Transport Tycoon Deluxe

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Transport Tycoon Cheats

  • At the beginning of the game, dig a tunnel across the continent-Gives you money!

Transport Tycoon Deluxe Cheats

  • Invest 75% into a company when it has gone bankrupt DO NOT CLOSE THAT WINDOW! Push it to the side. Pull it out later. Sell your stock. You now have a lot of money!-Note: this has been prone to crash when you do this. Save your game beforehand.


Please send in some TTDeluxe files by E-Mail. Please zip your files.

Transport Tycoon Deluxe Cheats -by Aron Spohr
These programs will Hex Edit the TTDeluxe program. It is prone to either not work or cause TTDeluxe to not work. Back up your TTdeluxe program beforehand. This is a zip file.

Rich Game -By James Dove
This is a zip file. The games file name is trt99.sv1. Please place accordingly, so you don't lose your files.

Beatle Transport -By Me
This is a well run game. It's in the year 1977 and if you don't build anything you should make up to $400,000 a year. The file name is trt41.sv1. This is zipped

Michael -by Ejon7
This game is on the easy level with one computer player. The annual income is $900,000.


Yahoo's TTDeluxe Links
Phil McCrum's TTDeluxe page-A lot of files!
The Unofficial TTDeluxe Page-Very Detailed
The Unofficial TTDeluxe Page's Links-Many!

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