IRC log of Cochineal on 2012-02-03

« 2012-02-02 (Previous)

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00:30:14 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has left #Cochineal [Quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
00:37:21 [nathanbp|work]-!- nathanbp|work has left #Cochineal [Quit: Quit: Leaving.]
01:35:41 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has joined #Cochineal
01:35:42 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on Puyopuyo
03:04:55 [gadgetgrl]-!- gadgetgrl has joined #Cochineal
03:05:00 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on gadgetgrl
03:05:26 [gadgetgrl]!pointer
03:05:27 [Sacchi]
03:09:48 [gadgetgrl]two things: gah, i should have never heard about jellyfish princess dvds
03:10:04 [gadgetgrl]: pax prime is a possibility, but i will know more in a month or so hopefully?
03:10:21 [gadgetgrl]if not, my house is probably available for you guys (but probably not friends)
03:10:32 [gadgetgrl](of yours)
03:12:00 [gadgetgrl](maybe one or two)
03:12:19 [gadgetgrl]i have space for 2 in my room for pax east right now
03:12:24 [gadgetgrl](allie can't make it)
03:12:33 [Puyopuyo]So just you and Wally?
03:12:50 [gadgetgrl]right now
03:12:57 [Pipian]I need to buy Saturday tickets
03:12:59 [Pipian]but
03:13:00 [Pipian]so lazy
03:13:03 [gadgetgrl]heh
03:13:24 [gadgetgrl]you guys are the first to hear about the room opening..i might open it to a few more
03:13:32 [gadgetgrl]before considering consolidating or whatnot
03:14:02 [Pipian]What you think I don't plan on just blowing my bike tire out by biking cross town again?
03:14:07 [Pipian]Because that's totally what I plan on doing
03:15:18 [Puyopuyo]You should get Phillip's bike.
03:15:24 [Pipian]psht
03:15:27 [Pipian]I got my own
03:15:30 [Pipian]Unlike his
03:15:33 [Pipian]Mine works and is fine
03:15:38 [Pipian]It could probably stand to be cleaned up
03:15:44 [Pipian]So that the brakes don't squeal
03:15:47 [Pipian]But otherwise it's fine
03:15:49 [Puyopuyo]But his is legendary!
03:15:56 [Pipian]You know it
03:16:27 [gadgetgrl]is it lengen---dary?
03:16:40 [gadgetgrl](been watching too much "how i met your mother" in the bg)
03:16:54 [Puyopuyo]Oh, Jenn, you apparently have NEVER friended me on the 3DS.
03:17:01 [gadgetgrl]oh?
03:17:03 [Puyopuyo]Yeah.
03:17:13 [gadgetgrl]will have to do so
03:17:15 [Puyopuyo]My friends list is all "MAKE SURE JENN HAS YOUR FRIEND CODE!"
03:17:18 [gadgetgrl]lol
03:17:18 [Pipian]I don't think I have either
03:17:34 [Pipian]Instead I have a bunch of people who send me ponies in that note thing
03:17:39 [gadgetgrl]lol
03:17:41 [Pipian]Which I haven't logged in to see in forever
03:17:45 [gadgetgrl]i haven't used the note thing yet
03:17:52 [Pipian]Or, for that matter, to play Mario Kart
03:17:53 [Pipian]gosh
03:17:55 [Pipian]I'm slipping
03:18:02 [Pipian]I should probably charge it huh
03:18:12 [gadgetgrl]i still need to get that
03:18:18 [gadgetgrl]and plug in mine >.>
03:19:07 [Pipian]Just as I need to get Mario 3D Land
03:21:14 [gadgetgrl]i think the phrase that sums that game up for me is, "it gets better"
03:28:16 [Puyopuyo]It does.
03:28:28 [Puyopuyo]It starts really mediocre, but gets quite a bit better later on.
03:32:27 [gadgetgrl]off topic: anyone know a good html5/javascript programmer willing to work on contract for mid-feb to mid-april?
03:32:34 [gadgetgrl]i need one for thesis >.>
03:32:50 [gadgetgrl]preferably with experience/interest in games
03:33:05 [Puyopuyo]...I'm inclined to not recommend my friends because they are standard comp-sci assholes, but they're talented. I'll inquire if they'd be interested.
