As T.A.C
waited for Score to heal and tried to bring back Jamie (good
luck) John decided to battle at the Fighting Dojo. Just before
entering a student went flying out the window.
"You know, doors are for leaving buildings," he said to
the student.
"I know. you don't have much control over direction when
you're Seismec Tossed."
John entered the Dojo, Ariel by his side. Immediately, a Machamp
grabbed Ariel and tossed her halfway across the room.She
recovered, landed on all fours, then proceede to put the Machamp
on ice.. Ice Beam, that is.
"Hey, what was that for?" a disgruntled student asked.
"Tossing a Pokémon is not a good way to start a
"No, but it can start a Pokémon battle! Go, Machoke!"
"Fine, Spark! Attack!"
"Machoke! Rolling Kick!" The Machoke curled into a
ball, and just before reaching Spark, leaped out feet first . . .
over the Jolteon's head and into a punching bag! "Spark,
Thundershock!" Spark let loose it's energy and the Machoke
didn't get up. "Machoke, return! Go, Mankey."
"Spark, Bite it!" Spark chomped Mankey, but was left
open for a good Karate Chop. This resulted in one nasty
Thundershock, and some delicious K.F.M. "Mankey,
return!" The student walked away. . . and flew across the
dojo. Where he was a Hitmonlee stood, with a Hitmonchan next to
it. A Black Belt appeared. "I am the Dojo Master. You are
good with your Pokémon, let's see how good. Hitmonchan, assume
battle position!"
"Hmmm, go, Chaz!" Chaz appeared. "Hitmonchan, Fire
Punch!" Chaz became a fireball, but released a Mega Punch,
giving Hitmonchan a taste of his own medicine. "Chaz, follow
it up with Rock Throw!" Rocks appeared, and Hitmonchan
knocked some away, but was pelted by others. "Hitmonchan,
Ice Punch!" Chaz became a ice pop, and John was about to
return him when the ice shattered and a Graveler appeared!
"Alright, Chaz, evolution! Use Tackle!" Chaz looked
confused. John scanned him a bit, then realized, "Oops,
sorry. I meant Self Destruct!" Chaz concentrated, took
another Ice Punch then blew up, sending everybody in range
flying. After the dust settled John gathered up the pieces. They
reformed into a fainted Graveler. The Dojo master walked up to
him. "Good fight. As a reward I wanrt you to have one of
these Pokémon. His Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee appeared, each
holding a Pokéball. "Oh great. I was never good with
choices. Eenie, meenie, miney, mo, catch a Persian by the toe. If
it Scratches let it go, I choose you!" He snatched the
Hitmonchan's Pokéball and opened it up to reveal. . . a
Hitmonlee! "Huh? What's going on here?"
The Dojo master chuckled. "Just a trick I like to play.
Please, return later to train with us."
John left the dojo, Hitmonlee in tow. "Hmmm, I'll name you
Jackie." returning Jackie to the Pokéball, John headed back
to the hospital.
"Feel the Storm, It's coming"-Terry Bogard (Fatal
Fury- The Motion Picture)
The Three-Hit Eeveelution Combo!
Flamethrower-Water Gun-Thunderbolt
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