to Cathy she says, "Pardon me, I'm gonna try and make sure it ain't me that gets the job. And I need to get a towel on me quick or I will shake this water off all over th' place..." And she starts off toward the changing room in a slight hurry.
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Re: Disturbing the Peace

Postby xGoggles » Tue Aug 14, 2018 2:00 am

"Ummm, yes, that sure sounds like the reason why I, a maid, am here", the dragon nods, fully agreeing with whatever reasoning the foxmaid gave.
Noticing the maid was now paying more attention to the stove, she leaned in, taking a peek and a sniff as well. "Hmm, a very special dish indeed... Mind if I help out with this a little? It won't take long", she asks but didn't particularly waits for an answer as her strong white tail lifts and moves the foxgirl aside in a gentle manner, so the dragon had enough room to cook.
She opened up invisible cabinet doors from mid-air as if portals to some pocket dimension full of food and ingredients. Taking a few exotic looking vegetables out, chopping them in quick succession and added them to the 'soup'. Continuing with slicing a piece of what looked like a tail of a giant monster, then skillfully cuts out the eatable pieces from the meat, seasoning them with some mythical herbs, then waits for the right time to add them in as well.
Fortunately enough, the concoction didn't smell or look that bad anymore. It started to become quite appetizing really.

The dragongirl guest follows without any trouble, "Other disaster? Like that screaming just now? Is that normal??"

The bee-girl waves the dog-girl goodbye, then buzzes and skip towards her queen to ask, "Heyyyyyy, watcha wanna do, bzzz, now?"

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