03:34:34 [Pipian]Hah well
03:34:42 [Pipian]If I had time :hah:
03:34:59 [Pipian]I am doing some nifty semi-HTML 5 stuff now
03:35:07 [Pipian]Except it has nothing to do with the <canvas> tag
03:35:13 [Pipian]Which I have a sneaking suspicion you'll need
03:36:29 [gadgetgrl]yeah, i do need that :/
03:36:41 [gadgetgrl]i can deal with assholery if they actually get stuff done
03:37:05 [Pipian]<canvas> is not going to be something you'll find an average JS programmer to handle
03:37:10 [gadgetgrl]i know :/
03:37:16 [gadgetgrl]tell me about it, it's not my ideal situation
03:37:21 [Puyopuyo]I'll ask then.
03:37:24 [Pipian]But I'll inquire around.
03:37:28 [gadgetgrl]but i'm working partially with my lab, hence being able to offer contract-pay
03:37:30 [gadgetgrl]and not just credit
03:37:35 [gadgetgrl]cool, thanks!
03:37:37 [Pipian]Not that being from Boston helps matters
03:37:48 [gadgetgrl]i'm okay with remote if they can deliver
03:38:03 [gadgetgrl]and are okay with skype or other chat formats
03:38:32 [Pipian]I dunno
03:38:53 [Pipian]From my experience it's going to be a fuckton easier to deliver if they can talk to you and demo in person
03:39:03 [Pipian]From a software engineering perspective
03:39:08 [gadgetgrl]i agree
03:39:11 [gadgetgrl]but i'll take what i can
03:40:03 [gadgetgrl]we have someone in person now...i'd rather have a remote person
03:40:20 [gadgetgrl]if it means i actually have something by april
03:40:46 [Puyopuyo]Your person is not very reliable?
03:40:58 [gadgetgrl]we're overdue
03:41:00 [gadgetgrl]by a lot
03:41:11 [gadgetgrl]and it has yet to have game elements implemented
03:41:28 [gadgetgrl]luckily this is not effecting my project yet
03:41:34 [gadgetgrl](thesis)
03:41:42 [gadgetgrl]but it is effecting the other project it's being created for
03:41:58 [gadgetgrl]this doesn't leave this chat room, btw
03:44:26 [Puyopuyo]"I have a friend who is overdue on her project because one of her partners sucks!"
03:45:11 [Puyopuyo]>_> Not exactly an uncommon scenario. Though given that it's in the logs, probably preferable that we don't put names on today's log.
03:46:25 [Pipian]I can add a robots.txt block
03:47:16 [gadgetgrl]no, that was last semester
03:47:39 [gadgetgrl]eh, more that friends you talk to don't hear about it
03:52:49 [Pipian]Oh hey
03:53:06 [Pipian]Boston is getting that Ghibli thing
03:53:08 [Pipian]thanks MFA
03:54:45 [Pipian]It'd allow me to finish up the ones I need to see (Kiki's, Castle in the Sky, Nausicaa)
03:56:27 [Puyopuyo]Yeah, I'll pass on too many personal details.
03:56:32 [Puyopuyo]Business is business after all
03:58:21 [gadgetgrl]i missed nausicaa when it went through the ifc this winter :/
03:58:37 [gadgetgrl]that an the yamadas the only two i've missed
03:58:45 [gadgetgrl](thanks, Sam!)
04:01:28 [Pipian]Well I have to go tomorrow or I'll miss out on Kiki's
04:01:35 [Pipian](I'll skip Howl's)
04:01:43 [Pipian](So it goes)
04:05:25 [gadgetgrl]no, not howl's!
04:05:34 [gadgetgrl]it happens though
04:06:08 [Pipian]Well
04:06:10 [Pipian]It started on the first
04:06:18 [Pipian]And Howl's happens to be the first one tomorrow
04:06:22 [Pipian]Which means I'd miss it anyway
04:09:00 [gadgetgrl]makes sense
04:09:04 [gadgetgrl]are they all subbed?
04:35:17 [Puyopuyo]I'm being asked about the nature of the programming task.
04:45:10 [gadgetgrl]2d, dungeon crawler, with a splash of math
04:45:19 [gadgetgrl](math learning)
04:57:52 [nathanbp]hey there's backlog to read
04:59:44 [nathanbp]Jenn you haven't seen Nausicaa?!
05:04:14 [nathanbp]I'm afraid the only HTML 5/Javascript person I know is myself, and while I have been wanting to learn some more about the canvas tag I dunno how much time I'd have to write things >_>
05:27:29 [gadgetgrl]nope, haven't seen it
05:28:01 [gadgetgrl]yeah, that's the situation we're getting into a lot
05:29:11 [Pipian]I'll nose around upstairs
05:29:29 [Pipian]I mean it is the W3C. If one of them doesn't know a guy, well
05:30:30 [gadgetgrl]what are our universities coming to?
