The SC2K Cheat Page
- Ardo-$500,000
- Cass-$250 or disaster (15% chance of Disaster)
- Fund-A $10,000 bond at 25% interest
- Joke-A Joke
- Porntipsguzzardo-$500,000 and all rewards
(Version 1.0 only)
- Pirntopsguzzardo-Same as above (Version 1.1 only)
- Vers-Version Number (Handy for knowing which of
the two above works for you!)
- Cass-$250 or disaster (15% chance of Disaster)
- Darn-The Church Virus (I Don't know what that
means. Maybe "Attack of the Churches"
- Fund-A $10,000 bond at 25% interest
- Heck-The Church Virus
- Joke-A Joke
- Memy-Memory Test
- Test-Memory Test
- Torg-Could someone who has version 1.1 SC2K for
DOS tell me what this does? (I don't know. It was
mentioned on Maxis Website.)
- The Big Cheat (Do not type that in!)-Type in Fund
twice and accept both Bonds. Go to the Bond book
in the Budget menu. Issue a bond, Repay the first
bond, Issue another bond, repay another bond.
Issue one more bond and do not repay any more
bonds. ($1.4 million every year)
- Cass-$250 or disaster (15% chance of Disaster)
- Fund-A $10,000 bond at 25% interest
- Joke-A Joke
- Oivaizmir-THE DEBUG MENU! Full of worse disasters
than the ones on the disasters menu, A selection
that gives you $500,000 next month, and a
selection which gives you all the rewards!
- Gomorrah-If you have a Nuclear Power Plant, it
will have a meltdown.
- Buddamus-$500,000 and all rewards
- Gilmartin-Military Base
- Noah-Starts a flood
- Moses-Stops a flood
- Mrsoleary-Starts a fire
- Cass-$250 or disaster (15% chance of Disaster)
- Fund-A $10,000 bond at 25% interest
- Joke-A Joke
- Imacheat-$500,000 and all rewards
- Priscilla-DEBUG MENU!
- Gilmartin-Military Base
- Noah-Starts a Flood
- Vaudeville-a dancing Arco.