SimCity 2000 & SCURK Files

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Here are the sections you can go to:

Note: All off these files are zipped unless otherwise mentioned


I need some cities from you! E-Mail

  •  Kniddle River Valley-By Pipian-This city is in the 1900s, and has just been born. There are two main towns, Kniddle and Knoddle. If you develop this town, and send it back to me, I will post it. This file is unzipped.

SCURK Tilesets

Please send in some SCURK tilesets. E-Mail.

  •  Original Cycle-By Pipian-This is essentially the original set included with SimCity 2000, but I have added more color cycling.

     Future Cycle-By Pipian-This is the same as the Original Cycle, but it is done with the future tileset.

     Both Cycle Tilesets-This is just a zip file with both sets included.

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