05:31:46 [Pipian]Not getting me in the position to really interact with those who hack with <canvas>. That's what.
05:31:55 [Pipian]I'm certain some MIT students do.
05:32:02 [Pipian]I just don't know them
05:32:58 [nathanbp]do people really do games with canvas vs. with absolute positioning of divs?
05:33:28 [nathanbp]seems like positioning images would be easier...
05:33:28 [Pipian]nathanbp: If you need to do complex sprite stuff (e.g. Mode 7 crap) it's nice.
05:34:01 [nathanbp]it actually supports that kind of stuff?
05:34:10 [Pipian]If you're doing things like arbitrary paths and such, yeah, you could do SVG, but <canvas> is probably better.
05:34:16 [nathanbp]I haven't had to pay attention to it behind drawing lines
05:34:41 [Pipian]<canvas> is basically a canvas you can draw on.
05:35:02 [Pipian]i.e. you could implement bit-blitting on it
05:35:09 [nathanbp]yeah but don't you have to redraw the whole thing every frame?
05:35:33 [nathanbp]vs. just using HTML which basically already has layers?
05:36:04 [Pipian]Yeah you do have to redraw each frame
05:36:21 [Pipian]I mean if it's simple spiriting, you're probably better off with just divs
05:36:32 [Pipian]But any advanced imaging, go with <canvas>
05:37:01 [Pipian]e.g.
05:37:05 [Pipian]If you want to do emulation
05:37:47 [Pipian]
05:37:48 [Sacchi]Mandelbrot Set in HTML 5 Canvas
05:37:50 [Pipian]Or Mandelbrot sets
05:39:08 [Pipian]
05:39:08 [Sacchi]Canvas Cycle: True 8-bit Color Cycling with HTML5
05:39:13 [nathanbp]please don't tell me there's an SNES emulator written entirely in Javascript
05:39:25 [Pipian]Or reimplementing old ColorCycling images from Monkey Island, etc.
05:39:38 [Pipian]Well, I had a link to an MSX one
05:39:48 [Pipian]But I couldn't get it to run in Chrome (it wanted to download instead)
05:40:08 [Pipian]That said
05:40:09 [nathanbp]well yeah, but neither of those involve redrawing entire frames
05:40:12 [Pipian]The answer to your question is
05:40:13 [Pipian]
05:40:13 [Pipian]Yes
05:40:15 [Sacchi]JSNES: A JavaScript NES emulator – Ben Firshman
05:40:33 [Pipian]Although it's actually NES
05:40:34 [Pipian]So
05:40:37 [Pipian]Same dif
05:40:43 [Pipian](redrawing every frame)
05:41:42 [nathanbp]yeah, ok
05:41:51 [Pipian]But in those cases, you want canvas
05:41:53 [nathanbp]You're supposed to show me these things while I'm at work
05:41:54 [Pipian]Not div
05:42:00 [Pipian]Nor SVC
05:42:06 [nathanbp]so I can claim to be doing research
06:04:14 [gadgetgrl]you should do research by making my game ;p
06:04:35 [Puyopuyo]...wouldn't that belong to the government?
06:05:30 [Puyopuyo]As I seem to recall Nathan working for a government contractor.
06:11:50 [gadgetgrl]um...i suppose if on work hours and equipment...
06:13:29 [Puyopuyo]I thought it was "research" if he did it during work?
06:13:30 [Puyopuyo]>_>
06:13:37 [gadgetgrl]true...
06:13:38 [gadgetgrl]damn
08:24:31 [gadgetgrl]-!- gadgetgrl has left #Cochineal [Quit: Quit: gadgetgrl]
09:39:49 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has left #Cochineal [Quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
15:43:22 [nathanbp|work]-!- nathanbp|work has joined #Cochineal
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17:12:22 [Pipian-Work]-!- Pipian-Work has joined #Cochineal
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18:22:52 [nathanbp|work]Hey the Negima! manga is finally ending soon
18:23:22 [nathanbp|work]then I'll just have to wait another 2 years for all the volumes to be out in the US
19:05:28 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has joined #Cochineal
19:05:29 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on Puyopuyo
21:56:24 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has left #Cochineal [Quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
23:39:49 [Pipian-Work]-!- Pipian-Work has left #Cochineal [Quit: Quit: Pipian-Work]