IRC log of Cochineal on 2012-02-28

« 2012-02-27 (Previous)

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00:10:36 [nathanbp|work]-!- nathanbp|work has left #Cochineal [Quit: Quit: Leaving.]
03:14:50 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has joined #Cochineal
03:14:50 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on Puyopuyo
03:38:16 [gadgetgrl]-!- gadgetgrl has joined #Cochineal
03:38:22 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on gadgetgrl
03:38:49 [gadgetgrl]!pointer
03:38:49 [Sacchi]
03:39:15 [Puyopuyo]When are you leaving to GDC ville, Jenn?
03:39:22 [gadgetgrl]saturday morning
03:39:46 [Puyopuyo]Try to get a Kojima Productions/Konami/KojiPro shirt!
03:39:51 [Puyopuyo]You'd totally rock it.
03:44:38 [gadgetgrl]um...good point...they're hiring right now too, so might be able to snag swag that way too
03:45:12 [gadgetgrl]um..only need to sign up...yes please!
03:45:39 [gadgetgrl]man, i hope i can make it there in time
03:46:17 [gadgetgrl]be sure to let me know if you hear of other awesome things as well
03:46:34 [gadgetgrl]it's sometimes harder to hear when you're in it, than when you watch it from a distance
03:47:21 [Puyopuyo]Yeah, I'll keep my ears open on gamasutra.
03:47:36 [Puyopuyo]You shall be giving out cards, hobnobbing, and connecting.
03:47:39 [Puyopuyo]And I'll be doing recon.
03:47:44 [Puyopuyo]Clearly I shall be your Otacon.
03:47:51 [gadgetgrl]sounds good :)
03:47:57 [Puyopuyo]('ve played MGS, right?)
03:48:17 [gadgetgrl]yes, though the original played much better than the new one imho
03:48:34 [Puyopuyo]The new one?
03:49:23 [gadgetgrl]yeah
03:49:37 [Puyopuyo]Ah
04:00:42 [nathanbp]Boo no heroic madness kill before 10% nerf :(
04:02:49 [Puyopuyo]10% nerf?
04:03:28 [nathanbp]They're nerfing the instance by 5% every month or so
04:03:34 [nathanbp]so it's 5% nerfed now
04:03:40 [nathanbp]and the 10% nerf goes live tomorrow
04:06:37 [nathanbp]The first Madoka DVD box arrived. I need to read the shinbo interview before I decide if I'm buying the rest or not
05:19:19 [nathanbp]ugh ok I give up on finding where I'm supposed to go next in Super Metroid
05:21:44 [Puyopuyo]Have you gone to Norfair?
05:22:02 [Puyopuyo]Hrm. You've got the plasma, so you've had to been there.
05:22:11 [Puyopuyo]There's some statues you can powerbomb, if I recall correctly.
05:22:24 [nathanbp]I think I've been to every section
05:22:26 [Puyopuyo]Or did you finish Norfair?
05:22:33 [Puyopuyo]Did you beat Ridley?
05:22:47 [nathanbp]I don't think so
05:22:57 [Puyopuyo]Then you should go back to Norfair and poke around some more.
05:23:23 [Puyopuyo]Ridley's the dragon, and there's no reward for beating him, oh, and he's hard.
05:24:06 [nathanbp]does he come out of that dragon statue thing in brinstar?
05:24:32 [Puyopuyo]No.
05:24:37 [Puyopuyo]That dragon statue thing is the 4 boss thing.
05:24:45 [Puyopuyo]And if you beat all 4, it takes you to Tourain, the last part of the game.
06:04:43 [nathanbp]ok just getting to ridley kinda sucks
06:05:11 [Puyopuyo]Yup
06:06:40 [nathanbp]gonna have to wait for tomorrow cause I spent all my HP swimming through lava
06:57:52 [gadgetgrl]-!- gadgetgrl has left #Cochineal [Quit: Quit: gadgetgrl]
07:55:45 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has left #Cochineal
07:55:45 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has joined #Cochineal
07:55:45 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on Puyopuyo
09:00:12 [Puyopuyo]-!- Puyopuyo has left #Cochineal [Quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
15:28:34 [nathanbp|work]-!- nathanbp|work has joined #Cochineal
15:28:41 [ChanServ]-!- ChanServ set mode +o on nathanbp|work
16:28:44 [Pipian-Work]-!- Pipian-Work has joined #Cochineal
18:45:39 [nathanbp|work]From an anime thread I read: "I think Nisemonogatari 08 just Usagi Drop'd me and I'm pretty upset about it."
19:05:56 [Pipian-Work]It's still happening?
19:06:21 [Pipian-Work]Shitty anime?
19:06:25 [Pipian-Work]Color me surprised
19:09:06 [nathanbp|work]haha
19:10:44 [Pipian-Work]Sorry
19:10:51 [Pipian-Work]I tend to hear crappy things about anime of late
19:10:54 [Pipian-Work]Rather than
19:11:12 [Pipian-Work]"Oh man this is the new Time of Eve/Dennou Coil/etc.)
19:11:41 [nathanbp|work]There certainly haven't been many outstanding anime recently. Not sure that it's really any worse than it ever was though.
19:16:05 [nathanbp|work]Madoka is probably the last one I was really impressed with
19:17:08 [Pipian-Work]Same
19:17:15 [Pipian-Work]Even then I've mollified on it a bit.
19:18:51 [Pipian-Work]But then there are only so many stories to go around
19:24:02 [Pipian-Work]-!- Pipian-Work has left #Cochineal [Quit: Quit: Pipian-Work]
19:36:28 [Pipian-Work]-!- Pipian-Work has joined #Cochineal
21:01:41 [Pipian-Work]-!- Pipian-Work has left #Cochineal [Quit: Quit: Pipian-Work]
21:24:43 [Pipian-Work]-!- Pipian-Work has joined #Cochineal
22:09:04 [Pipian-Work]-!- Pipian-Work has left #Cochineal [Quit: Quit: Pipian-Work]
22:20:28 [Pipian-Work]-!- Pipian-Work has joined #Cochineal
23:30:00 [Pipian-Work]-!- Pipian-Work has left #Cochineal [Quit: Quit: Pipian-Work]