SimCity 3000

This page is under construction.
Here are the sections you can go to:
Please send in any info you have about SC3K Here.
SimCity 3000 Video -By Maxis
A *.AVI Player
This video is shown on Maxis' Website. It mainly has
Maximus Artes
Updated -By Me
SimCity 3000
This is a newer version of Maximus Artes, one of the
first SC3K cities on the web.
Artes Original -By Me
SimCity 3000
This is the original version of Maximus Artes, one of the
first SC3K cities on the web.
Also at Planet
SimCity and soon to be at SimCity
3000: Main Street
Flat Terrain -By Me
SimCity 3000
This BMP file requires you to use the terrain loading
code on
256x256 terrain
Flat City -By Me
SimCity 3000
This is a successful city based on the flat terrain. A
little terraforming was done to create a seaport, and the
city is on a 6x6 tile road map. This tiling will leave a
4x6 vertical strip and a 4x6 horizontal strip and 1 4x4
Detroit -By
"Don Gambino"
SimCity 3000
This was a city that was sent in to me. It is a good
sized town (823,473) with a good treasury ($3,084,680)
and a good income ($51,345/y).
Terrain Color Maps
These terrain color maps make your terrain look
different colors. Install them into the
SimCity3000\Game\Res\Dirt\PALETTE directory. Make sure
you back up your original files, though I supply the
default one here just in case. All editing was done in
Photoshop 3.0. All engineering was done from the default
colorings. Please ask before taking these to put on your
webpage. If you don't, at least credit me and have a link
to my webpage.
Atlantis -By Me
SimCity 3000
This terrain color map makes it look like your city is
underwater. Palland.bmp and half of Palunder.bmp were
given a color balance of blue.
-By Me
SimCity 3000
This terrain color map is the same as above, but now,
when you build mountains high, they now have the out of
water colors.
Default -By Maxis
SimCity 3000
This terrain color map is the one provided by Maxis. I'm
providing this just in case you lost your original
terrain color files.
Desert -By Me
SimCity 3000
This terrain color map looks like a desert, with a color
balance of yellow.
Greyscale -By Me
SimCity 3000
This terrain color map is black and white, with a switch
to greyscale and back to RGB.
Mars -By Me
SimCity 3000
This terrain color map looks like Mars, with a color
balance of red.
Rainbow -By Me
SimCity 3000
This terrain color map looks like a rainbow, with changes
in the hue/saturation.
Reverse -By Me
SimCity 3000
This terrain color map is reverse. Deep blue is shallow
water, and white is low land.
Solar -By Me
SimCity 3000
This terrain was solarized.
Maxis' SC3K Page-Includes
a video.
SC3K Links
Ultimate SimCity 3000 Links Page-All the SC3K links
on the net are here. Even Mine!
The first SC3K
Page-Now Planet SimCity
unofficial SC3K Site-home of the SC3K Web Ring
Update Page
In-depth Review
SimCity 3000: Main